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Superstition and Miracles in Sikhism

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But isn't Sikhi itself a miracle? The fact the Waheguru himself came down to earth in the form of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, there is no scientific explanation for this. And what about the miracles in Gurbani, like how Guru Arjan Dev Ji tells us how waheguru has killed sulhi khan who was coming to attack Guru ji, Waheguru intervening and slaying sulhi khan is that not a miracle too? 

Bilaaval, Fifth Mehla

sulehee thae naaraaein raakh ||
The Lord saved me from Sulhi Khan.

sulehee kaa haathh kehee n pahuchai sulehee hoe mooaa naapaak ||1|| rehaao ||
The emperor did not succeed in his plot, and he died in disgrace. ||1||Pause||

kaadt kut(h)aar khasam sir kaattiaa khin mehi hoe gaeiaa hai khaak ||
The Lord and Master raised His axe, and chopped off his head; in an instant, he was reduced to dust. ||1||

ma(n)dhaa chithavath chithavath pachiaa jin rachiaa thin dheenaa dhhaak ||1||
Plotting and planning evil, he was destroyed. The One who created him, gave him a push.

puthr meeth dhhan kishhoo n rehiou s shhodd gaeiaa sabh bhaaee saak ||
Of his sons, friends and wealth, nothing remains; he departed, leaving behind all his brothers and relatives.

kahu naanak this prabh balihaaree jin jan kaa keeno pooran vaak ||2||18||104||
Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to God, who fulfilled the word of His slave. ||2||18||104||


Guru Nanak Dev ji also tells us how Waheguru has sent the Mughals to India as the messenger of death as the people of India had forgotten the truth. Divine interventions are miracles and Guru Granth Sahib ji talks about these. So how is Guru Nanak Dev ji stopping a boulder with his hand any different? 

And what about Sikhs who have had visions of the Gurus 


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13 hours ago, CanadianSingh said:

I am just curious regarding Sikhi, I am not having doubts and such. I mean questioning is a healthy thing as our entire religion was caused due to Guru Nanak Dev Ji questioning the superstition of the Hindu practices such as the worshipping of idols, sacrifices, and caste discrimination; however, I found that there are contradictions to this as people claim of miracles that Guru Nanak Dev Ji squeezed Milk and Blood from the Roti. Managed to capture a giant boulder with his one hand, and turn a bitter nut to sweet for Bhai Mardana. Another issue was that most of these miracles were written decades after his death and were composed as Janamshakis. Which is why I am concerned that Sikhism is going at a wrong path with people not understanding the truth and logic within Sikhi. I understand the reason why it happened since we abandoned our Gurudwara's, fleeing from Mughal forces while the Udasi's or Hindu Mahants took control of it. I feel that is the reason why we follow these fake superstitions due to these Brahmins as in the 1900s. There were reports of Brahmins picking up water and spitting it, women couldn't go inside and such. This issue still happens in the Golden Temple as we still pour milk on the floors. The milk can be used for starving children, and these are the exact same practices that the Mahants did. Another issue is with the Nihangs who do a lot of things that are against Sikhism. Such as sacrificing goats, worshipping weapons, and getting high on "bhang". Isn't this the exact same stuff that these Hindu's do. We also put garlands on the portraits of our Guru's which is blatant idolatry. I believe yes, we should respect the Guru's, but not through false rituals. We also do the exact same ritualistic things with the SGGS by putting it to "Bed", covering it with clothes and such. We are pretty much worshipping it as an idol. It appears that Sikhism has been influenced heavily by these Mahants. I understand that Kala Afghana is a controversial figure in the Sikh community, he has a lot of true points that Sikhism has been corrupted by "Brahmanvad". I feel that if we don't deal with these issues an entire generation of Sikhi will be left in doubt and confusion. Also, when I was a younger kid. My parents used to tell me not to eat meat on Tuesdays which is also a Hindu superstition.  Here are some quotes regarding superstition and rituals in Sikhi.


ਰੋਗੁ ਭਰਮੁ ਭੇਦੁ ਮਨਿ ਦੂਜਾ  
रोगु भरमु भेदु मनि दूजा ॥ 
Rog bẖaram bẖeḏ man ḏūjā. 
The mind is diseased with doubt, superstition and duality.

