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The Saint-Soldier: Documentary on Bhai Maharaj Singh of Bhai Daya Singh Sampardaya (first Sikh in Singapore albeit as a captive of the british)

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1 hour ago, NaamTiharoJoJape said:

Did singh sabha figures like bhai kahn singh nabha and bhai veer singh support the cut-vad of sri benti chaupai?

No they didn't I'm pretty sure in Bhai Vir Singh's teeka he includes the extended version

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1 hour ago, NaamTiharoJoJape said:

Did singh sabha figures like bhai kahn singh nabha and bhai veer singh support the cut-vad of sri benti chaupai? I've heard the former jathedar vedantis lame excuse for cutting last two couplets saying it doesnt follow ardas theme but that is debunked by guru Sahibs last promise that "man baanchat phal paavai soee dookh na tisai biapat koee" 


Was this solely due to people getting offended by "jag mata" 

I don't know about this specifically, but what does seem clear is that Dasam Granth was a headache for many who were pushing some anglicised, abrahamic 'Sikhism' thing. 

I know it even caught out greater minds than ours, like Nabha's, who seemed to be uncomfortable with CP, and may have gone through different stages when trying to understand it.  

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I know he's said some other controversial stuff but he always takes it with a grain of salt. An example of this would be of the article he wrote on what happened after the joti jot of Dasam Patshah but he says he's only heard from his father...

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15 minutes ago, intrigued said:

I know he's said some other controversial stuff but he always takes it with a grain of salt. An example of this would be of the article he wrote on what happened after the joti jot of Dasam Patshah but he says he's only heard from his father...

I think he was a savant, and I really admire and respect his kosh, but he wasn't our Guru ji, but human just like us, and thus susceptible to weaknesses and mistakes, like humans are. How was he not going to get influenced by those who were controlling Panjab and what they were pushing to some degree? Plus he must have been influenced by the new protestant education system that was being pushed, and even by his mate Macauliffe. It isn't really controversial when you look at it that way. I mean the Chandhi thing had lots of 'knickers in a twist' too. It was people trying to hammer Sikhi into some abrahamic mold because the anglos put doubt and complexes in their heads. Plus divide and rule tactics. 

Be nice if you could dig up and share what he said his father told him (as you alluded to above) sometime btw. 

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2 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

Be nice if you could dig up and share what he said he's father told him (as you alluded to above) sometime btw. 

I think he wrote an article in one of the early Sikh newspapers that alluded to Guru Gobind Singh Ji escaping Abchal Nagar. I don't know if the article is still anywhere. Dr. Ganda Singh talks about it in his book along with other theories - https://archive.org/details/GuruGobindSinghsDeathAtNanded-AnExaminationOfSuccessionTheories-Dr.GandaSingh

Great read

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Bhai kahn singh nabha eventually agreed it was dasam pita ki rachana but proposed the private reading of more controversial banis instead of public bichar; which I dont necessarily agree with 

I think he was anti raagmala as well though 

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2 minutes ago, intrigued said:

I think he wrote an article in one of the early Sikh newspapers that alluded to Guru Gobind Singh Ji escaping Abchal Nagar. I don't know if the article is still anywhere. Dr. Ganda Singh talks about it in his book along with other theories - https://archive.org/details/GuruGobindSinghsDeathAtNanded-AnExaminationOfSuccessionTheories-Dr.GandaSingh

Great read

Read this many years ago, might revisit it. As far as I recall, a big part of this was to refute Kooka assertions that Guru ji went underground after leaving Hazur Sahib. 

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