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BLM or alllivesmatter?


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35 minutes ago, Ranjeet01 said:

So someone who is black mugs, kills someone who gets arrested and incarcarated can claim to he [sic?] released because his ancestors were brought over by slaves and lynched in the 1800s or early 1900s.

Seriously? Is this how your simple brain has processed all of this? hahahhahahaha!


What I'm beginning to believe is that a certain strain of apna, one who usually has strong family roots in being co-opted by colonising goray (probably to avoid starving because of historic lack of skills?), is unable to shake off that legacy of subjugation psychologically. What you see is a slave-mentality that has transcended time and generations. When I read Frederick Douglas's narratives, I remember him talking about slaves being so psychologically subordinated, that they would fight with other slaves over whose plantation owner was the best. I never thought I'd see this mentality amongst my own....but alas....

No not all blacks are angels, some of them are really f**ked up. But to use that as some form of distraction to centuries of systemic oppression of the extreme kind, and then to deny the impact of this legacy in modern times, especially in terms of socio-economic set ups is plain dumb. 

That's like saying us Sikhs aren't in a pickle because of our loss of sovereignty. And that the Sikh-anglo wars happened over 150 years ago, and the legacy doesn't affect Sikhs in Panjab today.  


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3 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

Seriously? Is this how your simple brain has processed all of this? hahahhahahaha!


What I'm beginning to believe is that a certain strain of apna, one who usually has strong family roots in being co-opted by colonising goray (probably to avoid starving because of historic lack of skills?), is unable to shake off that legacy of subjugation psychologically. What you see is a slave-mentality that has transcended time and generations. When I read Frederick Douglas's narratives, I remember him talking about slaves being so psychologically subordinated, that they would fight with other slaves over whose plantation owner was the best. I never thought I'd see this mentality amongst my own....but alas....

No not all blacks are angels, some of them are really f**ked up. But to use that as some form of distraction to centuries of systemic oppression of the extreme kind, and then to deny the impact of this legacy in modern times, especially in terms of socio-economic set ups is plain dumb. 

That's like saying us Sikhs aren't in a pickle because of our loss of sovereignty. And that the Sikh-anglo wars happened over 150 years ago, and the legacy doesn't affect Sikhs in Panjab today.  


You are even more brainwashed, you are completely colonised with marxist thought.

You don't even see it.

This marxist infiltration is so ingrained that you think you have freed yourself but you haven't,  you are even more enslaved. 

This indoctrination will only get yourself into a bigger rabbit hole. 

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On 10/27/2020 at 11:19 AM, Big_Tera said:

What is it with these protests. Regarding the police shooting of a black man. Where these protests justified or going over the top? On one hand you have innocent blacks being arrested by the police for no reason. Then you have other type who are going over the top without good reason. 

Touche Big Tera.

You are very good at this game.

Start off a topic to create a reaction, then sit back.

Well played!

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1 hour ago, Ranjeet01 said:

If anyone critiques any actions by black american you shout it down as racist.

So someone who is black mugs, kills someone who gets arrested and incarcarated can claim to he released because his ancestors were brought over by slaves and lynched in the 1800s or early 1900s. 

This is the same tactic people of Jewish origin  play with the holocaust card.

Nice try.

No dude. I uh objected to racist ideology being regurgitated by you like some poor mans redneck 2.0. Which you failed to respond to before you flailed out. 


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4 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

No dude. I uh objected to racist ideology being regurgitated by you like some poor mans redneck 2.0. Which you failed to respond to before you flailed out. 


I am not quoting any racist ideology

Are black people facing discrimination, yes.

Have black people faced, police brutality,yes.

Have black people suffered from slaver,  yes.

However, is it a good thing for people to go and loot their neighbourhoods. How does looting help?

Please explain, is it racist to say that is wrong to loot innocent people because you are oppressed. 

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4 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

I was raised around white supremacy bro. You reek of it just like the poor white trash I heard it from to begin with. @Ranjeet01


How am I a white supremacist? 

Those white trash folk are even more deprived than a lot of black folk.

You know who the real white supremacists are? White liberals like yourself.

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You've tried to point every finger at black folk to say their lives don't matter. You've said they deserve murder because they're thugs, because black on black crime exists, because slavery supposedly ended, because when given a blacker community crime still exists?

Failed to empathize with their plight, which has many correlations to your own. 

You're missed points are simply stacking up. 

You make accusations and assertions to suit your bias about me, regarding my supposedly meth fueled liberal white supremacy circle? Lulz. That's delusional bro. 

You sound just like a stupid hick bro. 

Read some Bani and put down the fox news bro. 

Give the racist echo chambering a break. 


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