ਆਚਾਰੀ ਨਹੀ ਜੀਤਿਆ ਜਾਇ  
आचारी नही जीतिआ जाइ ॥ 
Ācẖārī nahī jīṯi▫ā jā▫e. 
Through ritual actions, God cannot be won over; 

As you know these threads have been made a bunch of times, but I hope that the younger generations like me will realize, as I am 16 myself.


shastr worship was allowed b y Guru Pita ji  in place of doing matha tek to saroop of Guru ji (there were so few in Punjab and Khalsa's range was so far and wide in India) the Khalsa were allowed to do matha tek to the embodiment of Waheguru ji's Shakti in this world . However the putting of blood tilaks from chtka'd bakrian is outside that in terms of doing  hatya of nirdosh purely to anoit shastras . As for Bhang it was only ever used in battle wounds but now its maryada has been abused for so long people use it stronger and for the wrong reasons i.e. get high.

Guru Nanak Dev ji and Other Guru Sahiban did have miraculous events happen but it was never done to purely impress the masses e.g. Wali Qandri caused an avalache of rocks to kill Guru ji and Guru ji Just put a hand up  similarly when he talked about the true nature or nichord of your earnings it was a natural occurence after his actions of squeezing to compare.  

Kala Afghana and Darshan Raagi are GOI plants to create doubts against Dasam Bani which did not exist for over 300 years in millions of gursikhs up until that point . They have sold out and everyone knows it . You are young so probably don't know that Darshan Singh was proDasam Granth until the mid nineties then changed tune drastically . Kala Afghana is an unpard gawar who know very little about most spiritual things so I would not even entertain his ramblings he is not a SIKH .

When we do sukhasan and parkash , we are not dealing with a BOOK but with our GURU ji , all the voices of Guru Sahiban are encased in those pages , when we read from Guru ji we make that knowledge alive in that moment . Showing satkar or respect is something we learnt Guru Arjan Dev ji when Adi Granth was first compiled Guru put Adi Granth above him whilst he slept on the ground , if our Guru Sahiban showed that much respect then we should show as much if not more . It is not superstituous just showing our love and devotion

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On 7/12/2018 at 8:40 AM, puzzled said:

But isn't Sikhi itself a miracle? The fact the Waheguru himself came down to earth in the form of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, there is no scientific explanation for this. And what about the miracles in Gurbani, like how Guru Arjan Dev Ji tells us how waheguru has killed sulhi khan who was coming to attack Guru ji, Waheguru intervening and slaying sulhi khan is that not a miracle too? 

Bilaaval, Fifth Mehla

sulehee thae naaraaein raakh ||
The Lord saved me from Sulhi Khan.

sulehee kaa haathh kehee n pahuchai sulehee hoe mooaa naapaak ||1|| rehaao ||
The emperor did not succeed in his plot, and he died in disgrace. ||1||Pause||

kaadt kut(h)aar khasam sir kaattiaa khin mehi hoe gaeiaa hai khaak ||
The Lord and Master raised His axe, and chopped off his head; in an instant, he was reduced to dust. ||1||

ma(n)dhaa chithavath chithavath pachiaa jin rachiaa thin dheenaa dhhaak ||1||
Plotting and planning evil, he was destroyed. The One who created him, gave him a push.

puthr meeth dhhan kishhoo n rehiou s shhodd gaeiaa sabh bhaaee saak ||
Of his sons, friends and wealth, nothing remains; he departed, leaving behind all his brothers and relatives.

kahu naanak this prabh balihaaree jin jan kaa keeno pooran vaak ||2||18||104||
Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to God, who fulfilled the word of His slave. ||2||18||104||


Guru Nanak Dev ji also tells us how Waheguru has sent the Mughals to India as the messenger of death as the people of India had forgotten the truth. Divine interventions are miracles and Guru Granth Sahib ji talks about these. So how is Guru Nanak Dev ji stopping a boulder with his hand any different? 

And what about Sikhs who have had visions of the Gurus 


What do you mean that Whaeguru itself came as "guru nanak dev ji", do you mean literally or metaphorically? I mean aren't we all part of Whaeguru and we came from it.

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3 hours ago, CanadianSingh said:

What do you mean that Whaeguru itself came as "guru nanak dev ji", do you mean literally or metaphorically? I mean aren't we all part of Whaeguru and we came from it.

Of course, Wahiguru came as Guru  Nanak, there is no doubt about it.  Science is limited to the mind, so one has to trascend these realms, and enter the plane of pure spirituality with love and Bhakti, where, with the aid of His apaar Kirpa, one can see by oneself  this fact.

There is no way to convince anybody,  if one is blessed by His kirpa, or one has the impressions of good past karam, then one believes in the Truth of the Bani, otherwise that same Truth is placed before us, yet we may fail to recognize as such.

Stay blessed.

Sat Sree Akal.

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