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Help required with dilemma


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Dear Sikhsangat.


I've been in a terrible predicament for the past year, and it just seems to get worse every day.

Before putting forth my question(s), I'd want to acknowledge a few significant facts:

1. I'm a Keshdari Singh and I only eat vegetarian food (I have not been baptized).

2. I pose a selfish enquiry (i.e., I have selfish motives).

3. Everything in my existence is unclear to me.

I was raised in a typical family and have led a typical life. However, I'm now faced with a challenge that, if it's not fixed right away, would lead to my early and unavoidable demise. It has recently come to my attention that both scientists and clever people view religion as a coping strategy used by the weak or, more specifically, as a result of human weakness. I am unable to understand how some people with high IQs and exceptional talent can succeed in whatever they do without the aid of God. Mant do not  refrain from swearing, wicked deeds, etc. This also holds true for evildoers who injure others, have killed countless people, yet continue to live peacefully.Genghis Khan, Stalin, Trump, and other tyrants are only a few examples (Castro, Pol pot). Why do these people choose not to learn about or remain in a relationship with God while continuing to live lives of wealth and intelligence that are above average? I'm not sure how a just deity could do something like this. Why do the powerful oppress the weak? My life has turned into a misery I can't even begin to describe. I feel as though I shouldn't be here. I frequently observe my peers doing dirty deeds and acting clever  yet still get great grades. I'm just a hollow shell of the person I once was. But this one query has prevented me from making any progress whatsoever in life. My childhood is a dim memory of following the crowd and generally being stupid. Whenever I try to practise Sikhi, I see things like these and question whether a god actually exists. In life, I'm stumbling. Every corner will reveal surprises. I am an feeble person. Every endeavour I attempt in life—studying, using reasoning, etc.—fails. I'm not saying anything out of passion or in the heat of the moment, and I don't want to evoke sympathy or empathy, but because of my infantile nature, I might "end it all" since this life is intolerable and I can no longer go on living.

This form is my only hope because the world is so incredibly overwhelming and terrible. I'll ask the same question again.

Why would God give individuals a high IQ when he knows they won't believe in or obey him? Why wasn't I given this information if God is just and fair? This implies that there may not be a god and that life is unfair.

Do the weak have anything to rely on?

In life, everyone is intoxicated by something. I haven't been able to find anything that satisfies my need for an answer. I worry about unexpectedly leaving this existence.I feel out of place everywhere; some individuals enjoy learning, while some follow a philosophy, while others believe in something else entirely. What hope should I entertain?

Please accept my sincere apologies. I appreciate your guidance.

Help Khalsa ji if you can. My only hope is in you.



I grew up in a normal household and have led a normal life. However, I am confronted with a problem that, if not resolved quickly, will result in my untimely and unavoidable death.It has recently come to my attention that scientists and intelligent people alike associate religion with the weak, or rather, as a coping mechanism due to human weakness. However, I cannot come to comprehend the fact that there are people who are very gifted with high IQ's who excel at everything without the need of God. They do not do simran, swear, do bad deeds, etc. This also applies to bad people who cause harm to others, have killed countless people, and yet continue to live in peace.Examples include, but are not limited to, Genghis Khan, Stalin, Trump, and dictators (Castro, Pol pot).Why is it that I have to learn about and stay with God but these people do not and still go on to live lives of riches and extraordinary IQ? I can't possibly fathom a just god doing this. Why do the strong trample on the weak? Every single day of my life has become a misery I cannot convey in words. I feel like I should not exist. I always see classmates doing the worst of the worst and still passing with high grades. I am merely an empty shill of what used to be a human being. But this one question has blocked me from progressing in life at all. My childhood is a distant memory consisting of me doing what others did and being stupid overall. Any time I try to follow Sikhi, I witness such events and wonder if there really is a god. I am flailing in life. Expect surprises at every turn.I am a degenerate. I always fail at everything in life; studies, logic, etc. I do not wish to draw pity nor empathy and am by no means saying anything based on emotions or the heat of the moment, but due to my childish nature, I may "end it all" as this life is unbearable and I can live no further. The world is so very daunting and terrifying that this form is my only hope. I will reiterate my question once more.


Why does God provide people with a high IQ, knowing they are not going to believe or follow him? Why was I not provided with such knowledge if God is just and fair? This means that life is unfair and that there may be no god.

Do the weak have anything to rely on?

