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The use of mantras


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I have a question about this mantra. 


It is the last part of jaap sahib. I stumbled across it on YouTube and began researching the meaning. 

I'm a little torn. Should a sikh be taking snippets of bani and using them as a mantra (apologies for lack of a better word)? 

These are the words of our guru so reciting them can't be bad right? 

I am not a 3ho person nor do I understand a great deal about them. 

I hope my question makes sense. 

please forgive me for any mistakes I have made.


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32 minutes ago, Reecon said:


I have a question about this mantra. 


It is the last part of jaap sahib. I stumbled across it on YouTube and began researching the meaning. 

I'm a little torn. Should a sikh be taking snippets of bani and using them as a mantra (apologies for lack of a better word)? 

These are the words of our guru so reciting them can't be bad right? 

I am not a 3ho person nor do I understand a great deal about them. 

I hope my question makes sense. 

please forgive me for any mistakes I have made.


Bani is like Medicine, Reciting certain lines of Gurbani wth devotion will remove pain (for example Dukh Bhanjan tera Naam Ji), Lines from the Dasam Granth's amazing Bir Raas banis will give you strength. But bear in mind, inside all of Gurbani, every single tukh there lies the ultimate goal of merging with the lord.

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Guest Jacfsing2
2 hours ago, Reecon said:


I have a question about this mantra. 


It is the last part of jaap sahib. I stumbled across it on YouTube and began researching the meaning. 

I'm a little torn. Should a sikh be taking snippets of bani and using them as a mantra (apologies for lack of a better word)? 

These are the words of our guru so reciting them can't be bad right? 

I am not a 3ho person nor do I understand a great deal about them. 

I hope my question makes sense. 

please forgive me for any mistakes I have made.


Gurbani is not separated into Mantras it's separated more into Raag than anything else, there's only 2 "Mantras", in the Sikh faith, that's Gurmantar and Mool Mantar. Everything else an individual can learn lines from shabads.

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13 hours ago, Reecon said:


I have a question about this mantra. 


It is the last part of jaap sahib. I stumbled across it on YouTube and began researching the meaning. 

I'm a little torn. Should a sikh be taking snippets of bani and using them as a mantra (apologies for lack of a better word)? 

These are the words of our guru so reciting them can't be bad right? 

I am not a 3ho person nor do I understand a great deal about them. 

I hope my question makes sense. 

please forgive me for any mistakes I have made.


3ho is a well oiled machine for making money by hook or crook.  They take Hindu concepts and apply them to Sikhi for a profit.  There Guru, yogi bhajan made a lot of money exploiting gullible and spiritually illiterate white Americans.  Which shabad in Gurbani does not lift anxiety, fear, depression, insecurities and phobias?  All of Gurbani is the medicine to uplift these diseases of the mind.  Shake the hand of a gursikh and you will feel the hard work they have put in there honest living.  3ho have not worked a day in lives.  There guru stole from them when he introduced his manmat and now they are taking his false teachings and exploiting others because they don't want to work either.  A lazy teacher can only teach his students how to be lazy.  Look at Guruka Singh, he has a bigger belly than a sumo wrestler.  Yet the poor Sikhs who work hard in factories and farms are giving 3ho money?????  Look at Sant Baba Thakur Singh ji, who spent his whole life in service to sikhi.  Where was his huge belly? Where was his 100 000 thousand dollar income by taking donations?  He had one or two cholas and gave everything he had in his pocket to those who needed the money.  He lived off a few dollars a day.  Sant Jarnail Singh ji Khalsa was the same.  DamDami taksal had a lot of money come in as donations.  Yet as the jathedar, he lived poor.  Sant ji didn't eat sangats money.    

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Let us see a bit why Yogi Bhajan was not good at all, forget being a sikh, but even a decent human being.


Following is an article written by Steven Hassan which I found on the net, and seems having credibilty:

"The head of the empire, Yogi Bhajan, died in New Mexico in 2004 at the age of seventy-five.

Born Harbhajan Singh Puri, he arrived in the U.S. in 1969. He soon renamed himself Yogi Bhajan. He said he was a well-known holy man back home in India. In reality, in India, Bhajan had been merely a civil servant, a customs inspector.

Members of Yogi Bhajan’s group claim to be Sikhs. However, according to mainstream members of the religion, by adhering to the doctrine of Yogi Bhajan, they are violating more traditional Sikh teachings.

Yogi Bhajan’s teachings are closer to a synthesis of Kundalini yoga, tantric and New Age practices than anything originating from Sikh teachings.

The audacity of Yogi Bhajan’s claims makes this story particularly alarming. Bhajan taught, among other things, that he could see auras and see into the future. But perhaps his most outrageous claim was that he was the official religious and administrative leader of all Sikhs in the Western world.

I am told that most legitimate Sikhs avoid any association with Bhajan’s group, and that Yogi Bhajanism is by no means representative of the five-century-old Sikh tradition whose homeland is in the Indian Punjab

Former members with whom I have worked populate and tell their stories on a Delphi forum, “The Wacko World of Yogi Bhajan“. Over the past thirty years I have helped former members who alleged sexual and psychological abuse by and under Yogi Bhajan. There have been allegations of various criminal activities, and also Security Exchange Commission convictions of members of Yogi Bhajan’s inner circle. Several former students of Yogi Bhajan claim that when attempting to leave the group, they were threatened with violence. There is an unsolved murder of a member that is still under investigation, and also haunting suicides.

There is more information on this fraud yogi bhajan which can be read on the following address:(http://www.huffingtonpost.com/steven-hassan/the-disturbing-mainstream_b_667026.html), but the above evidences are more than sufficient to prove out how devlish was this fellow."


*And to share a bit of light on the topic of the OP about what is a mantra, and its effects .... following are some basic points :

Mantra is a Sanskrit word that consists of two parts: the root word man, which relates to thought, and the suffix -tra, which refers to tools or instruments. The word literally means “a tool of the mind” or “instrument of thought.”

The word mantra is used to describe any thoughts, utterances, songs, or other sequences of words or sounds that are supposed to have spiritual efficacy or magical power.

A mantra is defined as “a tool of the mind that has a spiritual effect on a person’s will or emotional state of being.” A mantra can be a religious or sacred prayer or chant, but it can also be a spell or supernatural weapon.

Mantras are not specific to any one system of thought or religion.

Generally,any utterance or thought that is believed powerful enough, to affect either the inward state of a person’s mind or the world at large can be called a mantra.


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11 hours ago, singh598 said:

Your just a little pathetic baby with your pathetic questions

Even the recitation of just gurmuki

Akhar can give you mukti let alone a sentence of bani

All Gurbani is mantar


I didn't realise that you dwell on an infinitely higher intellectual plain and that my pathetic questions would have offended you so much. 

Thanks Singh. 

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