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Charitio Pakyaan: Warning of paedo grooming - chariter 105

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On 10/2/2019 at 1:57 PM, dallysingh101 said:

Funny how the site automon on a Sikh site considers translations of Guru ji's words as unacceptable. 

Why don't we ban the use of the word ਮੂੜ in Gurbani too? 

well this site is ok with a nitnem  bani from Charitropakhyan, Kabyo baach benti chaupai, being read in a broken and anti-dasam granth way. They even have group of sikhsthat reads the bani this anti-dasam way, on the top banner listed as "Sikh videos - Intermediate". Whereas a knowledgable sikh with santhiya like Bhai Jagraj Singh and his group Basics of Sikhi, is only listed as "Sikh videos - Beginner"

This is absolutely poor having sikhs that do not have a panthic outlook, and  being shown above Basics of Sikhi on this forum, whereas a group like Nanak Naam group would be many times better than Gurmat Bibek group.

The point is, if we keep letting sangat get away with reading Benti Chaupai in this anti-dasam way, (and it has been around 100 years these jathas and SGPC have been doing this anti-dasam bani activity), then what hope is there for Singhs to read the rest of Charitropakhyan and dasam bani!

The fact is anti-dasam bani is being practiced in front of us, hidden in the open, at our gurdwaras and sgpc gutkas!


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2 hours ago, ipledgeblue said:

well this site is ok with a nitnem  bani from Charitropakhyan, Kabyo baach benti chaupai, being read in a broken and anti-dasam granth way. They even have group of sikhsthat reads the bani this anti-dasam way, on the top banner listed as "Sikh videos - Intermediate". Whereas a knowledgable sikh with santhiya like Bhai Jagraj Singh and his group Basics of Sikhi, is only listed as "Sikh videos - Beginner"

This is absolutely poor having sikhs that do not have a panthic outlook, and  being shown above Basics of Sikhi on this forum, whereas a group like Nanak Naam group would be many times better than Gurmat Bibek group.

The point is, if we keep letting sangat get away with reading Benti Chaupai in this anti-dasam way, (and it has been around 100 years these jathas and SGPC have been doing this anti-dasam bani activity), then what hope is there for Singhs to read the rest of Charitropakhyan and dasam bani!

The fact is anti-dasam bani is being practiced in front of us, hidden in the open, at our gurdwaras and sgpc gutkas!


Well, I think the debate around DG is maturing and becoming more sophisticated. The problem you describe above stems from a lack of intelligence, laziness and cult-like mentalities, where people are either to lazy to study to any depth in order to get a good grounding, or just plainly incapable of grasping more subtle nuanced stuff due to 'cognitive limitations' or they follow some parcharak or organisation and just take whatever they are fed at face value.  

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