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Before Anand Karaj.. Phy Relation

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i am a boy who has been blessed with amrit.

bt last night i had a chnce going with an amritdhari girl to some place and we were forced to stay in a room. we are not married. bt we started touching each other and all went wrong. we didnt had intercourse bt oral.

I am having a guilt of getting amrit khandan. plz hlp me out for this. wht should i do.

Who exactly are these people that "forced" you two to sleep together in a room ?

Were they voyeurs ? Were they holding you both at gunpoint ? Was the eastern european mafia involved in some way ?

Whoever they were, I'm sure you have by now gone to the Police and reported this very serious matter. Let us hope these people can be found and stopped before they "force" any other young religious boys and girls to do the same.

Or........you could just re-think your whole story about being forced to sleep together in a room.

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You don't have a clue about what Hukam is. In the way you describe it, we would not have Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji coming to Earth to teach Sikhi. For you everything bad or leads a person in the bad direction you want to describe as Hukam and everything good you want to put down as not following Hukam. You're a full r*tard, not half, but full. It is also Hukam that other members are tell you to get lost. Why have you not accepted this Hukam full r*tard? I don't like using the word r*tard, but you deserve it.

LOL calm down but then again it is god who has made u lose your temper. GOOD and bad happen by god. Not saying only bad but everything.

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this thread is nuts>>>>we have an op looking for a way out because he couldn't control his ding a ling and got the bibi to attend to it orally>>>cuz they couldnt control themselves like little kids in a sweet shop.

...His givin some dumb excuse that they were fORCED to share a room>>>yeh... really...!

and the bibi was just foolish enough to play along with filth thinking that ''we aint married but it's ok to do the rest as long as theres no penetration>>!!!!!!''

>>>>>what a bunch of codswallop !<<<<<<<<

Then we have mighty Mr Hsingh68 who says it's ok to play about with each others privates and pretend to be drs and nurses>>>cuz at the end of the day it's all HUKAM.

>>>>You PLONKA!!!

You just using the concept of HUKAM to BLAME everything on>>>>like an insurance>>safety net>>>

OH--- ''hello kuriyeh, i'm an amritdhari sikh but we aint married>> so if me and you do some hanky panky and heavy pettin>>it all be OK cuz Gods HUKAM says so.

EVERYTHING that happens is HUKAM you see>>it's not our free will or anything>>????????

>>>You blimmin Plonka

It's people like you that live in the biggest world of ignorance and instead of understanding hukam>>>you go around abusing the word and God's command>>>

I get real annoyed when I hear these groups of bibian dong chuglees and nindiian>>>and then when they talk about some bad doings which are due to their own manamatt>>>but they still have the cheek to blame it ALL on Hukam...""oohh koi gal nayee---ohda Hukam si tha theri kismat si ke thera extramarital relation gwandian de munday nal si" !!!

You have absolutely no idea what hukam is do you >>>

ONLY a gurmukh in pure gurmat can be walking path of life in complete hukam

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this thread is nuts>>>>we have an op looking for a way out because he couldn't control his ding a ling and got the bibi to attend to it orally>>>cuz they couldnt control themselves like little kids in a sweet shop.

...His givin some dumb excuse that they were fORCED to share a room>>>yeh... really...!

and the bibi was just foolish enough to play along with filth thinking that ''we aint married but it's ok to do the rest as long as theres no penetration>>!!!!!!''

>>>>>what a bunch of codswallop !<<<<<<<<

Then we have mighty Mr Hsingh68 who says it's ok to play about with each others privates and pretend to be drs and nurses>>>cuz at the end of the day it's all HUKAM.

>>>>You PLONKA!!!

You just using the concept of HUKAM to BLAME everything on>>>>like an insurance>>safety net>>>

OH--- ''hello kuriyeh, i'm an amritdhari sikh but we aint married>> so if me and you do some hanky panky and heavy pettin>>it all be OK cuz Gods HUKAM says so.

EVERYTHING that happens is HUKAM you see>>it's not our free will or anything>>????????

>>>You blimmin Plonka

It's people like you that live in the biggest world of ignorance and instead of understanding hukam>>>you go around abusing the word and God's command>>>

I get real annoyed when I hear these groups of bibian dong chuglees and nindiian>>>and then when they talk about some bad doings which are due to their own manamatt>>>but they still have the cheek to blame it ALL on Hukam...""oohh koi gal nayee---ohda Hukam si tha theri kismat si ke thera extramarital relation gwandian de munday nal si" !!!

