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If everything is result of our karams, where does grace come in pic ?


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ਜੇ ਸਾਰੀ ਖੇੜ ਕਰਮਾ ਦੀ ਹੈ , ਤੇ ਫੇਰ ਰਹਿਮਤ ਕਿਥੇ ?

Its an established axiom in indian faiths (that includes sikhism) that whatever we sow, we shall reap. Accordingly , good karams fetches happiness , bad karams fetches suffering.

This raises some particularly interesting question, especially when related to sikhism. Sikhism unlike other indian religions stress on rehmat of god , more than individual action. In this regard , its more similar in thought to sufi kalaam. Sikh gurus have even stressed to an extent that one cannot do anything , god is "kartaa" of everything. 

So , if effect of karams cannot be extinguished except by bearing it (either by happiness or sorrow) , then in such an automatic system of universe, where does waheguru's rehmat / kirpa comes into pic ? 


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Guest Jacfsing2

Gur-prasad is a higher concept than Karma. In the Sikh faith, unlike the other Dharmic faiths one is only saved from grace from Vaheguru alone, (Buddhist have a similar thought, that Karma isn't what saves you, but their answer to it, is personal emlightenment). Actually, when you look deep into the concept of Vaheguru's hand in things, there's nothing he's not involved in, everything is Hukam. Karma only means that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Also when you see morality from a logical scope, you will notice that morality is subjective instead of objective, so the Gurus simplified everything and gave people Naam.

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Your karams are in constant flux. Think of them as like a wave, rising and falling. Gurprasad and Kirpa of Akaal will completely negate them, even doing good and saintly things is helpful in Karam. 

Your death that was prescribed on your head, with the power of the Shabad Guru, completely gone. 

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On 31/08/2017 at 2:41 AM, singh598 said:

The law says murder is imprisonment for 25 years

But the judge decides to give early parole.  Now that's judges grace

Similarly as you please God he destroys karma and opens bajar kapat within

beautiful analogy . 


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On 30/08/2017 at 7:55 PM, sikhni777 said:

That is why it is called grace. He alone gives to us despite our karam. He is capable of cancelling out our karams.

I have heard god doesn't interefer in its working . 

If he canceled out mine, wouldn't it be injustice to the one who suffers it fully ?

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Grace  of Wahiguru is always there,  it is a matter of our receptivity.

Suppose there is a rainfall,  but if our bucket is upside down,  then not a single drop will enter into it.

And to keep the bucket right, means staying in His bhaana through bhakti at His charan kamal.

Sat Sree Akal.

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On 8/30/2017 at 5:11 PM, singh598 said:

The law says murder is imprisonment for 25 years

But the judge decides to give early parole.  Now that's judges grace

Similarly as you please God he destroys karma and opens bajar kapat within

I know it doesn't need to be said but this was an excellent post.

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