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Can/Should Sun Tzu's art of war be applied against people in personal life. Would it be anti Sikh values


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1 hour ago, AjeetSingh2019 said:

and how do you know mein kampf was not a deliberate lie by hitler to gather sympathy from others ?

Read it yourself and decide. Most of his writing is undisputable historical context to his later actions that can be verified by the history books; the remainder is how his controversial interpretation of history informed his actions.

If you're afraid you may agree with at least half of an idea of his, I find that's where the fear to broach the subject originates. Don't be a coward. Read it. It also helps to have a brief overview of the social and political context of Europe and Germany at the time else most of the work will seem rather abstract.

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1 hour ago, AjeetSingh2019 said:

and how do you know mein kampf was not a deliberate lie by hitler to gather sympathy from others ?

We don't know but if we do not understand how he came to his conclusions, how will we never be able prevent any red flags that might crop up again.

Some of the best lies are mixed in with truths. 

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Sikhs are given the duty of understanding how others operate on a political, pschological and even spiritual level  . Only a fool would reject finding out about the roots of evil thought processes because it is outside our normal thought process and world view (hopefully). If you know how the other think you can devise effective countermeasures.

The reason we are failing to predict trends before they arrive is because we stopped doing vichar on history, faith, politics and human nature unlike our ancestors,who were able to  strategise andprotect their interests up until the intereference of Ranjit Singh influenced by dogrey

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On 7/5/2019 at 7:32 PM, AjeetSingh2019 said:

Ever read Sun Tzu's "art of war". He was a Chinese general some 2000 yrs back and he published the said work.

I m quite impressed by some of quotes from that work

He says 

"All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near." 

How would one go on to implement such a thing in real life. Is this a nice arrow in an individuals quiver along with things like

1. Brown nosing

2. Flatter the one who seeks it. 

3. Judge people's weak points based on what they utter from their own mouths.

For instance : a friend kept his WhatsApp status "I don't want money, I don't want fame. I want greatness". It's clear how u milk this person. 

4. Appear all innocent and naive.

5. Passive aggression


Brother, Know the context of the Book... It's like you are Reading the book but you already have made up an opinion about the book without even knowing the context.

The Book is not about everyday life of a Shopkeeper or a Labor worker, my friend.

This book,in my opinion, is for people who are involved in defenses or who are managing big organizations who often have to face competition in their respective fields... It has nothing against Sikhi because Sikhs under Guru SAhibs have also fought while taking into consideration their advantages and disadvantages and also their opponents' Weaknesses and strong points and exploited them with Full force... 

Be a Sengh, Man... You are thinking like NAAMDHAARIS XD

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On 7/8/2019 at 10:48 AM, Amit12 said:

Brother, Know the context of the Book... It's like you are Reading the book but you already have made up an opinion about the book without even knowing the context.

The Book is not about everyday life of a Shopkeeper or a Labor worker, my friend.

This book,in my opinion, is for people who are involved in defenses or who are managing big organizations who often have to face competition in their respective fields... It has nothing against Sikhi because Sikhs under Guru SAhibs have also fought while taking into consideration their advantages and disadvantages and also their opponents' Weaknesses and strong points and exploited them with Full force... 

Be a Sengh, Man... You are thinking like NAAMDHAARIS XD

How come u hv a Hindu sounding name 

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On 7/7/2019 at 4:16 AM, AjeetSingh2019 said:

and how do you know mein kampf was not a deliberate lie by hitler to gather sympathy from others ?

Because there's many versions of Mein Kampf, the modern ones are written by the jewish who have altered his words, while the original I own is a SS-authorized english translation, why would the jews  lie about what Hitler wrote?

Hmm I wonder why.

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