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Young(15Yrs Old) Sikh Confused About Sikhism And God, Help Please

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Just over a couple of days ago I was pondering over the question what was destiny - and came to a realization that it is your karma that has put you in a situation in which you can control your decisions hence forth you can change your fate and Destiny at that given moment of time.

I know this great wisdom and knowledge is given to me by the great waheguru himself as it is said that if you read pauri 37 of jap ji sahib you will will come to a realization of Destiny and you will have the power to write your own destiny

A day later after realising what I do in the present moment will effect my destiny - hence there is no true 'karma' because what was the past is the past, dream, memory...etc so karma doesn't exist.

Is that correct?

But here's the tricky part

After pondering on waheguru for hours during the day - and being told in the bani that waheguru is - all pervading, beyond all, detached yet indulged,invisable to all, yet within.

So does this mean waheguru ji is cosmic energy beacsue that is all around us and within us and so when we did we elevate and become a form of that energy, because if you think about it when we chant waheguru we think positivily because we associate God as good, hence we do good and people observe this and act good to us(this is what most of us think as good karma)

And when we think negatively we build negative energy which is unleashed out to different observers who then think negatively of us , and treat us in a negative way, is this what is meant by 'what you sow is what you reap'

So does this mean that everything is how our sub conscious and conscious mind perceive it as, or is God truly in control?

So is my theory why gyani don't believe in karma and its effect?

Hence nothing is good or bad, because everything Will return to become cosmic energy - because energy is used to make and destroy it.

Is that why the guru ji also says you can control the mind from the five vices - because they are just a form energy that me manipulated through changing your mind - with positive thinking by saying waheguru - because we associate waheguru as positive and blissful

So is this why the guru ji say 'don't ask a for a house in heaven and don't be scared to live in hell' because it is what we do with our energy that determines our future - meaning that individual's that fail education ( get poorer jobs with poorer wages) has no hope of becoming richer, despite having faith in waheguru after the tests where completed meaning his (my cousins) was diverted at the wrong time.

Or can God change the destiny of a person who is Destin to fail, and only prayed after the tests?

So my true questions to you Are

When you ask for worldly prayer- they do not get answered because you did not divert your energy correctly in the correct situations (eg concentrating on education for good job hence good wage)

Or Can it all change with faith?

Even if you've failed big things like tests

Secondly do the guru ji refer waheguru a cosmic energy?

On separate matter is energy included in the 3 qualities of life in the bani, or is it just a mere element

I do have a lot of faith but my perception of waheguru is really confusing me , so I need answers

Thank you for the help, it is greatly appreciated.

Waheguru bless you

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Don't worry khalsa ji in few minutes this forum will be filled by all kinds of preachers. We don't have shortage of preachers. I'm one of them.

I would suggest reading SGGS ji and find time to ponder upon the meaning. It's not just one or two paths that you do and then try and understand things. Probably that is why you are confused. As you will go through SGGS ji you will understand everything.

I believe it's difficult to give a definite answer to the questions that you have posed. What's karma? What happens to us when we die? Who decides destiny? Can it be changed? What's beyond the universe and them after that? Who controls everything? Etc etc.

It's supreme power. You can call it cosmic energy. But it doesn't work the way you and I think. Sometime people are punished even though they haven't done anything wrong. Then people say he must have done something wrong in his past. Etc etc. nobody knows?

Some people get everything easy but some don't even after so much hard word. This is all in bani. You don't know. You can say if I do 100 good deeds I will get something in return. You might not.

Moral of the story- He does whatever pleases him. Nobody can control his actions nor can predict. Nobody can make a log of goods and bads and then balance the worksheet.

More to come.

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Veer ji, here is nice explanation of different type of karma. It will help you understand, how and why, Jeev has to reap karma's fruit.


And anything we do in Present is known as karma too. According to Gurmat, our Present is just that one moment you live in Present. Therefore, every latest second you lived, would be known as Past Karma.

Who is Vaheguroo, his form? It is out of question for this neech to answer, but here is what Gurbani says,

Shabad and Vaheguroo are One. When we chant on his name, it increases positive energy in oneself.

" Shabad Guru Surat dhun cheela". - Sidh Gosht.

In Sukhmani Sahib, Guru Arjan dev ji explains how Naam (Gurmantr) is cause to everything exists. Naam is form of a vibration, when you chant on Naam, You are tuning urself to vibration of the Supreme energy.

