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Posts posted by Harjap

  1. here is a video of Mali of sher group saying that he entertains the indian government officials at monsoon. He goes on to say the his meat and alcohol that he gives people at monsoon is Guru ka langar. This man is a disgrace. He has indian agents in his group and he is doing maharaj's beadbi by calling intoxicants langar, disgrace. watch this video sadh sangat jio

    Admin Note: To prove this as the proof or evidence, you need to have strong backup not just filming the poster with the voice of someone (this is digital world, anyone can anything such as your video on YouTube). We cannot allow such replies as we don't want members to abuse this forum for their false propaganda. This message applies to all members.

  2. Dal Khalsa came into being at Gurdwara Akal-garh, Sector 35, Chandigarh in 1978, after zail singh and rajiv gandhi had given their instructions they headed back to Delhi, the rest is history. Thats when they carefully carried out a pre organised plan to throw cows heads into mandirs and hoist a khalistan flag in Sri Harimandir Sahib complex and kill hindu bus passengers at the same time they had Jagjit Singh Chohaun in England underneath the khalistan banner pretending to make passports and currency. They made the problem seem bigger than it was, so India had the excuse they needed to massacre us. In reality Jagjit Singh Chohaun and Dal Khalsa didnt even have 1 % of the punjabi population with them. Ragiv Gandhi, Zail Singh, Jagjit Singh Chohaun, Kesar Singh Mand and Indira Gandhi are four fingers and one thumb of the same hand, the hand of INDIA.

  3. Dal Khalsa came into being at Gurdwara Akal-garh, Sector 35, Chandigarh in 1978, after zail singh and rajiv gandhi had given their instructions they headed back to Delhi, the rest is history. Thats when they carefully carried out a pre organised plan to throw cows heads into mandirs and hoist a khalistan flag in Sri Harimandir Sahib complex and kill hindu bus passengers at the same time they had Jagjit Singh Chohaun in England underneath the khalistan banner pretending to make passports and currency. They made the problem seem bigger than it was, so India had the excuse they needed to massacre us. In reality Jagjit Singh Chohaun and Dal Khalsa didnt even have 1 % of the punjabi population with them. Ragiv Gandhi, Zail Singh, Jagjit Singh Chohaun, Kesar Singh Mand and Indira Gandhi are four fingers and one thumb of the same hand, the hand of INDIA.

  4. Dal Khalsa came into being at Gurdwara Akal-garh, Sector 35, Chandigarh in 1978, after zail singh and rajiv gandhi had given their instructions they headed back to Delhi, the rest is history. Thats when they carefully carried out a pre organised plan to throw cows heads into mandirs and hoist a khalistan flag in Sri Harimandir Sahib complex and kill hindu bus passengers at the same time they had Jagjit Singh Chohaun in England underneath the khalistan banner pretending to make passports and currency. They made the problem seem bigger than it was, so India had the excuse they needed to massacre us. In reality Jagjit Singh Chohaun and Dal Khalsa didnt even have 1 % of the punjabi population with them. Ragiv Gandhi, Zail Singh, Jagjit Singh Chohaun, Kesar Singh Mand and Indira Gandhi are four fingers and one thumb of the same hand, the hand of INDIA.

  5. Dal Khalsa came into being at Gurdwara Akal-garh, Sector 35, Chandigarh in 1978, after zail singh and rajiv gandhi had given their instructions they headed back to Delhi, the rest is history. Thats when they carefully carried out a pre organised plan to throw cows heads into mandirs and hoist a khalistan flag in Sri Harimandir Sahib complex and kill hindu bus passengers at the same time they had Jagjit Singh Chohaun in England underneath the khalistan banner pretending to make passports and currency. They made the problem seem bigger than it was, so India had the excuse they needed to massacre us. In reality Jagjit Singh Chohaun and Dal Khalsa didnt even have 1 % of the punjabi population with them. Ragiv Gandhi, Zail Singh, Jagjit Singh Chohaun, Kesar Singh Mand and Indira Gandhi are four fingers and one thumb of the same hand, the hand of INDIA.

