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Baba Deep Singh Ji !

Guest Desii

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Guest Desii

I have a queation some agnostic person told me that baba deep singh ji's head was not cut off while fighting but it was wounded badly on the neck! Can some one plz tell me what the real story was as he even said that guru nanak dev jis hand print was infact carved into the rock at panja sahib , ppl like these really get on my nerves i believe the real and original stories not wat the athiest and agnostic ppl believe but just so i can carry my debate on with him i would want the sangat on this site to enlighten me abit WJKK WJKF !

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Well it sounds like speculation whenever you deal with any miracle in the world a supernatural act or event, the very laws of physics and sciences halt. So proving a supernatural event becomes impossible in that case. Even if we gave accounts from parties who observed such act, your agnostic friend could say they were delusional or are lying or were backwards people with very little understanding of science or superstition, for them it makes more sense someone is mistaken in the observation they made and recorded then a big law of science being halt (abit like pigs flying). As for agnostics ask them why they don't confess to actually being atheists, what keeps them in that limbo? Besides most early agnostics used the term to hide from christian social oppression while in heart were atheists.

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Things like this are so unbelievable to those without faith and 'rational' thinkers that they actually have to change history and re-write things to how they see fit. I say this because I recall the same topic being bought up about Baba Deep Singh Ji and how it actually says he was only wounded on the neck in a history book when clearly the Mughal account tells another story i.e. that his head actually came off and was still fighting.

If you read Gurbani, you will come across Guru Ji talking about Riddhis and Siddhis. If you research what these Siddhis are, and you believe in what Guru Ji is telling you (that the Siddhis come to Gurmukhs), stories like this will not be so unbelievable after all.

I could tell you stories (first hand accounts from my Dad my Uncle, my sister and even myself) that would make any 'rational' thinker conclude that I should be locked up in a psychiatric ward. These 'miracles' were all performed by prominent Sikh Saints. If they could do these things, what do you think the likes of Baba Deep Singh Ji could achieve? The stories are on par with the Baba Deep Singh Ji 'miracle'. But I won't go into these here on a public forum.

Tell you friend or whoever told you that they can believe whatever they want but tell them not to make fun of you for your faith and what you think is possible. Better yet, don't discuss such things with people.

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Guest Faith

Who access what people think, we all know that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was and still is beyond amazing and Baba Deep Singh Ji was and still is a Total Badass!

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Guest Desii

Thank you Dilbir singh, Sikh Seeker and Kalsingh for helping me out! My faith is strong in Guru ji i have nothing to lose its ppl like these that have everything to lose, they claim they know alot but actually dont know anything and love it rationalize everything! These guys r the "see it to believe it" type of ppl, so watever i say they wont want to believe it! Ive learnt now its best i dont argue with these ppl...

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