Good deeds helps us to maintain the momentum to chant on Naam and increase Good energy in oneself.

Bad deeds lowers the positive energy- and that is called negative energy. To understand this fact, Imagine if you turns of a light what is left behind? exactly all darkness. same way as you lower then positive energy in oneself, it is called negative energy.

The next Sidhant/believe of Gurmat is, his mercy calculates the fruit for our deeds. Infact, Besides our good karma, his mercy still plays main role to decide what we get in the end.

However, it does not mean that we wouldnt get fruit for our good deeds.

Gurbani says, " Prabh ghalya kise ka ik til na gvave".

So, don't take it in negative way. It is whole big creation and it's secrets and adventures.

Chant on Naam and wait for the time to reveal its secrets!!!

He knows better, when to reveal any secrets to us as to why certain things are in such way.

humble opinion jee


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Please could someone reply, it would be really helpful

At one point GOD created itself in many manifestations to experience itself from all the knowing. Knowing, a conceptual understanding of all that is, was not enough. It yearned to experience itself. Hence manifestation came forth with a free will to make it choose what part of itself it wants to experience. Because you can only fully be something after you experience physically. So you are small god creating an experience. In other words you are helping GOD be GOD. The planning is happening before you show up on this or any other plane for your, so real physical experience. The planning in the spiritual plane on where, how, when, parents, places and circumstances one will encounters that will lead you to your experience are preplanned, how you respond to them, is up to you via your free will. Soul yearns to experience all kind of emotions. As white light is not devoid of color but contains all color, so is love which contains all kinds of emotions not just love. For you to experience love one must know what love is not only then can you know what love is. In truth Love is all there is (GOD is Love in Truth, all else is an illusion). The urge to merge in the unity is the extreme experience yearning for soul which it is after, since we are a three part being, mind, body and soul . Mind more often goes on its own tangents creating experiences based on duality mostly ego and fear . Our body is a reflection of what our mind holds. Essentially we are all the same only with different level of awareness. An infant is no less perfect than a grown person. In an absolute, divine and godly way all things are everything. It’s only our mind, sense based subjective opinion which reinforces the illusion of need exist, superiority, insufficiency, judgment, condemnation, conditionality exist. The only difference is that there are those who remember their true self more or remember less. The souls who remember more (sages, prophets, gurus etc) volunteer to help those who remember less of their real self. The only worthwhile experience to create is within, If you do not go within you go without. Outside lies the illusion inside the real truth. If we remember all the parts of us rather than this manifestation, our experience will have no purpose, like a magician performing tricks for himself. So the built in Amnesia exist. In short it’s not what you are doing but what you are being your soul is after. Feeling is the language of soul. You could be doing anything but are you being selfish, arrogant , loving , compassionate …… is the aspect of you that you experience. In end LOVE is the ultimate reality. The feeling of LOVE is your experience of GOD.

Anyway Give yourself time and be cautious about people advices.

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Just over a couple of days ago I was pondering over the question what was destiny - and came to a realization that it is your karma that has put you in a situation in which you can control your decisions hence forth you can change your fate and Destiny at that given moment of time.

I know this great wisdom and knowledge is given to me by the great waheguru himself as it is said that if you read pauri 37 of jap ji sahib you will will come to a realization of Destiny and you will have the power to write your own destiny

A day later after realising what I do in the present moment will effect my destiny - hence there is no true 'karma' because what was the past is the past, dream, memory...etc so karma doesn't exist.

Is that correct?

But here's the tricky part

After pondering on waheguru for hours during the day - and being told in the bani that waheguru is - all pervading, beyond all, detached yet indulged,invisable to all, yet within.

So does this mean waheguru ji is cosmic energy beacsue that is all around us and within us and so when we did we elevate and become a form of that energy, because if you think about it when we chant waheguru we think positivily because we associate God as good, hence we do good and people observe this and act good to us(this is what most of us think as good karma)

And when we think negatively we build negative energy which is unleashed out to different observers who then think negatively of us , and treat us in a negative way, is this what is meant by 'what you sow is what you reap'

So does this mean that everything is how our sub conscious and conscious mind perceive it as, or is God truly in control?

So is my theory why gyani don't believe in karma and its effect?

