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How Would You Treat A Muslim Guy Who Was Interested In Becoming A Sikh?


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calm down

i haven't attacked you, what you getting all het up about lol

i believe in sikhi we should show compassion, have tolerance and show respect for all other religions, whether you agree with them or not. 'Real Sikhs' as you put would live up to these lofty ideals instead of just blowing off steam and being hateful.

can you please tell me what evidence you are speaking about? that i have allegedly overstepped...

you said you would provide evidence of muhammad proscribing stoning in islam, you haven't done this, even in the quotes you chose to post it talks about flogging no mention of stoning...

i think you should take a deep breath and try and have a rational conversation

We show compassion to human beings regardless of their background we don't show compassion to muhammadans hell bent on converting or killing us or making us pay jizya. That is the difference.

As for stoning ordered by muhammad by the very fact, as you stated, he allowed the stoning of the adulterous jewish couple on his orders...doesnt that suggest to you that he allows stoning and agree's with it? Had he not agreed with it he would have followed the example of jesus and told the crowd its not allowed but no he said go ahead stone them to death. Therefore your not using your brain here and your logical has failed to grasp the message he was sending to muslims, besides the sharia states this also. Those who commit zina are to be stoned to death, you this the sahaba's and salaf's did not follow this to the letter and spoke out against stoning? No they did not they endorsed what muhammad wanted.

So lets please get a reality check of muhammad and stop trying to suggest that Islam nor any other abrahmic cult like judaism or Christianity can in any way or shape or form be to the high moral standards of Sikhi because they can't.

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you just keep going and going...

first of all I choose neither to share with you my feelings towards muhammad or islam. I just think we should be respectful. You choose to show how hate filled you are. You keep going off point. You suggested I was attacking you but again provided no evidence. Muhammad allowed the jewish couple to be tried under jewish law as was the practice in the time. the examples in the Sharia you to talk about are iSlamic jurisprudence after his death, and highly controversial and contentious amongst muslim scholars. Only because the current dominant shouty, bigotted muslims coose to apply that interpretation doesn't mean it is what was intended. Hateful people tend to make a lot of noise and change the shape and dynamics of a culture negatively. A bit like you're doing. Completely anti-sikh in you're outlook i.e. speak disrespectful and are able to do the mental gymnastics to justify all there views by just shouting and getting angry, swearing and questioning other people faith using it as a tactic to empower themselves. Really I think you could be muslim wahhabist....?

You really just like one of these shouty hateful people, very much like the muslim fundamentalists you chose to condemn, the same moral indignation. The same blurring of issues, bigotry, hateful disrespect towards other peoples beliefs and ways of life.

you should join ISIS you'd fit right in

All i'm saying if Guru Nanak and the others gurus showed such respect towards other religions including Islam, then surely its something we should try to aspire to and try and rid ourselves of hate.. its a noble pursuit, to rid oneself of as many prejudices as possible

woth considering atleast

No you m0ron because we should condemn muhammad for what he was. If don't we are hypocrites just as if your normal and sane and civilised you have to condemn Hitler and his nazi's and their crimes if you don't your a hypocrite. So your silence on muhammads inhuman treatment of women and minorities is deafening.

Your sick in the head mate if you can tolerate muhammads vile teachings and not say it was wrong.

You aint a Sikh stop trying to claim you are Sikhs who learn about Islam and their scriptures very quickly realise it is unGodly. And for your information Guru Nanak Dev Ji commended many a muslim ritual and practise he also helped guide even the strongest brainwashed muslims away from backward muslim practises and be civilised human beings.

Dont bother replying because you will be guaranteed a reply, I will ensure you either condemn muhammad/Islam or you shut up.

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i would expect nothing less from a fascist!!

i will neither condemn muhammad or shut up

what a freak

lol I'm a fascist?

You wont condedm the vile practises of Islam therefore I wont expect you to condemn hitlers vile treatment of jews either. People like you are truely sick in the head.

Make a stand you liberal wimp. Either you are on the side of whats right or your on the side of evil. Stop being a coward all your life and sitting on the fence.

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Thankfully I haven't known you all my life.. It's amazing how you just jump from Muhammad to Hitler..

I'm there is a significant distortion of how Islam is practiced today and how Muhammad thought it would be.. I'm no scholar of Islam clearly you are not either and just like to blow off.. As for standing up and taking a position against what is right.. Well that's exactly what I'm doing you donut... Standing up to bigots like you who are distorting the beautiful compassionate teachings of my beloved gurus

You wont condemn the vile practises of Islam therefore I wont expect you to condemn hitlers vile treatment of jews either. People like you are truly sick in the head.