  6. yes i watched the video that was when mali and sher group barged past women and the elderly to get to the stage and then the committee stood up to protect the mahraj dhi saroop because these lot were charging forward. Its a disgrace shouting and pushing old people around cant sher group just behave civilised and wait for there turn to have a say. well at least the sangat will have their say on Sunday lets see if sher group listen to the hukam of the sangat or just make even more excuses after the election. Lets see what the guru's faisla is, this film is good it shows mali group trying to rush the stage. The camera man is very nicely placed as usual........... dont stop beadbi lets make a blockbuster!, everyone in position, every one know there lines, o.k lights...........camera(phone) and ............ACTION!! INSTIGATE AND CARRY OUT BEADBI AND BLAME IT ON SOMEONE ESLE AFTER FILMING IT PART 6. See you all later at monsoon where we can chill out with the indian government and have mali's meat and sharab langar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RAJ KAREGA KHALSA.............anyone film that?

  7. I attended the agm at Singh Sabha yesterday. It was a shamefull day for the sikh sangat. As the ardas began sher group started making noise, shouting and swearing. The general secretary was addressing the sangat and Mali's group kept the noise up constantly. These manmukhs gathered outside and had a meeting , the conclusion of which was if we cant win the election fairly lets cause a riot and get it cancelled! The agm couldnt carry on so about a thousand members walked out and went home in the mean time because no one was left to stop them, mali got on the kirtan stage in his socks and starting making up his own resolutions and shouting jaikare. The sangat will give their fatwa on Sunday, but these people have no faith in the sangat or the guru. The sangat will never let singh sabha back into the days when these people robbed it blind. It has taken a long time for sohi with the sangats help to turn it round. Now we see one of this countries premier religious institutions standing proudly in Southall. Now they want chodar after the comittee have done all the hard work. I will post the videos that show without a shadow of a doubt what happened on you tube today. The sher group claim sohi is corrupt, the charity comission is corrupt, all the m.p's are corrupt, all the police are corrupt..............maybe they are the only decent people left! The truth is they only see others as they are inside themselves.

  8. I attended the agm at Singh Sabha yesterday. It was a shamefull day for the sikh sangat. As the ardas began sher group started making noise, shouting and swearing. The general secretary was addressing the sangat and Mali's group kept the noise up constantly. These manmukhs gathered outside and had a meeting , the conclusion of which was if we cant win the election fairly lets cause a riot and get it cancelled! The agm couldnt carry on so about a thousand members walked out and went home in the mean time because no one was left to stop them, mali got on the kirtan stage in his socks and starting making up his own resolutions and shouting jaikare. The sangat will give their fatwa on Sunday, but these people have no faith in the sangat or the guru. The sangat will never let singh sabha back into the days when these people robbed it blind. It has taken a long time for sohi with the sangats help to turn it round. Now we see one of this countries premier religious institutions standing proudly in Southall. Now they want chodar after the comittee have done all the hard work. I will post the videos that show without a shadow of a doubt what happened on you tube today. The sher group claim sohi is corrupt, the charity comission is corrupt, all the m.p's are corrupt, all the police are corrupt..............maybe they are the only decent people left! The truth is they only see others as they are inside themselves.

  9. I attended the agm at Singh Sabha yesterday. It was a shamefull day for the sikh sangat. As the ardas began sher group started making noise, shouting and swearing. The general secretary was addressing the sangat and Mali's group kept the noise up constantly. These manmukhs gathered outside and had a meeting , the conclusion of which was if we cant win the election fairly lets cause a riot and get it cancelled! The agm couldnt carry on so about a thousand members walked out and went home in the mean time because no one was left to stop them, mali got on the kirtan stage in his socks and starting making up his own resolutions and shouting jaikare. The sangat will give their fatwa on Sunday, but these people have no faith in the sangat or the guru. The sangat will never let singh sabha back into the days when these people robbed it blind. It has taken a long time for sohi with the sangats help to turn it round. Now we see one of this countries premier religious institutions standing proudly in Southall. Now they want chodar after the comittee have done all the hard work. I will post the videos that show without a shadow of a doubt what happened on you tube today. The sher group claim sohi is corrupt, the charity comission is corrupt, all the m.p's are corrupt, all the police are corrupt..............maybe they are the only decent people left! The truth is they only see others as they are inside themselves.

