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Punjabi Girls Bad Behaviour


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16 minutes ago, GuestSingh said:

they only understand money n status. so more thought n attention/focus goes on tht rather than the greater investment which is the kid. their choice. cnt cry abt the likely consequences tho.

I think some of them (and I mean respectable ones - not the money/status obsessed ones), aren't as puritan as one might imagine. And you're right, it is ex-monas who've gone keshdhari. I think that they are a bit more realistic than the lifelong hyper-conservatives. 

Dude, you're getting young apneean meeting up with young thirsty ar45e apnay too. I've worked in colleges - I know how it goes. 

Even kurian meeting guys they met in Panjabi classes at Gurdwaras. 

I think given what has been happening lately, they are probably thinking - 'This is bad but not as bad as some older sullah grooming them.' ???



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Guest GuestSingh
15 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

<Thumbs up!>

I've been exploring it a bit lately. I'm wondering if the average Panjabi parents might actually find reading it uncomfortable and 'ashleel'??

Parts of it doesn't hold back - and have even shocked me - and that is saying something because I haven't been remotely 'sheltered'. 

havent read all of it myself yet. but agree that the stories do seem dark n incomprehensible sometimes. at least in my mind anyway. but then isnt that the point of it? to uncover the cunning n devilish nature n thinkin of wat ppl r capable of doin today so it wakes the sikh up to learn from it n not make the same mistakes that make us fall off the path? few will read it so they actually end up committing the same things it discusses in detail.

it cud also cud give us sum answers or even clues to the political issues we have today e.g. how theyre gna unfold or where theyre gna go? jus my opinion.

goin bk to panjabi families/parents, my guess is that the ones born n bred bk home in panjab will be more familiar wiv these antics/tricks. but even then the content still sounds like it goes against wat weve all been told n led to believe is the only true, real n proper sikhi? cuz they never seen, heard or experienced it therefore it cnt be true n doesnt exist or has never existed?

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20 minutes ago, Big_Tera said:


Look what you have started. Im begining to have suspicions about your motive for bringing back all these old threads from the past?



Same, something fishy about how all these similar threads are starting to pop up again, some are over a decade old. 

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Guest GuestSingh
2 hours ago, puzzled said:

I really don't get a issue or the problem!  whats the big deal! ?      really dont think this is a topic worthy of discussion!   why are all these old threads from years and years ago being commented on again. 

At the end of the day sex is sex!  people who have the urge to do it arent exactly gonna care about the race/ethnicity of the person they do it with!     everyone gets urges, whether if you act upon it all comes down to restraint and choice,  some do some don't     let it go    no big deal! 

And its Punjabi boys that make Punjabi girls into hoes in the first place,  it all starts of in secondary school. and its the Punjabi-fyed "traditional"  type of punjabi guys that make girls into hoes, what do you think goes on at desi nights and bhangra nights?   dont just blame it on the girls.    "tradition" punjabi boys and girls tend to be even more hoey than the gora fyed ones.

ur ryt that boys r also to blame.

if they were stronger in mind wiv principles from the beginnin then girls wud think twice.

they take the lead from older males. if they c em actin like an animal then theyre inclined to copy n think, talk n act like one as well. but if they c one that stands wiv honour n respect etc they take notice.

butbdisagree wiv u that they make girls like this in the first place. cuz we have a choice like u said. no ones forcin anyone here. girls these days r already insecure n weak growin up. thts where the parents especially the dad has to emotionally invest in her, reassure her, give confidence etc. to set her up for childhood n adolescence until she can  think for herself wiv morals/values. but they dnt so this usually happens.

y is it a big deal? cuz these girls call themselves sikh. they carry the honour/respect of the sikh community. were supposed to c em as our mothers/sisters/daughters etc. but how many males wanna treat em as one wen theyve disgraced themselves? imagine if that was someone in ur family. n wud u wanna marry n spend the rest of ur life wiv someone whos got a dirty past but managed to decieve u to only save herself?

its also y &lt;banned word filter activated&gt; r hellbent on groomin apnia. theyre tryin to attack us, harm our community, hurt us, tarnish our identity, weaken our resolve, our faith, our beliefs etc.

thats y its important bro.