Hence nothing is good or bad, because everything Will return to become cosmic energy - because energy is used to make and destroy it.

Is that why the guru ji also says you can control the mind from the five vices - because they are just a form energy that me manipulated through changing your mind - with positive thinking by saying waheguru - because we associate waheguru as positive and blissful

So is this why the guru ji say 'don't ask a for a house in heaven and don't be scared to live in hell' because it is what we do with our energy that determines our future - meaning that individual's that fail education ( get poorer jobs with poorer wages) has no hope of becoming richer, despite having faith in waheguru after the tests where completed meaning his (my cousins) was diverted at the wrong time.

Or can God change the destiny of a person who is Destin to fail, and only prayed after the tests?

So my true questions to you Are

When you ask for worldly prayer- they do not get answered because you did not divert your energy correctly in the correct situations (eg concentrating on education for good job hence good wage)

Or Can it all change with faith?

Even if you've failed big things like tests

Secondly do the guru ji refer waheguru a cosmic energy?

On separate matter is energy included in the 3 qualities of life in the bani, or is it just a mere element

I do have a lot of faith but my perception of waheguru is really confusing me , so I need answers

Thank you for the help, it is greatly appreciated.

Waheguru bless you

Waheguru ji ka khalsa

Waheguru ji ki fateh

Khalsa ji nobody knows their past or future.

So why waste time thinking !

Concentrate on present.

Read, contemplate & follow Gurbani.

We all get to experience Dukh-Sukh ie pain-pleasure in our lifetime.

Accept both & adapt, like we do with Day n Night.

As day turns into night similarly Sukhs turn into Dukh & vice versa.

Nothing is constant !

Times change like seasons, Gursikhs learn to live in Shukrana & not in resentment.

Waheguru ji ka khalsa

Waheguru ji ki fateh

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You're right you do "reap what you sow" but it may not be evident in this existence. All righteous acts are rewarded in Gods court.

When we're dealt with a bad situation it aint cuz we necessarily did something bad prior. God is testing us.

Life is a test! We're given challenges to test our responses.

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Dear Khalsasingh jee,

each one will give you answer to the best of one´s own level, but your quest is related to Waheguru Jee, and in this case as usual nobody can better answer you, than our very Guru Sahibans.

For that purpose, according to my understanding, I am going to quote the pure paviter Bani of Sachay Patshah Dhan Dhan Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj:

prabh kai simaran giaan dhhiaan thath budhh
In the remembrance of God are knowledge, meditation and the essence of wisdom.

prabh kai simaran hoe s bhalaa
In the remembrance of God, one becomes good.

prabh kai simaran sabh kishh sujhai
In the remembrance of God, all things are known.

prabh kai simaran pooran aasaa
In the remembrance of God, hopes are fulfilled.

You see, to fully understand higher truths, one has to be on that level. So some brothers / sisters may advice you, but the thing is they will talk from their level of consciousness.

But Guru Jee has made it easy and simple to all of us, in these His paviter words. His Simran is the solution for all situations. So is our duty now to follow them implictly, to reach that spiritual maturity.

What is that one wants usually?

Purity, goodness, peace, a loving heart and soul, wisdom or gyan, isn´t it? So Guru Jee is telling us, if you want all this, do His Simran, not only that, but He goes to the extent, and says: Jin Har japiya, se Har hoeeya .

Do His Simran, and you will merge in Him.

One may read several scriptures, and be able to recite them by heart; but all the spiritual fruits are only possible, by meditating on Him.

You are quite young, your queries are quite natural, but do not rush, take your time to digest things. You may talk and ask to anyone and with anyone you think fit, but that much I will surely tell you, above everything put your faith and trust in these words of Guru Jee above, one day you will be amazed, how you start knowing and understanding things in the right manner by His grace and His bhakti, then also you will have faith solid like a rock, nobody will ever be able to shake you.

The world may stand on one side against you, but that your very faith will make you unshakable, because now you do not speculate with theories, but you have the actual experience of what the teachings are all about.

May God bless you.

Sat Sree Akal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Karma should be treated as future events from choices we make now as opposed to past events leading to now... that's simply insanity. What can we physically change from the past? What can we change mentally about other perspectives of the past? NOTHING. Leave it where it is. All we can do to correct a wrong is learn from our mistakes.

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