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brexit happening this Friday 31/01/2020


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On 1/29/2020 at 9:14 PM, genie said:

The UK will be officially leaving the European Union club

What's your thoughts on the whole issue?

I think it's an uncertain time to a degree. Even politicians don't know how it will fully affect Britain after Brexit. 

I hope that we will now have more control of our country. We don't want out of control immigration like we currently have. Obviously when apne came over. We worked hard in factories and earned a living. Not like many of today's immigrants who just want to live off benefits and run the country dry. 

Hopefully we will have more control over our fishing waters. Less EU bureaucracy and red tape stifling our growth and prosperity. A more fair and just society. Locking up criminals for as long as we like without having EU regulations such as silly human rights getting in the way. 

A return to real Britain. Not being run and controlled by pot bellied bureaucrats from Brussels. Look at the mess Germany made. Letting in 1 million asylum seekers in. 


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1 hour ago, MisterrSingh said:

It's not changing a thing aside from surface issues. The rot has set deep, and it will require more than Brexit to sort it out.

What it has achieved is sown the seeds for a class war that I think will come to fruition in the next 40 or so years.

Do you just post phrases that you read in papers and watch on news to make you sound clever. Or are these your own words. 

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46 minutes ago, Big_Tera said:

Look at the mess Germany made. Letting in 1 million asylum seekers in. 

Let's keep it real. That refugee problem was caused by Bush and our very own Blair, over greed for oil and wanting to dominate the region. I'm not saying 'let 'em in' I'm just saying we shouldn't be blind to the causal factors. People shouldn't be oblivious to the long term effects of political/military actions abroad. I mean, as SIkhs, we're still suffering from the results of brits sticking their nose in Panjab and making us lose our hard fought for independence - so we should be wise to these things. 

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1 hour ago, Big_Tera said:

Do you just post phrases that you read in papers and watch on news to make you sound clever. Or are these your own words. 

Balle, balle, shera! Where's this come from? ?

Very little I say originates from the television or the newspapers because I like to think for myself. Regurgitating second hand tidbits so they actually become third hand tidbits is your area of expertise, such as the belief that Brexit -- a severing of ties (kinda) with the European mainland in a political sense will halt migration from Africa and the Middle East. Did you read that in the Daily Mail, you cretin?

An intelligent person would realise this, but then I am interacting with you, so that rules that out. Envy is an unattractive quality. Either improve yourself or have enough shame to keep your mouth shut and remove all doubt as to your so-called capabilities.


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