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Posts posted by osteopath

  1. vjkk vjkf paji,

    I have trained in a few martial arts: muay thai, wrestling and BJJ so I guess you could call this MMA. George St.Pierre a UFC champion has commented that he trains with the best of the best (best boxers, wrestlers and BBJ fighters) and then closer to his fight trains in bringing these 3 together.


    I thoroughly enjoy all 3 of these arts and find that I feel more confident that wherever I end up in a fight I have a skill set that can help.

    In reality though I think, as with anything, alot will come down to the individual and how much discipline and dedication you put in to these.

  2. vjkk vjkf paji, this is a common problem. As with anything.. sangat is key. If you can get the right support network (training partner/s) you are more likely to stick to training and have greater improvements (this is clinically proven). I would suggest finding a sport or class to join with a friend or family member with similar goals as yourself.

    Furthermore this does not have to be costly; running is a great form of exercise, its free and you can possibly do it locally. http://www.runnersworld.co.uk/

  3. Dear 1000,

    I am an osteopath on the Olympic medical team and see a range of people. Everyone is individual and there is no one fix which will work for everybody. 80% of us will experience back pain so you are not alone. The best approach is looking at all the factors which contribute to your back pain and then working through them to manage your pain.

    Examples of factors include

    Family history of certain joint conditions/back pain

    Lifestyle factors- weight, workstation set up, activity level, etc

    Structural- joint and muscle problems

    Psychological stresses- increase cortisone secretion in our bodies, amplifying any issues we have

    Its also important to have a way to self-manage the pain i.e what specific program helps you the most (this may include a neofoam lumbar support belt)

    If you've been to trained professionals and had no relief it may mean you problem is slightly more multi-factorial then what osteo's, physio and chiro usually deal with. the good news is if manual treatment has given you some relief it mean it is unlikely to be anything nasty.

    I am based in London, if you want you can call me at my clinic on 07546033238 for informal advice.

    There is absolutely no assurance that any statement contained or cited in an article touching on medical matters is true, correct, precise, or up-to-date and cannot substitute for the advice of your G.P.

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