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Honestly lads it’s just my insecurities. I need to stop you’re right. Also you guys talk about Sikhs coming back into the community after messing about. So what? Let it be. That’s going to happen. It’s better for us..as long as they are loyal to us. We need to make sure as many people stick in as possible and that our community/numbers stay big. So what if the dad on Friday drinks and then comes to the gurdwara on Sunday. As long as he is moral and respects his daughters/family/others. There’s going to be non-religious and religious people in all communities. The Muslims have allowed all in to make sure their numbers are high. We should educate them. However we should make sure all Kaur’s and Singh’s marry in. Many people realize that already though. If you just wipe out all the people who don’t follow sikhi fully..then our community will be very very small. Sikh Youth UK and societies do a great job of this foruntantely. We should have more sites/apps for Sikhs to meet each other in different areas and places in the world. I know in Birmingham they have events for Sikhs to meet each other. Lets wake up!


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  • 2 years later...
On 7/20/2017 at 4:09 PM, dallysingh101 said:

Going back to the topic of certain Punjabi girls 'bad behaviour'. I don't know what to make of this vid. Is it more more white whining that blames females for their downward slide or does is have some substance? If the latter is true, then apneean and apnay adopting western European moorings of promiscuity and the feminisation of males are guaranteeing our doom. I notice eastern Europeans (esp. former soviet ruled places) haven't followed the path of the west. I'm talking about places like Moldova, Poland etc.



They’re literally prostitutes, what the f*ck?

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On 9/5/2019 at 7:27 PM, Singh12 said:

I know it’s late 2019 Sikh lad checking in. Punjabi girls are absolute trash. I’ve lived in Birmingham (did a bsc in maths at Uni of Birmingham) and I grew up in Wolverhampton and the states. One user mentioned how people in Birmingham are low class and uneducated, he’s a 100% spot on. Most upna/Punjabi girls are incredibly thick and uneducated. They talk like utter chavs. They walk around unis and town centres with Muslim guys/khala. However they are white whorshippers. I know many Punjabi girls in both the UK and the US who are with pathetic uneducated ugly short white blokes and think they’ve won the lottery. I’m a 6’1 decent  looking Punjabi dude and Idk how you Singh’s with turbans pull it off. Mad respect ✊? Sikh girls don’t even want to be with clean shaven Sikh guys. I remember clubbing in Birmingham and some “Sikh” girl was sitting on a Khala lap at the lounge and as I walked by she grabbed my cheeks and smiled. I wanted to slap her. Also a user mentioned that Afghan Muslim blokes look better than Sikhs. &lt;banned word filter activated&gt; I’ve seen some incredible looking Sikh dudes. Think 6’2 jawline, hazel eyes,  and really good looking. I also have cousins who are very attractive and date white kuyree. Most Pakistani dudes I see around look incredibly filthy and ugly (being serious). I think Sikh blokes look much and I mean much better. Most Sikhs are Punjabi not Tamil in the UK. People want to deny that she’s Sikh in the video but let’s be real we all know she’s a punjabi slag. Grooming is also &lt;banned word filter activated&gt;. Sikh girls know he’s Muslim but they’ll date him anyway and blame it on being “groomed”. I’ve seen this &lt;banned word filter activated&gt; first hand. I’ve seen twitter posts from Sikh girls that you guys would be disgusted by. All in all, I’ve distanced myself from sikhi and the Punjabi community. If our own sisters and Kaur’s don’t want to see what our beautiful religion holds then our religion will eventually die. This is also a huge problem in the states, in fact much worse because most Sikhs in the US are first generation and still the girls act like hooligans. Hindu girls are also equally as bad but they tend to be More educated. Most of the girls in our community can’t even attend a 4 year Uni on a decent course. The Hindu girls tend to be very intelligent. Muslim girls can also be a bit hoey in the US and Sikh guys are seen as more bad boys to them in Canada and US. The above user who mentioned that was correct. However in the UK Muslims drill Islam into the girls. Like drill. Somewhere along the lines our community failed to do so. In 20-30 years the Punjabi community will be very and I mean very small in the UK and will diminish practically in the US over time. The # of Sikhs in the US appears to be just far too small. From my experience the girls tend to just sit in silence under their parents will about being Sikh and behind doors they show their true sides. They show up to “show up” to the gurdwara. Very few girls take pride in our culture or religion. I rarely see girls with Kara’s on or I rarely see girls wearing anything regarding sikhi. If you guys manage to find Sikh girls as partners (and lets be real we all know hard that is now) hen raise them  well and make sure they know what’s up. Lads I think it’s time we do what our sisters have been doing. We must be more open minded to other races for dating..plain and simple. 

Good post. Thanks for your info

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