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Vedas, Bible, Quran and Sri Guru Granth sahib are words of same god. Then why ..


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Every scripture has claimed itself to be from god , a divine revelation, revealed either through sages in deep meditation (as vedas claim to be) , or revealed through archangels (as in case of quran and other abrahamic scriptures) . Gurbani too claims to be divine word of god (dhur ki baani) revealed through the perfect gurus who were one with god. 

So ,it becomes evident the author of all these scriptures is ONE . And that entity goes by the name variously as Parbrahm/Allah/Yahweh/God/Waheguru 

Then why does one find harshness in SOME (not all or many) verses of quran, duality in vedas and "sacrifice your ego" in gurbani . 

Are the differences merely superficial. ?

Can one then argue, the jihadists and most muslims worldwide never really knew a true, deeper mystical interpretation of quran. Or for that matter the casteists and orthodox within hinduism never recognized the one present in many form in the vedas. Or for that matter, Sikhs never really truly understood what gurbani was saying ?

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/26/2019 at 4:55 PM, AjeetSinghPunjabi said:

Every scripture has claimed itself to be from god , a divine revelation, revealed either through sages in deep meditation (as vedas claim to be) , or revealed through archangels (as in case of quran and other abrahamic scriptures) . Gurbani too claims to be divine word of god (dhur ki baani) revealed through the perfect gurus who were one with god. 

So ,it becomes evident the author of all these scriptures is ONE . And that entity goes by the name variously as Parbrahm/Allah/Yahweh/God/Waheguru 

Then why does one find harshness in SOME (not all or many) verses of quran, duality in vedas and "sacrifice your ego" in gurbani . 

Are the differences merely superficial. ?

Can one then argue, the jihadists and most muslims worldwide never really knew a true, deeper mystical interpretation of quran. Or for that matter the casteists and orthodox within hinduism never recognized the one present in many form in the vedas. Or for that matter, Sikhs never really truly understood what gurbani was saying ?

The main reason for all these controversies which you mention among different religions and communities, is because none of them, absolutley none of them, have made any efforts to make pargat that divinity in each of them, thus they are lost in mayavee paraphernalia, which keeps everyone blind and devoid of their true spiritual nature.

Our Guru Sahiban and Bhagat Jan of the highest order, are able to arise their soul consciousness in the spiritual realms, where they see His Hukum, and His Jot, in all beings.

That is why the Bani says:  Sabh meh Jot, Jot hae soee.

That Supreme Being is present in all beings, if ever there is anything evil or bad in anybody, it is the huge accumulation of dirt on their minds.

Soul is unpolluted for it is His ray of Light, it is only the different layers of dirt as wrappings on the soul, which makes people bad, wicked, beasts, or good human beings.

That is the main reason.

Had anyone really gone within and stepped into the subtle spiritual realms, one would see nothing but the motion of His Hukum, and His Akhand Jot in all beings absolutely.

Stay blessed.

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  • 7 months later...

Unpopular opinion, 

the bible and the koran contain some spiritual truths, while other verses are manmat; guidance for worldly living of the times. To call them prophets would be a mistake, because even I as a paapi could propogate spiritual truths, then make up rules and systems where I get what I want.

you just have to read most of these so called holy books and understand that most humans never took religion that seriously, it is more of a cultural thing. So when time came for conversion, they just willingly went with it. Of course there were exceptions to that, but with Sikhi you see that not only is all of the Baani spiritual, but, its also very practical and logical. There is absoultely nothing about slave keeping, nothing about illogical practices, nothing about the greatness of the writer of the Baani, just praises of the praiseworthy one.

In the Jewish faith, they say that non-jews are beasts meant to be kept as slaves for the Jews after their Messiah has reclaimed the world.

In Christianity, one simply has to say Jesus the Christ is the savior, the son of God, the one true way, and thats that. Little to no work has to be done on the part of the seeker. Non-christians are thus false in this system and must "accept Jesus". Theres also a lot of mention of Jew and Israel as the chosen ones. Makes you wonder who was behind it?

In Islam, they discuss the ideology that non muslims are to be converted and call them all sorts of names. They discuss slave trade and sexual practices in this "holy" book. Not sakhis of it but more like a how-to, which to me, is disturbing. 

Hinduism is based on superiority of caste, and blind rituals (for the most part) and does not look for liberation but for a swarag in the afterlife.

Satanism, Luciferianism states that one is God and may do what they please, etc.

