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Men Exploited Vulnerable Sikh Teenager, Leicester Court Told (Moghul Darbar Case)


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Aabidali Mubarak Ali (39), Rakib Iacub (20), Wajid Usman (22) accused of exploiting Sikh teenager, a Leicester court is told.


Three men exploited a vulnerable 16-year-old girl by offering her money for sex, a jury has been told.

The teenager was sometimes picked up from college and taken to flats or a guest house to act as a prostitute, Leicester Crown Court heard.

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    Leicester Crown Court, where the men are on trial

    She shared cannabis and alcohol during several meetings, when a variety of sexual activity, including group encounters, was engaged in, it was claimed.

    It is an offence to pay anyone under 18 for sexual services, the court was told.

The defendants, who went on trial today, claim they were unaware the girl was under 18.

Aabidali Mubarak Ali (39), of Guthlaxton Street, Highfields, Leicester, denies five counts of paying for the sexual services of a child, five of trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation and one of facilitating child prostitution.

Rakib Iacub (20), of Maynard Road, Highfields, denies four counts of paying or promising to pay for sexual services of a child, two of facilitating child prostitution and one of trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation.

Wajid Usman (22), of no fixed address, has pleaded not guilty to one count of paying for sexual services of a child and two of inciting child pornography, by encouraging the teenager send him indecent images of herself.

The jury were told three other men have admitted similar offences relating to the same girl.

Matthew Lowe, prosecuting, said: “She was emotionally damaged young woman with significant problems that pre-date these allegations.

“She smoked cannabis, drank alcohol to excess and self-harmed.

“These defendants and others took advantage of her vulnerability and knowing her age, or turning a blind eye to it, they’ve either promised to pay, or paid, for sex.

“They were prepared to overlook her vulnerabilities and her age to satisfy their sexual desires.”

By November last year, the girl was raising money by offering sex for £20 a time.

Mr Lowe said: “Between November 13 to early January this year, the sex that took place between her and the defendants occurred at various locations.”

He said a couple of encounters took place at a flat Kashmir Road, St Matthews, and a flat in East Park Road, above the Moghul Durbar restaurant, where Usman was then staying. He had worked on an informal basis at the restaurant, the court heard.

Mr Lowe said that over time the situation came to be known by the girl’s family and the Sikh community, of which she is a member.

“On January 14 there was an attack by members of the community on the Moghul Durbar restaurant,” he said.

Giving some background to the case, Mr Lowe said the alleged victim came into contact with the defendants after first meeting Iacub by chance at a Diwali festival.

They exchanged numbers and shared text messages.

She allegedly told him her age and let him know she would have sex for money, the court heard.

Iacub requested and received “a free sample” in Abbey Park, Leicester, which is not subject to any charge.

He then introduced her to Ali, it was claimed.

They both went to bed with her at a B&B in Saxby Street, Highfields, when Ali allegedly paid her £30.

Mr Lowe said: “She was then bombarded with texts and calls from men she didn’t know.

“Word had gone out there was a young girl prepared to offer sex for a low price.”

Ali allegedly picked her up and dropped her back off at college in his car after encounters.

The trafficking offences relate to her being driven to rendezvous for sex.

The jury was told that three other men, who pleaded guilty to counts involving the same girl at an earlier hearing, are Bharat Modhwadia (25), of Wycombe Road, Humberstone, Leicester, Hamza Imtiazali (25), of Kashmir Road, and Chandresh Mistry (37), of Berridge Lane, Belgrave, Leicester.

The trial continues.

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This is why the likes of Keith Vaz won't help the Sikh Community as the Labour Party is infiltrated by paedophiles. The Labour Party lacks the courage to root out this evil, once again why did the Police prosecute the Sikhs who stopped the abuse in continuing.

