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Posts posted by Singh2012

  1. I cant believe you all think I'm a Dhunda supporter. I can see that anyone who posts something that doest agree with a certain line of thinking is not acceptable here. I guess its easier to demonize someone who doesn't agree with your own views. I never even knew of Dhunda until recently. Furthermore, I don't even like P. G.wal. But I guess maybe I should not have made the comment about seeking attention and the sixteenth /seventeenth century. and the round Dastaars.

    It was probably reaction to the misinformation and lies told about the events of that night in the beginning of this thread and their attempts to make themselves look like heros and everyone else at the Gurdwara evil.

    Whatever it was, I don't want to hurt anyones feelings. I'm sorry if anything I said offended anyone.

    With this post, I give express permission to anyone who wants to go to the management of this site and have any or all of my comments removed. SSA.

  2. I am not defending anyone, but I do have my own independant thinking. Not group thinking, like most of the people on here seem to have. Like I said,, I am not a Dhunda supporter, but I listened to his katha everyday while he was here. I didn't hear him say anything that was against the Guru Granth Sahib. Yes he uses worldly examples, but I guess thats what people like about him. People on here are lying so much about what happened. The truth is that is was only certain group of people who were doing all this. Hardly representative of the Sikhs in general. I heard that most of the problem was that this group of people tried to form the committee of Singh Sabha Gurdwara but they lost, so ... sour grapes I guess.

    I forgot to comment on the posts that go on about izzat and all that. It is obvious that the people commenting on that are not too familiar with vernacular Punjabi so I'm guessing they are probably born in Canada. In this situation "izzat apdey hathan wich hunde ai" doesnt mean izzat lutnee or anything like that. It means...." stop making fools of yourselves, dont lose your self respect , its in your hands" ..etc.But I guess it makes the people look more evil if you guys use your own interpretation.

    I'm not gonna get into a debate about Bana and all that. But I do know this. The Guru Granth Sahib speaks against dhikhava throughout.. But I suppose if it helps you feel better, like you are more of a Singh than the rest of the world by wearing all that., all the power to you. Everyone has a vision of what Guru Gobind Singh Ji was like.. My vision is they they were very forward thinking . The Singhs of that day wore "Bana" because that was close to the general types of dress at that time. No one wore jeans. I hardly think that means we should go around dressed that way nowadays. But, if thats what does it for you, go for it, sorry if I hurt your feelings. What I don't get is that if these people want to live like they did back then, why not go for the whole experience. Why not do like other groups and buy a large chunk of land.... have no electricity, no running water , no cars , ride horses.. Then they can be better than any other Singh in the world. Just I thought.

    Every side has their propaganda. In the end thats all it is is propaganda. I listen to both sides of any controversy with an open mind. I make up my own decision. There is the highest of the highest Guru Granth Sahib to tell me how to live my life. i don't wait for any Jathedar, who are humans and therefore subject to mistakes, to tell me what to believe in or what not to believe in. Apull Guru Kartar . Again, sorry if I hurt anyones feelings.

  3. I did not see anyone taking someones Dastaar off. But I briefly saw that as one guy was being rushed out, he was resisting by planting his feet and pushing backwards, As a few people were trying to get him out by pushing him forward, the persons Dastaar was almost off but I think that was because he was pushing backwards. I did not see anyone deliberately taking others Dastaars off though, at least not in the Darbar Sahib. If someone deliberately took someone else's Dastaar off, I can assure you that I would not have let that go. I did not go outside, so I can not comment on what happened outside. But I can say that as soon each person was out of Darbar Sahib, the police were there to recieve them. I seriously doubt that anyone would take another persons Dastaar off, once the police has them.

  4. WOW…..that’s all I can think of to start with. I have been reading these posts for a few days now. After reading the gross misrepresentation of what really happened and the self-aggrandizing comments posted on here, I am compelled to write. Just to clarify, I am no Dhunda supporter. Personally, I find that at times he is a bit too dramatic. However, he is very good at delivering his message and I agree that he is quite charismatic. On the topic of his comments about Darbar Sahib…If there was no hera feri in the video, I think he is wrong and in either case, he should pesh himself to Akal Takht, state his side and if determined, pay for his mistake. And no, I am not some monna, and I do my Paath daily.

    All that being clarified, here is what I know about his first day in Edmonton: First of all, I had heard through some people that some people were planning to come to Singh Sabha Gurdwara and start doing Simran when it was Dhunda’s scheduled katha time. They went there with the idea that because they are doing Simran, no one will try to make them stop or move as they could always complain the someone is trying to stop them from doing Simran. They were counting on the fact that no one will get physical because of peoples fear of the law.

    I am familiar with all the Gurdwaras in Edmonton and noticed that people from all the Gurdwaras were there and due to Dhunda's popularity, people showed up in record numbers, and yes, as is the case in all Gurdwaras, the monnay did outnumber the non-monnays. I seriously doubt that there was a conspiracy to bring all these people as has been suggested on some posts. I think the record number of sangat in attendance was just good marketing on the part of the Gurdwara.

    I was there for the entire evening. The management tried to get these people to leave peacefully, that was there duty. But when they would not listen to reason and the time started to drag on, people wanted to get on with the evening. Rather than fight with these five or so people, they were removed (I did not see any punching. Rather, I saw these people being rushed out restrained by three or four people, kind of like bouncers take people out at events). It was good that they were taken out like that, rathqer than letting a fight break out . These few people were wrong in trying to ruin the Gurdwara experience for hundreds of sangat members who came to listen to Katha. And yes, contrary to popular belief on these posts, even monna’s are sangat. By the way, the police never entered Darbar Sahib, they remained in the lobby.

    The organizers did not bring Dhunda in until the agitators were neutralized, that is just good crowd control. He walked right past me when he was taken in the Darbar Sahib and seemed quite calm. It was wise of the organizers to take him through the ladies side as there was less congestion. In any case, why would they put their guest in danger by taking him right by where the agitators and some of their freinds were sitting? There were hundreds of people waiting to listen to his katha and I saw no one as being drunk as is claimed in the previous posts.

    The "would be heroes" were few in number. I think they belong to the group of five or so families that wear round Dastars and like to attract attention by dressing like they are living in the sixteenth or seventeenth century. These self appointed enforcers of the Akal Takht’s order pretend like they are the only true Sikhs and that others in the Gurdwaras are not good enough so they mostly keep to themselves. I don’t think they were all there that day. Apparently it was more important to them to make money rather than do what their friends were doing. I think most of the posts on here are from that group taking on various profiles to praise their self deception that they accomplished something.

    In fact there is so much self praise going on that that one of the above posts is trying to compare this day to Sikhs historical battles (the one in Gurmukhi). What a laugh. What is next… are they going to write a Dhaadi Vaar about this saka?

    It is almost as though they are trying to convince themselves or their friends that “there were hundreds of drunk monna’s, and five or some of them were so brave that they took everyone on and Dhunda was trembling” What a joke! These guys should write for Hollywood… or even better… Bollywood. And oooooh some guy threw a Dollar at a guy sitting on a stage who cannot even respond because as a professional, he has to stay calm. Wow what a hero this Dollar thrower was. He might as well have thrown the dollar at a picture of Dhunda on a tv screen.

    Dhunda is now more popular than ever, perhaps he should thank Akal Takht Jathedars for that.

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