Everyone is drunk on something in life. Nothing has satisfied my desire for an answer to my question. I am afraid of suddenly leaving this world.

I feel out of place everywhere, some people love studying, other adhere to a philosophy, some something, and others other things, what hope should I entertain?

Please forgive me everything. Thank you for your help.


Please help Khalsa ji. You are my only hope.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/6/2022 at 12:17 PM, guptang said:

Dear Sikhsangat.


I've been in a terrible predicament for the past year, and it just seems to get worse every day.

Before putting forth my question(s), I'd want to acknowledge a few significant facts:

1. I'm a Keshdari Singh and I only eat vegetarian food (I have not been baptized).

2. I pose a selfish enquiry (i.e., I have selfish motives).

3. Everything in my existence is unclear to me.

I was raised in a typical family and have led a typical life. However, I'm now faced with a challenge that, if it's not fixed right away, would lead to my early and unavoidable demise. It has recently come to my attention that both scientists and clever people view religion as a coping strategy used by the weak or, more specifically, as a result of human weakness. I am unable to understand how some people with high IQs and exceptional talent can succeed in whatever they do without the aid of God. Mant do not  refrain from swearing, wicked deeds, etc. This also holds true for evildoers who injure others, have killed countless people, yet continue to live peacefully.Genghis Khan, Stalin, Trump, and other tyrants are only a few examples (Castro, Pol pot). Why do these people choose not to learn about or remain in a relationship with God while continuing to live lives of wealth and intelligence that are above average? I'm not sure how a just deity could do something like this. Why do the powerful oppress the weak? My life has turned into a misery I can't even begin to describe. I feel as though I shouldn't be here. I frequently observe my peers doing dirty deeds and acting clever  yet still get great grades. I'm just a hollow shell of the person I once was. But this one query has prevented me from making any progress whatsoever in life. My childhood is a dim memory of following the crowd and generally being stupid. Whenever I try to practise Sikhi, I see things like these and question whether a god actually exists. In life, I'm stumbling. Every corner will reveal surprises. I am an feeble person. Every endeavour I attempt in life—studying, using reasoning, etc.—fails. I'm not saying anything out of passion or in the heat of the moment, and I don't want to evoke sympathy or empathy, but because of my infantile nature, I might "end it all" since this life is intolerable and I can no longer go on living.

This form is my only hope because the world is so incredibly overwhelming and terrible. I'll ask the same question again.

Why would God give individuals a high IQ when he knows they won't believe in or obey him? Why wasn't I given this information if God is just and fair? This implies that there may not be a god and that life is unfair.

Do the weak have anything to rely on?

In life, everyone is intoxicated by something. I haven't been able to find anything that satisfies my need for an answer. I worry about unexpectedly leaving this existence.I feel out of place everywhere; some individuals enjoy learning, while some follow a philosophy, while others believe in something else entirely. What hope should I entertain?

Please accept my sincere apologies. I appreciate your guidance.

Help Khalsa ji if you can. My only hope is in you.



I grew up in a normal household and have led a normal life. However, I am confronted with a problem that, if not resolved quickly, will result in my untimely and unavoidable death.It has recently come to my attention that scientists and intelligent people alike associate religion with the weak, or rather, as a coping mechanism due to human weakness. However, I cannot come to comprehend the fact that there are people who are very gifted with high IQ's who excel at everything without the need of God. They do not do simran, swear, do bad deeds, etc. This also applies to bad people who cause harm to others, have killed countless people, and yet continue to live in peace.Examples include, but are not limited to, Genghis Khan, Stalin, Trump, and dictators (Castro, Pol pot).Why is it that I have to learn about and stay with God but these people do not and still go on to live lives of riches and extraordinary IQ? I can't possibly fathom a just god doing this. Why do the strong trample on the weak? Every single day of my life has become a misery I cannot convey in words. I feel like I should not exist. I always see classmates doing the worst of the worst and still passing with high grades. I am merely an empty shill of what used to be a human being. But this one question has blocked me from progressing in life at all. My childhood is a distant memory consisting of me doing what others did and being stupid overall. Any time I try to follow Sikhi, I witness such events and wonder if there really is a god. I am flailing in life. Expect surprises at every turn.I am a degenerate. I always fail at everything in life; studies, logic, etc. I do not wish to draw pity nor empathy and am by no means saying anything based on emotions or the heat of the moment, but due to my childish nature, I may "end it all" as this life is unbearable and I can live no further. The world is so very daunting and terrifying that this form is my only hope. I will reiterate my question once more.


