You cracked me up with these, especially the hard plastic sole chappal.
Man, I honestly thought I came from a dysfunctional family! I tell my kids about my shitthar and that I remember counting to myself that I never went a full week without any. At least 3 times a week i'd get the chappal.
Used to get the cane at school, then come home with a message from head teacher that he wanted to see my parents, ... then on top of this, i'd get more shitthar at home for getting caned at school. Double whammy man. My goray classmates were shocked when they heard about my 2nd beating and used to feel sorry for me.
Yeh, I remember wanting an Atari. "Chack ke theray sirch marnaa" " tenu mehn dindi atari, dadhay magona. Parnaa née, game'ah khelniyaa....lokah dehn nianay barhay sonay kehnay lagday". Then she'd rant on about so and so's child's who was such a good boy and held is mothers hand everywhere he went. Truth was we knew as kids that so and so's kid was a c*nt and mega bull$hitter. Also a sore looser in playground games like tag.