i Have heard of these Chakras what are the purpose of these can you use them as a sikh to help you in your spiritual journey, how do you use them in they way they suppose to be used, what does Our Sat guru say about this, what does our sikh history say, what do they Liberated ones have to say about this, brahmgyani.
Can you use these tool's to help you , knowing that naam and love is they way to GOD. Pls if you want to stay not public pls private message me
the Jatt boy above made the correct comment. You have to find out what JOG is really about. (Jog means Union)
In my simplest explanation and as a person who has been doing yoga for over 3 years, ...JOG is about your JIV or Atma merging with the Parmatma.
This happens "inside" your body,.. inside your sukham/subtle sareer.
However, many schools of yoga, religions and faiths, over the years have got wrapped up and involved in too much outer body work to help make the inner changes., but they m