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Posts posted by goratransformer

  1. Woohoo - my first post on this website :waheguru:

    I don't know what datan is, but I have worked out a dental regime for myself over the years that works pretty well for me...

    So I buy Bass Toothbrushes, only ever found them on this website here in the UK https://www.absolutelypure.com/products/bass-toothbrush

    They're special brushes that have softer bristles and the bristles themselves are spaced further apart so overall it's just much friendlier on your gums and I find they last much longer than normal toothbrushes too. So I normally just do one brush in the morning with this and some (vegan) Kingfisher (fluoride free) toothpaste...don't even get me started on fluoride...I'm sure if you wanted to find out more a quick google search would tell you all you need to know...but Kingfisher is one of the more stronger vegan toothpastes anyway, the others I use sometimes and find much more preferable to normal toothpastes are Sarukan and Urtekram.

    Anyway, throughout the day, usually after every meal, I brush my teeth again with Miswak sticks, which I get from eBay for real cheap, and because the bristles on these are too thin for brushing my tongue, I whip out a copper ayurvedic tongue cleaner to scrape off my tongue. 

    Sometimes my gums get irritated, especially when I've had a lot of sugar (usually when coming back from the Gurdwara Sahib:sardar)so then I will mix up a little coconut oil (2 tbsp) with some lemon, tea tree and cinnamon essential oils (1-2 drops of each) and swish that around my mouth for 10-15 minutes. There's nothing like it. 

    So that's my dental care routine anyways, it really works for me, and I'm someone who has struggled for many years with toothbrushes that felt too rough on my gums and toothpaste that was too overpowering. 

    Hope you find what works for you


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