Why does God provide people with a high IQ, knowing they are not going to believe or follow him? Why was I not provided with such knowledge if God is just and fair? This means that life is unfair and that there may be no god.

Do the weak have anything to rely on?

Everyone is drunk on something in life. Nothing has satisfied my desire for an answer to my question. I am afraid of suddenly leaving this world.

I feel out of place everywhere, some people love studying, other adhere to a philosophy, some something, and others other things, what hope should I entertain?

Please forgive me everything. Thank you for your help.


Please help Khalsa ji. You are my only hope.

Hello Guptang

I’m sorry to read your post as you seem unnecessarily despondant.  You clearly have a very high IQ and are well educated.  So what is the problem?  You expect a just God to give you results that you think are fair.  And herein lies the problem.

You have no right to expect anything from anyone. 

Each of us come here with our Karmic baggage and we are expected to make the most of it.  If there is injustice then we are duty bound to try and correct the problem within our capacity.  For example, we may join a political organisation in the hope of bringing a better future.

But you are speaking of your colleagues acting unwisely and still getting better results.  How strange.  God does not work in the way that you think.  The world is run on our thoughts, actions, dreams and emotions.  So your classmates may be playing the fool, but they are clearly getting good results because of their high IQ or because they are putting in the work required, or both?  Why are you judging them?  If you think they do not deserve their success, then you should focus on why you are not getting similar grades and put in the hard work.  If they didn’t deserve it, then they wouldn’t get it, surely?  If there is foul play going on (cheating) then you can take some action, otherwise there is not much you can do.

You must focus on your own life and your own goals.  What are these? 

In life you must lead the life that you are meant to be doing.  What I mean is that if you are really incapable of achieving what others are achieving then you must choose a different field of study.  Are you studying medicine when you should be studying some other subject? You should work according to your capacity based on the body God gave you, the brain He gave you and the family you have.  However, from your post you clearly have a good brain. 

But your attitude may be lacking.  Perhaps you do not have enough fun in your life and are too serious.  Do you find time to relax, enjoy yourself?  Do you take good exercise, spend time with friends.  This is what gives us emotional satisfaction, not just achieving good grades.

As for ending it all, I think you must be depressed.  But this depression seems to be because of your false belief in a God that is not doing your bidding.  It could be simply a case of the green eyed monster showing its evil ie. Jealousy.

But seriously, if you are serious about ending it all, you need professional help.  This is not the age to be contemplating such things.  You seem too young and haven’t even started out in life.  Do you not have dreams of a bright future for yourself? 

If you are not inclined to see a doctor, then I suggest you take a holiday/break and find time to relax and enjoy yourself.  That is also a part of life. 

Good luck.

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    • Ik i'm a few (13) years late but basically: Get a single Mal-mal dastar (around 3-5 metres) and starch it. You just whisk 2 ladles of starch (Kershaw's, cornstarch or maida) with around 5 cups of water until it's completely smooth and mix it on low heat flame for around 20 mins until it goes clear and think like water. When this cools off, take a clean but damp turban and soak it into the starch and make sure you coat the whole dastar evenly You leave it out to hang dry in the sun/air. Once dry u can store it in a cool, dry place until you wanna tie it (for about 4 months) Take the dastar, sprinkle some water all throughout the turban to make it slightly wet and just soft enough to tie. Then you and another person hold the dastar at each end to make a stretched rectangle (two people holding one corner in each of their hands). Fold it in half width-wise 3 times. Tie the turban like this quite loosely. The starch will make it tighter as it dries BUT TIE IT STAIGHT ONTO YOUR HEAD. NO MINi-TURBAN BENEATH IT. JUST TIE YOUR FLATTENED JOORA ON TOP OF YOUR HEAD AND THE DASTAR DIRECTLY ON TOP Secure it with pins and wear it on your head until it has dried from the water you sprinkled before the pooni. After it has completely dried (give it around 3-4 hours just to make sure) you take it off your head DO NOT UNWRAP IT TAKE IT OFF IN IT'S SHAPE and the next time you need to wear you can just place it on your head over your flattened joora instead of tying this. You can do this for around 5 months after you first tied it until you have to ever tie it again.
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