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The Guru's Beloved Bards

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[b]The Guru's Beloved Bards[/b]
[b]September 18, 11:00 am[/b][i]Talks & demos by experts, part of the 2011 Golden Temple Exhibition in London[/i]
[b]Event Details[/b]
As part of the stunning new Sikh exhibition taking place in London this summer - 'The Golden Temple of Amritsar: Reflections of the Past' - we are holding a limited number of special Sunday Symposiums on a variety of topics connected with the Golden Temple.

There are five symposium days in all, each on a different theme. These engaging talks by international speakers will provide insights into the history, art, architecture, martial culture and musical traditions of the Sikhs' most iconic shrine.

[b]Theme of the Day: Music[/b]

The day will include the following 2 talks (plus free lunch):

[b]Old Broken Strings[/b]
Rediscover the forgotten tradition of the Muslim bards of the Golden Temple.

Dr. Navtej Purewal is a lecturer at the University of Manchester specialising in gender issues and social inequality in South Asia and the Partition of Punjab.

[b]‘Unstruck Melody’[/b]
In-conversation with one of the last great rababis who sang at the Golden Temple, concluding with a finale performance.

Bhai Ghulam Muhammad Chand is an accomplished exponent of the rababi tradition who was born in Amritsar but is now based in Lahore, Pakistan.

[b]Book Now[/b]

Places are limited so book your tickets now - tickets are available at gt1588.eventbrite.com.
Enjoy a full day's talks from £8.50 including free lunch.
Entry to the main exhibition is FREE.

[b]Learn More[/b]

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Best Wishes

The team at GT1588

Contact Name: Harbakhsh SinghContact Email: [email="harbakhsh@kashihouse.com"]harbakhsh@kashihouse.com[/email]Event Website: [url="http://gt1588.eventbrite.com/"]http://gt1588.eventbrite.com[/url]

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