Make a stand you liberal wimp. Either you are on the side of what's right or your on the side of evil. Stop being a coward all your life and sitting on the fence.

You wont have the last say on this because I am exposing you for the liberal islamo-apologist m0ron that you are.

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Exposing me... I ain't hiding anything fool...

Firstly, yes I am liberal

Secondly I haven't apologised for anything

Thirdly, you've been exposed as the fascist with irrational hatred of Muslims, and someone who hangs out on sikh chat site to spread hate.. You're totally defined by you're hatred for Muslim,

Dude did you get beaten up at school by some Muslim kid or something.. Maybe a ex-muslim gf who rejected you.. Clearly your bile is irrational lol

LOL beaten up by muslims? I suppose you was beaten up by Sikhs then for your unwillingness to defend Sikhi against Islamo-fascism ....you have spoken like a true muslim.

dude admit it your a muslim the games up ;) you can't bear to speak anything against Islam because of your beloved prophet muhammad will interceed on your behalf will he? awww bless lol

go sell your slster to some arab mullah sheikh I'm sure a liberal like you wont have any objections for molvi saab to do what he gotta do.

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There is only one way: (though only Nihangs would do this), tell him to eat some pork and if he does he's left Islam, if he doesn't don't trust him. (I'm sure this is the only way, that's how Christians test their Ex-Muslim converts).

LOL , funny way , I am a sikh , but totally vegan ( )ot even dairy products do i use , except Ghee0 , I pay that i woudn't have to go thru such doubt clearing test - HAHAHAHA

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Talk to the Moslem person about current affairs and what he makes of this???



Housemaid has her hand chopped off by female Saudi Arabian employer after complaining to authorities she had been tortured and deprived of food

  • Kasturi Munirathinam was working as a cleaner in Saudi city of Riyadh
  • Her arm was cut off, allegedly by her employer after she tried to escape
  • Indian cleaner claims she had been tortured and deprived of food

By Tom Wyke for MailOnline

Published: 09:39, 9 October 2015 | Updated: 15:23, 9 October 2015



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An Indian housemaid had her hand hacked off allegedly by her female employer in Saudi Arabia and has complained she has been tortured whilst working in Riyadh.

Kasturi Munirathinam, originally from the south Indian city of Chennai, had been earning £150 a month while working as a cleaner for a household in the Saudi capital.

Since she started working in Riyadh, she said she had been tortured and deliberately deprived of food by her employers.

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Kasturi Munirathinam, originally from the south Indian city of Chennai, had been earning £150 a month while working a cleaner for a household in the Saudi capital.

Her family said that when Ms Munirathinam tried to escape, her employer decided to punish her and cut off her hand.

'When she tried to escape harassment and torture, her right hand was chopped off by the woman employer. She fell down and sustained serious spinal injuries,' her sister, S Vijayakumari, told the Press Trust of India.

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'The incident happened after… she complained about torture and non-payment of wages by her employer.' she said.

Ms Munirathinam was taken to hospital in Riyadh and her condition has now reportedly stabilised.

A video has emerged on social media, allegedly showing the moments after Ms Munirathinam was attacked.


Since she started working for Riyadh, Kasturi Munirathinam alleged she had been tortured and deliberately deprived of food by her employers


Ms Munirathinam was taken to hospital in Riyadh and her condition has now reportedly stabilised

'I pleaded with the lady not to harm me but she kicked me, punched me and cut off my arm. I want to go back home. Please help me,' she says in the video according to the Times of India.

'Kasturi's employer was angered after she apprised local officials about the harassment she was facing there, she was not even provided food,' her sister S Vijayakumari told the Press Trust of India news agency.

'When she tried to escape the harassment and torture, her right hand was chopped off by the woman employer. She fell down and sustained serious spinal injuries,' she said.

Sushma Swaraj, India's minister for internal affairs, tweeted about the woman's plight in Saudi Arabia.

'Chopping of hand of Indian lady - We are very much disturbed over the brutal manner in which Indian lady has been treated in Saudi Arabia,' she wrote.

It is thought Ms Munirathinam sought work in Saudi Arabia to help earn money for her husband and four children in India.

Indian foreign ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup has spoken out against the attack on the Indian woman, telling the Indian Express that India had launched an investigation into the attack and will 'continue to seek justice for the victim'.

'Our embassy in Riyadh has taken up the matter with the Saudi Foreign Office and asked for strict action in the matter and severe punishment for the sponsor,' he said.

He said a case of attempted murder should be lodged against the sponsor 'so that he is punished, if found guilty as per law.'

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