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Place Of Badal In Sikh History


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He will only be remembered with negativity. In future generations when Badal and his good for nothing son's name would be invoked it would be in the same way that the Dogra brothers are currently remembered by the Sikhs. They will be remembered as traitorous Gadhaars. When they die, they should not be forgotten. When Khalsa Raaj happens in future and Sikh children read history books in class, there should be a whole chapter on Gadhaars like these so we can take lesson and not get played by any potential future Gadhaars.

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Badal and his clan will go down in history in the same breath and sentence as Indira Gandhi. Only, a lot worse. Indira Gandhi managed to destroy the Vatican of the Sikhs. Badal has managed to systematically destroy the soul and anakh of the Sikhs. Indira placed the noose around the neck of the Sikh's. Badal has spent three decades tightening that very noose. Thank's mostly to Badal, not entirely, Sikhs are gulaam and most of them them don't even know it.

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After the rise of Sant Jarnail Singh Bindranvale and the almost successful Sikh rights movement of the 80's, central government were never likely to put pro Sikh politicians in Punjab and the same goes for Manmohan Singh who held the top job in India for 8 years and never did a single thing for Sikh justice or the betterment of Punjab. Sikh Politics and clergy are controlled by central government hence the determination to not allow a picture of Sant Jarnail Singh in Amritsar Golden Temple and the honouring of Advani

The irony is in the Punjabi people who are so dumbfounded and kept in the dark that they know nothing about this. If Badal does a stunt like creating a museum next to Kesgarh Sahib everyone says bale bale he is a good Sikh.

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