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The afterlife debate - islamic paradise and the sikh paradise compare and contract


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So if you was to meet say a muslim and you wanted to convince him her to leave the abrahamic cult of islam and opt for Sikhi
 how would you go about it?

To me muslims are often per-occupied by the afterlife they are often taught to foresake this world and its people and look for rewards in jannah (islamic paradise).  They also often cite creation mythological story of allah creating the world in 6 days like the jewish/christian bible and how the devil is real. As the alleged story goes he was a fallen angel (shaytan) who was once the most beloved of allah's creation until one day allah decided out of no where to create adam on earth and told Lucifer to bow down to him. And rightly so in a just world in a  fair system you would not bow down to someone inferiour to you or who hasnt risen amoung the ranks and thus the fallen angel did not do so either. Imagine you worked and served your master for eons and today this unknown simpleton adam is created out of no where and you are told to be subservient to him. Mad decisions mad choices unfair system

The whole abrahamic mythological creationist story can be easily dismantled and destroyed. The afterlife also can be explained away because in jannah there will be rivers of alcholic wine and 72 houris to have sex with. All kinds of fake and false pleasures...the believer is allegedly going to get as rewards... you will almost come across various murderers and rapists who killed many innocent non-muslims and now allegedly living it up with allah and his messanger enjoying the fruits of their terrible labor.

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20 minutes ago, genie said:

So if you was to meet say a muslim and you wanted to convince him her to leave the abrahamic cult of islam and opt for Sikhi
 how would you go about it?

I'm glad that you're bringing up topics challenging the jihadis. Hope you keep it up.

Well, first of all, as an observation, I would like to share that Maskeen ji once remarked that it's quite strange that all the stuff that's considered haram on Earth, like drinking alcohol and scr*wing like crazy all day is exactly what is considered your reward in "paradise". Maskeen ji took a dim view of that.

How much more sublime the concept of Suchkhand is, where the saints sing the praises of God.

Secondly, you know how in some martial arts you don't try to directly oppose the opponent's blow? I would take a similar tack in that I wouldn't bother even getting into refuting their garbage. Rather I would bring up the good and unique parts of Sikhism, like bhagti. There's no bhagti in Islam, as it is commonly understood. And without bhagti, life is dry and meaningless.

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