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Equality during Anand Karaj

Guest manjeetayjagjeet

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Guest manjeetayjagjeet

Sat sri akal, everyone!

I'm just having some trouble wrapping my head around Sikh society. As a woman, I am proud to be Sikh because it advocates for equality among the genders. However, my faith has been suffering due to societal thinking, especially here in Canada. My fiancé and I are getting married next year and we are having a lot of trouble finding a raagi jattha. Why? Because both of us (and our families) want us to walk beside each other instead of the traditional bride behind groom way for the lavaan. People are simply unwilling to do it and those that can, are crazy expensive.

Our traditions have been heavily borrowed from Hinduism but without all the fuss. We have even changed the way we think about Sikh marriage, as the bride and groom get married together to God. So then why do I have to walk behind him? To make things worse, I have heard some really sexist things from some of the raagis who explained why I must walk behind him. I am so disappointed in our people.

I guess I wanted some more opinions on this. Am I missing some pertinent information? But if anyone has more information about this or raagis who are more open minded, I'd love to hear about it!

Thank you!

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Fun fact. In Russian, the verb to marry literally means "take a wife" if you're male. But if you're female it literally means "be behind the man" 

Shortly after the US got rid of the Taliban, an aid worker noticed a woman walking behind her husband. 

"We've freed you from the control of men" the aid worker said. "Why are you still walking behind him?" 

"Landmines" the woman replied. 


Seriously though, it's not all tradition. It depends on lots of things. i've heard in the old days that women would walk first in the third lavan. My own grand parents sat on chairs. Apparently in really old times they didn't eve. Walk around. 

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