Sikhi lays out the practical way to achieve the ultimate goal of a soul, to be in oneness with its Creator. To many, it looks impractical with the keeping of hair, punj kakkars, etc. But there is a spiritual significance behind these acts that cannot be readily seen with the human eye, but must be felt, on a spiritual and emotional level.


Edit: with that being said, I have nothing against good samaritans of other faiths, I'm simply pointing out the flaws in their religious doctrines according to my mind, i.e what ive learned about what is right and what is wrong while living in this world. People will use the abundant population of these religions as evidence but this is a fallacious argument, (see image attachment)

tldr: Other faiths are incomplete systems with manmat. Gurbani is complete system. 


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Iv read the old testament and didnt learn anything!  just random stories about the jews struggling  some of these characters are really questionable!  like how lot offers his daughters to get gang raped by the heard of horny gay men that are after the angels hiding in lots house.      I really didnt learn anything from the quran either   just same threats of being sent to hell fire       only read first part of the gospels where jesus flips over the tables at the temple because the jewish priests have made the temple into a money making business 

The hindu scriptures on the other hand have a lot more gyan. Iv read parts of the upanishads and there is a lot of gyan same with the ramayan.  In mahabharat kirshan tells arjun at the beginning that fear is mans biggest weakness and holds us back   fear is just a illusion. 

I like laxshmans character in ramayan, when sita is taken away by ravan, ram and laxshman end up in the monkey lands where all the exiled monkey king (forgot his name something like sugriv ) lives with hanuman and his troupes.  as ravan was flying of with sita her blouse and jewelry fell in this place and the monkey hid sitas stuff. where ram reached this place and narrated sitas kidnapping to the monkeys, the monkeys brang sitas blouse and jewelry to ram and laxshan and asked them if these belong to sita, ram recognized the blouse and asked laxshman if he remembers this blouse on sita, laxshman replied saying that he doesnt know as he has never looked at sita from above her ankles, but he does recognize her ankle jewelry.   these are real dharmic teachings.   

same with hanuman  when he enters ravans palace and sees half naked drunk women laying on the floor everywhere he feels ashamed and looks away.  

Problem with hinduism is that you have 2 versions  one is hinduism of the ramayan and gita where even the women give advise and correct their husbands. Ramayan was written by valmiki a dalit,  and then there is the hinduism of the manusmrits where you can punish your wife by cutting her finger off or shaving her hair off   and where a shudra is equal to a stray dog and gets punished for even accidentally hearing the veds by having boiling oil poured into his ears.     

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9 minutes ago, puzzled said:

Iv read the old testament and didnt learn anything!  just random stories about the jews struggling  some of these characters are really questionable!  like how lot offers his daughters to get gang raped by the heard of horny gay men that are after the angels hiding in lots house.      I really didnt learn anything from the quran either   just same threats of being sent to hell fire       only read first part of the gospels where jesus flips over the tables at the temple because the jewish priests have made the temple into a money making business 

The hindu scriptures on the other hand have a lot more gyan. Iv read parts of the upanishads and there is a lot of gyan same with the ramayan.  In mahabharat kirshan tells arjun at the beginning that fear is mans biggest weakness and holds us back   fear is just a illusion. 

I like laxshmans character in ramayan, when sita is taken away by ravan, ram and laxshman end up in the monkey lands where all the exiled monkey king (forgot his name something like sugriv ) lives with hanuman and his troupes.  as ravan was flying of with sita her blouse and jewelry fell in this place and the monkey hid sitas stuff. where ram reached this place and narrated sitas kidnapping to the monkeys, the monkeys brang sitas blouse and jewelry to ram and laxshan and asked them if these belong to sita, ram recognized the blouse and asked laxshman if he remembers this blouse on sita, laxshman replied saying that he doesnt know as he has never looked at sita from above her ankles, but he does recognize her ankle jewelry.   these are real dharmic teachings.   

same with hanuman  when he enters ravans palace and sees half naked drunk women laying on the floor everywhere he feels ashamed and looks away.  

Problem with hinduism is that you have 2 versions  one is hinduism of the ramayan and gita where even the women give advise and correct their husbands. Ramayan was written by valmiki a dalit,  and then there is the hinduism of the manusmrits where you can punish your wife by cutting her finger off or shaving her hair off   and where a shudra is equal to a stray dog and gets punished for even accidentally hearing the veds by having boiling oil poured into his ears.     

Hindu teachings have proportionally higher amounts of truth, but with that came a proportionate amount of ego.