You have absolutely no idea what hukam is do you >>>

ONLY a gurmukh in pure gurmat can be walking path of life in complete hukam

You guys need to to be more tolerant of others views. Even the good stuff that happens in life all "your" achievements are in hukam too. Everyone is ignoring that and picking on the point I am just blmaing god on the bad stuff. Of course it was hukam they had oral sex cos god wanted it to be:)
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You guys need to to be more tolerant of others views. Even the good stuff that happens in life all "your" achievements are in hukam too. Everyone is ignoring that and picking on the point I am just blmaing god on the bad stuff. Of course it was hukam they had oral sex cos god wanted it to be:)

what the hell>>>>this is what one of those paedo catholic priest said>>>>that it was all God's will and command>>>>

You are probably the same sort of in the closet nympho man>>>>

I'm not gonna argue with your ''willy wonka i'm a plonka'' attitude>>cuz i have enuff trying to control my own krodh and dhuts>>>>but i blame my own mann and not hukam for that>>>>>

so before I say something offensive or end up verbally slapping you>>>>im tell you to back off and learn about difference between walking in pure hukam and how you plant your own seeds of karams with free will

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what the hell>>>>this is what one of those paedo catholic priest said>>>>that it was all God's will and command>>>>

You are probably the same sort of in the closet nympho man>>>>

I'm not gonna argue with your ''willy wonka i'm a plonka'' attitude>>cuz i have enuff trying to control my own krodh and dhuts>>>>but i blame my own mann and not hukam for that>>>>>

so before I say something offensive or end up verbally slapping you>>>>im tell you to back off and learn about difference between walking in pure hukam and how you plant your own seeds of karams with free will

Dont worry about your anger problem its god's will too. I can't judge you bro:) Hukam is God's order and that manifests into karma/action. Action of anything so u see its all karma. What I have learnt is to try to stay relaxed and happy regardless of what happens as its pana. So the original poster shouldn't feel too distressed as god wanted them to carry out that action:)

Karma and hukam are 2 sides of the same coin. I have never cheated on anyone or had pre marital sex because god never put me in that situation and stopped me and the same goes for drinking. But if he willed for me to do those deeds then i would of. Nothing is in my control. Lets say I did the same deeds as the op then so be it:)

Tera pana meeta lagae:) The op should accept that too.

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Hsingh68 is one confused dude...... Feel sorry for ya brother.

So u are saying basically it's ok to commit kaurehit's and do paap(anything goes) cause u don't control it?....

My advice to u is do more naam simran and gurbani Abhyas bro, u will understand more urself.....we can't argue with someone who has preset assumptions and ideals....only Guru Granth Sahib ji can guide u....

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How is it bad... For sikhs kureits are deemed bad but for others it ain't. Its not in your hands to do bad or good. Naam happens 24/7 bro.God guides me all the time. God stops me from drinking, hving pre marital sex, eating meat, I even know the 5 main bania by heart and sukhmani sahib by heart. What does that mean? Nothing! A person who sleeps around, drinks, goes clubbing is just the same as me. Sometimes God "messes me up" some times God gives "comforts and gifts". Break my preset assumptions then by using facts.

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How is it bad... For sikhs kureits are deemed bad but for others it ain't. Its not in your hands to do bad or good. Naam happens 24/7 bro.God guides me all the time. God stops me from drinking, hving pre marital sex, eating meat, I even know the 5 main bania by heart and sukhmani sahib by heart. What does that mean? Nothing! A person who sleeps around, drinks, goes clubbing is just the same as me. Sometimes God "messes me up" some times God gives "comforts and gifts". Break my preset assumptions then by using facts.

which others are you talking about all dharams frown on sexual relations without marriage , all frown on uncontrolled lust, anger, greed, pride and being overally attached to mammon/maya?

I think you are confused veer ji by His Grace we remember Him but there is nothing in gurbani that says He makes us Sin ...if there is I would like to see that pangti.

Akal Purakh is rameia hoea OK I get that , it is his play to control OK that too, but also Waheguru allows us to express our internal state and its evolution with the effect of his grace . your thesis means that His is an unfair deity as he loads the game against us and we just have to suffer artibitary cruelties, sins with no input from ourselves there is no point to anything not even reading bani as nothing is worth doing as we are trapped where we are . That is the ult of what Guru ji has shown and done and told us to do ...bani is the way, path, light ,grace .Sure everyone is in the same boat waiting to recognise our true nature but there is a difference in how close or far your are from your true goal as in Salok of Jap ji Sahib.

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Remember is to know yourself.. Its unfortunate people think they have been separated from God that is it...

There are a few pangtis in gurbani use sikhi to the max. Karam sukaram aap karain keemat kon apeva. There are loads like that.

When i say there is no free will thatmeans we dont have any control at all. Then do we exist as separate beings? That means only God is and nothing else. So really God is doing everything to himself so he is not unfair at all or evil or good. There has to be some other to say he is bad. I only write from ego persepctive because if i wrote from a non dual approach no one would understand. Aim of gurbani is to understand that there is only god and to understand ur ego is a ghost. So my thesis isnt biased but i make it seem biased so others can follow what i am saying.

There is no free will. karma is unlimited the universe has always been there have been unlimited amount of big bangs and big crunches. There never was a start point. You describe an unjust god because if there was a starting point in karma then everyone must of been good to start of with. Then who made them do the bad action because obvs they didnt have any bad karma to do them. Who gave them those negative thougts to carry out those actions?

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