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Gurudwara Changes!


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Maharaj Kirpa de naal, daas is being blessed to meet some amazing people who can change a lot in our panth. I would like to pose the question to you guys - what would you like to see change in our gurudwaras? What should we add and what should we remove? This is the time to start moving forward now and Maharaj kirpa we can take these points and try to make them a reality. 

Vaheguru Ji.

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removal of golak boxes , they make gurdwara targets for thieves internal and external and disrupt focus of sangat on the real important stuff.

Add youth/kids sewa sessions to kitchens , kirtan and paat 

add regular First aid/ first responder courses so our sangats can help in emergencies  wherever they are.

Daytime health and exercise workshops for elderly, bibian


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Most of the anti panthic issues in Gurdwaras over the last 20 years in the UK  like meat and alcohol parties in Gurdwara halls / community centres and interfaith Anand Karajs have been due to Gurdwara committees being made up of what you could call aethist Punjabis with zero Sikhi knowledge, their primary concern was raising money which is why many Gurdwara theses days are actually businesses rather than the spiritual centres that they should be.

This is also the reason for poor quality parchaar and lack of youth attending Gurdwaras.

Hence there should definitely be a vetting process for anybody wishing to become a Gurdwara committee member. They should be knowledgeable in Sikhi and also have a progressive skillset and mindset. Having Panj pyare run a Gurdwara sounds good but just being Amritdharee alone is not enough and it excludes large amounts of the community that may have the skills and mindset to take Gurdwaras to the next level. We need more than old retired blokes with little or no Sikhi knowledge or other professional skills.

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Removal of committees and replaced by Panj Piyaray.

Youth rooms equipped with games, pool/snooker  etc where our Sikh boys and girls can meet and interact with view to relationships and marriages.

Removal of all chairs and sofas at the backs of Gurdwara darbars .


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On 09/11/2017 at 10:46 PM, NonExistant said:

1)Remove the committees and let Panj Pyare run the Gurdwaras. (Jagraj Singh from basics of sikhi said that it will be good)

2) Start classes to learn meanings of Gurbani. Include Q&A aswell. Make it interactive for the sangat.

3) Santhiya classes.

4) Make courses on how to do parchar.

5) Mental health sessions and how to deal with mental health like Bhai satpal Singh from Nanak Naam does.

6) How to do seva of Guru Granth Sahib Ji properly. Teach how to do it.

7) Sikh History lessons. From Guru Nanak Dev Ji to Now.

8) Gurdwaras should make a visitor room where there are tablets and leaflets.  The tablets can give new comers a chance to learn about sikhi through a special software, making it fun and interactive. Leaflets can be there for them to take away. The basics of sikhi leaflets would be good to use. There should be speakers there as well to talk to visitors and teach them about sikhi.

10) Meditation classes every week. Allow people to come in and learn how to meditate properly. Do naam simran. Teach saas saas, saas giras and other types of sikh meditation skills. Mindefull meditation etc. 

11) Rich gurdwaras should make a lecture theatre.  Here there can be lectures for people who want to learn more about sikhi. It can be engaing. Q&A can be had. There should be tests to test people on how much they know about sikhi etc aswell. Every gurdwara should be like a university to learn about sikhi. Hire teachers/parcharaks to deliver these talks.


Just wondering what if all 5 men (or women)  in panj pyaare become corrupt then what ???? 

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