  10. I attended the agm at Singh Sabha yesterday. It was a shamefull day for the sikh sangat. As the ardas began sher group started making noise, shouting and swearing. The general secretary was addressing the sangat and Mali's group kept the noise up constantly. These manmukhs gathered outside and had a meeting , the conclusion of which was if we cant win the election fairly lets cause a riot and get it cancelled! The agm couldnt carry on so about a thousand members walked out and went home in the mean time because no one was left to stop them, mali got on the kirtan stage in his socks and starting making up his own resolutions and shouting jaikare. The sangat will give their fatwa on Sunday, but these people have no faith in the sangat or the guru. The sangat will never let singh sabha back into the days when these people robbed it blind. It has taken a long time for sohi with the sangats help to turn it round. Now we see one of this countries premier religious institutions standing proudly in Southall. Now they want chodar after the comittee have done all the hard work. I will post the videos that show without a shadow of a doubt what happened on you tube today. The sher group claim sohi is corrupt, the charity comission is corrupt, all the m.p's are corrupt, all the police are corrupt..............maybe they are the only decent people left! The truth is they only see others as they are inside themselves.

  11. java script:ol('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jy9BOarSNdw');

    java script:ol('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKvp211l0C4');

    All I know about Sohi is he saved the Gurdwara from guru kar dhi chor who almost made it bankrupt anyone who has lived in Southall for time knows what happened, all our parents go on about it. Obviously the funds have been built up again aswell as the property worth about 40 million i think and Mr Mand is back ......what a surprise. Along with the rest of India's stooges, I dont mind if Himmat goes but I dont want these people in.

    I have watched the MAND FILM........disgrace these type of people are just plain wrong. . I have posted the following recording of the great Khalistani Mali on you tube. In this recording of Punjab radio show he slips up by admitting all the Indian government come to see him at monsoon, he admits to feeding people alcohol for votes and worst of all he calls his sharab and meat Langar! Anyone can order this tape off punjab radio or watch it on you tube! I am sending a copy to Akal Takhat. Mand and Mali have got the same agenda as Tekedar had first they pretend to be panthic and then they switch but I never believe things with out prove thats why I have posted the link.

    Someone else sent in this film of Kesar Singh Mand of sher group lying to Sant Bhindranwale on film!

    God save us from hypocrits and decievers!

    the links above are of the sher group telling us how much they entertain the indian government and Kesar Singh Mands imaginary bravery! watch and enjoyjava script:scroll(0,0);

  12. G13RPS and Azad you lot are confused to put it politely. Doesnt maryada mean anything to you lot I have watched these videos and there isnt any room for misunderstanding or CONFUSION, these people are telling us with their own lips of their lies and links to india. We have to speak the truth not with parda but with clarity whether that truth upsets our own friends, as Guru Gobind Singh said' I will speak the truth and not be swayed through fear of mortals!' You two have blinkers on, do you have a conscience. ' physical death i do not fear death of conscience is a sure death' Sant Ji. I appeal to all God fearing Singh's and Singhnia to uphold the maryada of our Guru that sacrificed his 4 sons for this truth. Your Guru is not Guru Granth Sahib but Mand(pakand) and Mali the great businessman. Megeh mol milia sardaria and you are selling yours for bottles of johnny walker and some kentucky fried chicken

  13. I have watched the MAND FILM........disgrace these type of people are just plain wrong. Whats going on with these manmukhs sending posts in against maryada, please this is a humble benti dont go against Sri Dasmesh ji for these political opportunist, the rehat maryada's are clear from the times of bhai Nand Lal Ghoya even. If u dont want to believe our rehat nama the Guru Granth Sahib says about intoxicants numerous times WAKE UP. I have posted the following recording of the great Khalistani Mali on you tube. In this recording of Punjab radio show he slips up by admitting all the Indian government come to see him at monsoon, he admits to feeding people alcohol for votes and worst of all he calls his sharab and meat Langar! Anyone can order this tape off punjab radio or watch it on you tube! I am sending a copy to Akal Takhat. Mand and Mali have got the same agenda as Tekedar had first they pretend to be panthic and then they switch but I never believe things with out prove thats why I have posted the link.

    java script:ol('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jy9BOarSNdw');

    God save us from hypocrits and decievers!

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