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On 2/26/2019 at 4:55 PM, Guest said:

Every scripture has claimed itself to be from god , a divine revelation, revealed either through sages in deep meditation (as vedas claim to be) , or revealed through archangels (as in case of quran and other abrahamic scriptures) . Gurbani too claims to be divine word of god (dhur ki baani) revealed through the perfect gurus who were one with god. 

So ,it becomes evident the author of all these scriptures is ONE . And that entity goes by the name variously as Parbrahm/Allah/Yahweh/God/Waheguru 

Then why does one find harshness in SOME (not all or many) verses of quran, duality in vedas and "sacrifice your ego" in gurbani . 

Are the differences merely superficial. ?

Can one then argue, the jihadists and most muslims worldwide never really knew a true, deeper mystical interpretation of quran. Or for that matter the casteists and orthodox within hinduism never recognized the one present in many form in the vedas. Or for that matter, Sikhs never really truly understood what gurbani was saying ?

how do we know how far it has changed from what Allah revealed , UTHman destroyed all written copies and the warriors who had memorised had been killed or died by that time ? Then qureshi  changed it to make themselves as higher than regular folks as only able to become imams/sheikhs . We know that the Jewish faith was compromised by behaviours of David, Solomon and the priestly caste , including pagan faith ideas , The temple was destroyed because they started going away from serving Elohim  and doing idol worship. , Jesus heard the word but his followers changed it to established the Roman church to transform the empires appearence .They also introduced a priest class and harsh rules against women , when Jesus had female parchariks .

Lakshman was also a paapi because he disfigures Ravan's sister by cutting off her nose , so much for not looking at a female's face. He also criticises Ram for accepting the jhoota ber from the poor woman . The treatment of women in mahabharat is disgusting  , Khrishna was watching women's bathing , stealing their clothes for what reason? kaam of course .

where the haumai is fed in a priest class the faith will become deformed by their greed , mediaval churches taught eternal hellfire to scare money out of the poor and rich alike . Sikhi was written directly over 230years and nurtured by Guru Sahiban themselves , no milavat , no priests only gursikhs doing sewa, that also open to Females .

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14 hours ago, jkvlondon said:

Lakshman was also a paapi because he disfigures Ravan's sister by cutting off her nose

Yh but she was a ogre rakshas   not a human. Rakshas are not seen as humans.  Same with hanuman, vali and the other monkey kings  they are seen as monkeys and not humans.   Ram shot vali from behind, vali while dying questioned ram for shooting him from behind and not face to face   and ram said   that men should fight other men face to face but animals can be hunted and killed from behind.

So ravans sister was a ogre like shrek 

And laksham shot her because she was full of kaam when she saw ram and wanted to marry him   ram refused and then she started lusting over laxshman.   she then started getting destructive.   She was a kaami ogre lol 

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Paa(n)e gahe jab té tumré tab té ko’oo aa(n)kh taré nehee aanyo. Ram rahim Puran Quran anak kahai mat eek na maneyo. Simrat shaastr badh sabh bohu bhedh kahai ham eik na janyo. Siree asipaan kripaa tumree kar(i), mai na kahyo sabh tohé bakhaanyo. (30)
O God ! Since I have held your feet, none other has entered my vision; Ram, Rahim, Puranas, Quran and many others recite, but I don't believe in even one. The Simritis, Shastras and Vedas describe many mysteries, but I don't recognise even one of them; O Sword-wielder God! All this I write, with your blessings, is not what I know but what you have shown me.
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8 hours ago, puzzled said:

Yh but she was a ogre rakshas   not a human. Rakshas are not seen as humans.  Same with hanuman, vali and the other monkey kings  they are seen as monkeys and not humans.   Ram shot vali from behind, vali while dying questioned ram for shooting him from behind and not face to face   and ram said   that men should fight other men face to face but animals can be hunted and killed from behind.

So ravans sister was a ogre like shrek 

And laksham shot her because she was full of kaam when she saw ram and wanted to marry him   ram refused and then she started lusting over laxshman.   she then started getting destructive.   She was a kaami ogre lol 

if that were true how would Ravan been invited to Sita's syambar , remember her father invited only the best and dharamic loki out of the kings and princes . Ram killed a shudra in the manner of an animal  that does not mean that person was an animal . Maybe you should listen to katha but Sant Singh Maskeen ji  about Ravan . Remember the victors rewrite the history to suit ....


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