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sohila and rakhia dae shabad


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9 minutes ago, Akalisingh788 said:

Wjkk wjkf 

if i do sukhasan and do rakhia dar shabad and sohila, do I need to do it again when I go to bed? thank you for helping this murakh. 

If I was you I'd just do it again when I'm actually gonna go to sleep. I can't say for sure but I've heard you should actually do it where you sleep.

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4 hours ago, S4NGH said:

It's the very last thing you should do before you sleep. Some say you should read it whilst seated on your bed facing your pillow.

Have you any idea where this notion comes from? My parents always told me the same thing, though they always added that it was so I should imagine Guru Sahib sitting at the head of the bed and im reciting Bani by his Charan.

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I think Baru sahib wale babaji teaches his students the same practice of sitting on the bed facing the pillow. perhaps it is the  best position for concentration.  If you lie down and do path  you will fall asleep before you finish.  Facing the bed might bring you other memories.  The pillow is where the wall is hence better concentration. 

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3 hours ago, Kira said:

Have you any idea where this notion comes from? My parents always told me the same thing, though they always added that it was so I should imagine Guru Sahib sitting at the head of the bed and im reciting Bani by his Charan.

I think it's Taksal maryada (don't quote me)

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5 hours ago, S4NGH said:

I think it's Taksal maryada (don't quote me)

Excuse me, how dare you post a comment without any foundation? (joke)

7. Kirtan Sohela – Panj Ishnana (washing feet, hands and face) is performed before going to sleep. After this, one is to sit upon their bed cross-legged, facing their pillow and recite the prayer.  Satguru is with us at all times and protects us from the Angel of Death and demons. If one unexpectedly dies in their sleep, they will not enter lower lifeforms. Bad thoughts/dreams do not occur if Kirtan Sohela has been recited. Satguru places an iron fortress around the Sikh so nothing can hurt or scare him/her.

Take what you will from the above.


However, Taksal maryada is poorly written in English; it uses wild justifications to try and get points across and wildly misquotes Gurbani, using it without any context. Very very dogmatic. Sort of feels like you've boarded the Guilt Trip Express.

A few examples:

"It is a cardinal sin to eat any type of meat whether it be Kutha or meat killed in any other fashion and it makes one a traitor to the Guru."

^^^No foundation for the second part of that. Who would have thought eating meat equals high treason.

A quote from the part regarding meat, specifically:

"Thousands have been martyred to uphold this Rehat and have gone many gruelling days, weeks and months in battle or persecution whilst maintaining these high standards."

I never knew my diet today would have been of so much concern to those in the past.


Also the classic double standard:

"A Singh must look upon his wife as his faithful Singhni and a Singhni should look upon her husband as Parmeshwar(God)." 

I know many women who would rather become Sadhvis.


"An Amritdharee should not even look at alcohol."

Next you see a billboard for Strongbow while you're driving, close your eyes and hope for the best.


"If you do not recognise Damdama Sahib as a Takhat, you're a Manmatee."

Errmm ok...



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10 hours ago, MrDoaba said:

Excuse me, how dare you post a comment without any foundation? (joke)

7. Kirtan Sohela – Panj Ishnana (washing feet, hands and face) is performed before going to sleep. After this, one is to sit upon their bed cross-legged, facing their pillow and recite the prayer.  Satguru is with us at all times and protects us from the Angel of Death and demons. If one unexpectedly dies in their sleep, they will not enter lower lifeforms. Bad thoughts/dreams do not occur if Kirtan Sohela has been recited. Satguru places an iron fortress around the Sikh so nothing can hurt or scare him/her.

Take what you will from the above.


However, Taksal maryada is poorly written in English; it uses wild justifications to try and get points across and wildly misquotes Gurbani, using it without any context. Very very dogmatic. Sort of feels like you've boarded the Guilt Trip Express.

A few examples:

"It is a cardinal sin to eat any type of meat whether it be Kutha or meat killed in any other fashion and it makes one a traitor to the Guru."

^^^No foundation for the second part of that. Who would have thought eating meat equals high treason.

A quote from the part regarding meat, specifically:

"Thousands have been martyred to uphold this Rehat and have gone many gruelling days, weeks and months in battle or persecution whilst maintaining these high standards."

I never knew my diet today would have been of so much concern to those in the past.


Also the classic double standard:

"A Singh must look upon his wife as his faithful Singhni and a Singhni should look upon her husband as Parmeshwar(God)." 

I know many women who would rather become Sadhvis.


"An Amritdharee should not even look at alcohol."

Next you see a billboard for Strongbow while you're driving, close your eyes and hope for the best.


"If you do not recognise Damdama Sahib as a Takhat, you're a Manmatee."

Errmm ok...



"Singhni should look upon her husband as Parmeshwar". ?

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