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Posts posted by SikhTribute

  1. Revolutionary the last bit of your post fails to make any sence. :umm:

    Yes I kinda realised u didnt understand the last bit hence the expected dissection of my story.

    Dont worry lol :TH:

    NaNa Paaji wasnt deliberitly trying to dissection you post but was simply trying to outline how incorrect or misleading some of it is. I doubt Crative Boy is thinking that, in any situation like this you either try to rectafie the problem or seek revenge. Thats human nature.

  2. some very very wise person once asked me this question

    out of the 2....which one is a better sikh...

    a) a man who drinks alcohol and does path?

    b) a man who neither drinks alcohol nor does path?

    i said b... because he isnt commintin any sins

    but actually the wise person told me....the 2nd guy isnt doin anything to get closer 2 god.

    at the least the 1st man does path......maybe one day that path will enpower him and reach out to him...and he mite stop drinkin alcohol.

    the lesson is we are all human....we all make mistakes.. not tryin to say crative boy drinks...because he dont.

    now people are even sayin he shudnt have put those pics up on his myspace? so he shud have hidden them instead? cos we all know no matter how much u hide things n keep secrets god is always watching......

    we shud definatly concentrate on becomin better sikhs our selves rather than gossiping and pointin the finger at other people

    unless the 15 year old girl who wrote the blog is GOD herself? i think not...

    those pictures do no represent anythin especially if u were not there wen they were taken

    no1 wears their turban 24/7 ....my dad takes it off wen hes a home....so did crative wen he was on holiday....yeh mayb he was with people who drink but u cant look down on som1 4 drinkin ...jus as long as u dont urself...

    if some1 put up a picture of me kissin my brother.....does that mean im a <banned word filter activated>?

    people shud jud think about things twice before they go round doin things

    at least crative boy is a role model.....hes done alot more 4 sikh youths then alot of people....we shud praise him 4 that...instead of kickin him wen he does something wrong...... becos if we do that...we mite as well be muslim.

    From God we can not escape.. thouse pictures shouldnt have made it to the net in the first place. I personally wouldnt upload a picture of me sitting with other people with my pug of and drinks on the table. People will allways get the wrong impression regardless of the truth. As someone stated in this Thread it may have been a personal attack on this particular individual, if so then THEY found a point to focus on resulting in the degrading of Crative in peoples eyes. Reputation and role modelism comes with a price. Display yourself in a incorrect way and people will always formulate personal attacks. Its been like this with everything in this world. Lets hope he can build himself up.

    In regards to the 15year old girl thinking shes God: as stated by myself and others in this Thread it may have been personal. I do belive that theres more to it then meets the eye. However that shouldnt matter to us as this forum was to voice opnions. "we mite as well be muslim" well if you hadnt noticed these muslims have 1 goal > world domination and its accomplished by sticking together - which completely difies your post and opnion.

    Besides this issue may be the headline for now but everything has its time limit.

  3. Those who judge others no matter how big faults they have in their life SHOULD look into the mirror first.

    It actually makes me sick when someone posts stuff like this regarding someone's private life... it's just gross and rat stuff to do...

    Don't act like police or judge of some court.. We should seriously MIND our own business and stay away from such gossip..

    I don't know but to me it seems like most of UK residents take great interest in other ppls private life.. or is it just me??

    you a moderator, bhaji. so u guys gonna close this thread or what? because its obviously not getting anywhere positive.

    The world is a negative place, regarding the private life statement .. its what we see everyday in the newspapers on tv etc. It's like when Amy Winehouse takes drugs and hits the headlines. Only that Crative isnt as huge icon as her- yet. It was bound to happen as people retalite to misconducted behaviour or a representative. Shastr paaji do you know Crative personally or are you genuinely disgusted with this thread? Your attempts of closing this thread down are going unnoticed as its adhering to the rules of this board in the moderators eyes.

  4. Once upon a time I used to go out clubbing, etc chilling, lot's of fun yo! Was a laugh the amount of stuff we got up to.. Was into my music as well - all about RDB!

    Then I got introduced to Sikhi, learnt about vaues of Guru Sahib, 1984, other ghalughare, our rich history.. I got into Sikhi. Slowly, I weaned myself away from my past life.. getting closer to Sikhi - Chilling out with Singhs.. it was great.

    A record company recognised my talent in music and decided to give me a break! It was Sikhi based as well! Busted some Sikh lyrics, felt awesome.. finally it was all fitting in..

    Then a mate posted up pics on facebook.. aw man reminds me of old days it was a laugh! But wait.. what is this?! Someone copied my pics onto a website and said i'm not a role model?! :| Why are they pushing me away? How can I get away form my past - These people don't let me.. I don't know what to do.. O well if they don't want me singing Sikh lyrics fine I won't. Ah I miss the old days now, atleast they respected me..

    But wait.. what is this?! Someone copied my pics onto a website and said i'm not a role model?!

    The End.

    PS: This is not crative singh and it's not me. I'm just making sense of this situation in what I believe may be his views by writing up a story in first person. Wonder if anyone notices.. meh who's gonna care?

    I agree with what your saying but that doesnt disclose the fact that taking part in such activites would have crossed his mind before carrying them out. If he knew what he was doing he would ultimately know the consequences. You've said "Then a mate posted up pics on facebook" I've been a long time listener of his music and visit his myspace page, and I've (aswell as others) have seen some of thouse pictures on his actual profile. So partly I belive Crative is responsible for the outcome of so called leaked imagerie that are presented in a wrongly manor of that blog.

    "But wait.. what is this?! Someone copied my pics onto a website and said i'm not a role model?!" - I'd like to point out that being a role model to the younger generation comes with responsibility... before kicking it with your homies beaware of your surrouding; as thouse who have taken these pictures are the ones who would have submited them to the internet - or did he himself take part in distributing his images, if so is that right?

    "Why are they pushing me away? How can I get away form my past - These people don't let me.. I don't know what to do" - If Crative was thinking this now then he needs to understand people only push away what they dislike. You say "How can I get away form my past - These people don't let me" This situation is of the present not the past. Saying to yourself these people dont let me move on with life is wrong as we are the ones that control our lives. If Crative was to refer to us (people who post in the thread) as obstacles that hold him back then thats untrue, I myself position myself to be nor for him nor against him.

    Revolutionary the last bit of your post fails to make any sence. :umm:

    Let this be a lesson to us all. Dont take your responsibilites in life for granted.

    Some may agree with my post some may not just like the previous 58 posts I'm just voicing my opnion.

    WaheGuru Ji Ka Khalsa, Whae Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

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