Vote UKIP do not vote Lib\Lab\Con


Labour Councillor for Leicester Manish Sood found guilty of Grooming School kids for sex.
Posted on August 5, 2012 by labour25

labour25-logo-with-transparent-backgrounlabour-party-councillor-and-convicted-chTHE TOTAL NOW REACHES 36 LABOUR PAEDOPHILES IN THE UK
The parents of the children swore at the Labour Councillor as he was found guilty of trying to molest their children as he was ushered quickly by security staff at Leicester Crown Court. The paedophile known as Labour Councillor for Leicester Manish Sood who stood in the dock brings the Labour Party paedophiles to total a staggering 36 with Four others arrested and slipping through the court system. But there was no slipping away from the judge at this court.. and the verdict was guilty.
labour-party-councillor-and-convicted-chThe Labour25 listed paedophile Manish Sood, spotted an advertisement by a school girl for a job in Gumtree, an online service with a part time work column. Paedophile Manish Sood then decided to phone her and asked her for sex at a fixed price. The child got frightened and was so scared, she told no-one but her friend in her school. She told her friend what the paedophile Labour councillor was asking her to do for him. He sent scores of filthy text messages and phone calls of an explicit nature.
The victims friend got angry, so she rang Manish Sood and told him to leave her friend alone. Manish Sood then asked her who she was and when he realised that she was a child too, he asked to meet her for a ‘massage.’ ‘’I will pick you up from school.’’ he commented. ‘’Can you bring condoms for me.’’ He added, then he asked the child to wear toe rings. The filth poured out and the Two children couldn’t stop the Labour paedophile. Around 200 phone calls and text messages by Manish Sood were received by the children offering sex for money. He offered them £200 each, but the kids refused.
Then they realised he wouldn’t go away, so they contacted their teacher, who listened in on the conversation by the Labour paedophile. The Judge gave him a Three year supervision order and banned from being near children unsupervised. Manish Sood admitted in court his fixation for little girls. His mother, also involved with the Labour Council in Leicester as aid to the Mayor, stood by him throughout the trial, saying he was a ‘good man.’
leicester-labour-council.jpg?w=150&h=98If it wasn’t for the protection of paedophiles by the Leicester Labour Council.. the newly prosecuted Labour25 paedophile Manish Sood would be in prison for grooming children.
The parents shouted ‘’Labour Paedophiles at it again.’’ And ‘’Get with the Labour25 paedophiles.’’ At the closing of the case when a member of Parents Against Paedophiles gave out 120 leaflets to passers by who vented their anger.

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Disgusting and sickening the amount of muslim paedophile rape and sexual exploitation gangs there in the UK preying on Sikh, Hindu and other non-muslim girls such as atheist white girls as recent cases have shown.

But it doesnt suprise me that these foolish naive girls (who maybe legally over the age of consent)... CHOSE to mess around with these vile muslim guys knowing or not knowing of the consequences of their actions. When I was in school, college and uni days I too encountered these type of slaggy Indian, paki, bengali, white, black girls (of all religions) who wouldnt mind sleeping around with older guys because of their own sexual desires and immaturity and thinking they are grown up and cool now. They would even exploit their bodies for money so if this punjabi girl did offer so called sexual favors for money I would not be suprised.

Lets not let the girls off the hook when they get with muslim guys and are exploited they too need to feel the full fury of the community if they CHOSE to get involved willingly with a muslim guy or any guy that is indecent. There have been various news stories over the years posted of muslim rapists and sikh girls who were duped by their ex-bf into committing crimes for them. So parents are not doing their job evidently teaching their daughters of the dangers I call that neglect of duty. so lets not let any sikh girls parents of the hook either for such incidents.

I am glad that the Sikh community in lesta are not sleeping that they are willing to get on the streets and punish those who exploit stupid non-muslim girls thinking the Sikhs will not react or defend their sisters in faith honor even if some of these so called sisters are a liability to the kaum than an asset. I read of many hindu girls are exploited by their muslim bf's in on hindu forums but rather standing up to the muslim paedo rapists they stay slient and even would offer more of their women to the muslims like in history to get financial gain. So one positive outcome that we can get from this case is that Sikh do not take too kindly to those who mess with our womenfolk.

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Taran is completely right. Give heads up whenever you can, you should develop intuition to know when the time is right. If you develop this you can approach ANY kind of person and talk about this to warn them.

This is happening to a very primary degree here in Cal unis.

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ThereS two Gujji names in there two SCUM deport them back to their mud huts

Taran is completely right. Give heads up whenever you can, you should develop intuition to know when the time is right. If you develop this you can approach ANY kind of person and talk about this to warn them.

This is happening to a very primary degree here in Cal unis.

What do u mean by - This is happening to a very primary degree here in Cal unis.?

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