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How sikhs helped the jaats of bharatpur

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9 hours ago, proactive said:

The Hindus who disowned Punjabi were the Hindus in present day Punjab and the Punjabi Hindu refugees who had been resettled in northern Haryana areas after 1947. Jaats have always been Baagri/Haryanvi speaking. Those who live with Sikhs in the border areas of Haryana with Punjab speak Punjabi and Haryanvi but the vast majority of Jaats speak Baagri/Haryanvi. 

All communities even the Dalits and Muslims took part in the Sikh genocide in 1984. I am not glossing over the fact that many Jaats also took part but we need to consider what is the best interests of the Panth now. I have mentioned before that many of the Kharkoos of the Majha area would have been descendants of those Chaudris who had joined in the mass murder of Sikhs under the Mughals and yet when the Khalsa took power while the Chaudris were punished, their families were allowed to live and later joined the Khalsa. We need pragmatism in the Panth today. 

The mass conversion of Jaats and with them the minor castes of their areas would negate all the anti-Sikh policies of the Indian govt since 1947. Sikhs would retain a majority in Punjab and would be a minority of over 30-35% in Haryana, at least 15% of Delhi and 20% of western UP and 50-60% of Ganganagar/Hanumangarh. This would also bring in sea change to the perception of Sikhism in the Indian mind. From being a Punjabi centric religion, we would have an almost equal Hindi speaking population. First Punjab, then the neighbouring states and then Northern India. From 25M we would go to 40M and when we hit 50-60M any Indian govt would never be able to repeat 1984 again. This may sound like wishful thinking but the potential of Jaat conversion to Sikhi offers that as a real possibility. 

So what about those Panjabis that did turn their back on their mother tongue/heritage? I presume a lot of them will now be trying to crawl up Sikhs ar5es. Do you seriously not see how having such disloyal people swell Sikh ranks could very easily backfire!! Can you not see how it could also be a mass infiltration of at best indifferent, at worst historically hostile people that could screw us over even more long term? We could have a 1000 KPS Gills or Badals from this in future. 

I full well understand how we need to shift the geo-political scenario in Panjab and the surrounding areas (I really do), but what will we be looking at? 'Converts' who will replicate what the majority juts of Panjab have done and created a bankrupt and corrupt SGPC and dragged Sikh polity largely into oblivion? Fights over Gurdwara funds? More depressing apartheid and oppression of Mazhbhis at village level (which I'm sure takes place now anyway) but with the added disgrace of having Sikhi associated with it. Will Panjabis roll out the whisky-for-votes schemes to these new regions as well? Don't you think we at least need to face up to, and address some of our own shyte before we try and convert others in an unstructured way? Would they theoretically support a Khalistan movement, or would they infiltrate it and bring it down? I understand what you are saying, but you don't seem to be factoring these people's history, and our own state into the equation. You wouldn't want to punish any b@stards that raped and killed Sikhs post Indira's farewell? 

It's not a bad idea to swell our numbers but this way seems a tad desperate and poorly thought out.

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1 hour ago, chatanga1 said:


Panjab belongs to the people of it's soil. Panjab is our motherland. That can include HIndus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians. But who would strike a dagger into their own mother's heart? The Muslims showed their disdain for Panjab when they prefered some alien hybrid bihari language over their own mother tongue in the 1850s. A century later, the HIndus displayed the same disloyalty to Panjab when they returned Hindi as their mother tongue. Both these two religious groups are traitors to Panjab.

The traitors of the motherland are those who have forsaken Sanskrit on which the Granths are based. And deny 2/3rds of its teachings. As well as many others including those who betrayed Banda Bahadur (by aligning with the Moghuls who he was recruited to fight) and who was the first person to secure true victory for Indians, as well as those who sided with the British for a few bucks in the 1857 First War of Independence.  

And there are those traitors who deny their Hindu roots that even the Gurus did not deny. Perhaps recruiting those to 'get the numbers up', who neither understand these roots or belong to an alien culture is largely to blame. And hence the widespread ignorance within the panth that is in a flux and engaged in petty infighting and ripe for destruction (via drugs and alcohol) and conversion. And which refuses to apply simple remedies because they're not from the Granths! ?‍♂️

Punjabi is not the only language of Punjab. My mother's mother tongue was Multani a language of Multan which is now in Pakistan. She had to learn Punjabi after marriage and move to Ludhiana as she only studied Hindi and English at school in Delhi.

Anyway with the mass conversion of Sikhs into Christianity they will probably be less interest in Punjabi when English could be considered their mother tongue. It is this menace from within you should be shielding against. 

In 500 years where is the body of literature, intellectual rigour and philosophical reasoning, art and creativity, architectural and historic buildings that go to mark and sustain a culture? 

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48 minutes ago, S1ngh said:

Brother, I have been telling you that this is SikhSangat not AryaSamaj forum.

Punjab does not belong to the Sikhs that they can do whatever they want! There seems to be a habit of using outsiders to resolve their problems rather than looking within (themselves) as to what is lacking. 

And despite claiming to be free of caste they are looking to recruit only from a particular caste. So how are they able to claim they are Not Hindu?


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4 hours ago, Rajasthani said:

There was No India At that time.. It was Just independent small Propserous Kingdoms 

And Sanskrit is alien.language to South Indian North east Indian So It mean they are too Traitor... 

1857 was not first war of independece for sikhs First independence war was in 1847-1849  

And 1857 was just small Mutinity and Nepali Gurkhas rajputs dogras Were supporting British and That mutinity too Was Only limited to North india ( mainly UP Bihar ) so No chance of winning 

read Ambedkar view on 1857 



Where do you think Christopher Columbus was looking for 'India' in the 15th Century? Though I take your point that there was no central administration responsible for it as a single country. That screams out there should be in order to avoid constant conflict. 

According to existing understanding Sanskrit is the mother of all languages. Whilst I understand the arguments made that Tamil is superior/older etc than Sanskrit my contacts there complain if their not being taught Hindi and hence feel excluded from the rest of India. No doubt it is the Xtian missionaries playing their usual dirty games. However there are places where Sanskrit is being revived with astounding results. Perhaps this should be the language that unites us all. Here is a description of a whole village in Karnataka speaking in Sanskrit. 


Despite the Mutiny being confined to certain districts the East India Company felt threatened enough to hand over the reins to the British govt as a direct result. 





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