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Posts posted by KhalsaJee

  1. Stick up loads of pics of modern day Shaheeds will scare the Indian govt and make headlines

    Singh Sahib, I really don't think we should care for what the Indian Government thinks.

    I believe we should change the attitude of our OWN people. Guru Sahib and all the Shaheeds gave up alot for us. The most we could do is look back and remember why they gave there lives for. What made them do that. Our own community brushes off the events of 84, not just 84 they brush of events prior to that too.

    Again I for myself believe, let the indian government think of what it wants. They've got there chamchai sitting amongst us and planning there next strategies. We atleast should educate our own to root out those chamchai and stay away from them.

    Bhul chuk maaf



    JUNE 29th SUNDAY, 2008

    In remembrance of Guru Arjun Dev Ji's Shaheedi and to commemorate

    all the Shaheeds of the Khalsa Panth!

    ***Bayntee to ALL sangat***

    If anyone would like to do seva of langars, shabeels, or bringing a float, please contact

    the numbers or email on the poster.

    Thanks to Sikh Federation for design layout


  3. Guru piarayo,

    forget all the frustration and waste of time.

    Please for godsake, use your energy wisely on getting this March done.


    :gg: All the time you guys are wasting pointing fingers will get you know where!!!

    If theres not a RALLY do it later in the coming months (15 AUGUST)

    Atleast do something!!!

    If theres a date confirmed for a march DO IT!!!




    Be it im writing from Canada, I believe you guys are really wasting useful energy.

    And for Veer Jagtar Singh, in the future please inform the sangat of the real dealings that are happening behind the scene. The youth and the sangat need to know. And secondly, lets try to use our resources where the can be used. I think you will understand what I mean.

  4. Just wondering if there any updates for the March???

    UK sangat always took the initiative to lead in remembrance marches and rallys!!!


    SINGHO, SINGHNEEO take the lead!!!

    Are you guys even going to do this, or leave it to the last minute, and then say "no one showed up, the numbers were small this year"!!!

    For the sangat in Toronto, Canada --

    Shaheedi Nagar Keertan - JUNE 29th

    - Gurdwara ShaheedGarh

    Nagar Keertan will start at gurdwara sahib and go to Sir John A McDonald

    Poster will be added to a new post soon.

    This is a reminder that this is the ONLY nagar keertan that actually stands for ALL

    our shaheeds!!! From Guru Arjun Dev Sahib Jee to present!!!

    If anyone is interested in bringing banners, floats, or anything else please contact

    gurdwara sahib 905-525-5725.

  5. Once upon a time there was a Singh called Babbar Singh who loved to swim in his bathtub. He also liked to sing along. His voice was not so good and anyone who he perved on got a thappar and a free slap from mummy. When he grew he became big.

    He loved dhudhu which made him white like makhan.

    Finally one day he met a likkle dogie who looked like Shah Rukh Khan but much nicer than anyone he'd ever seen before in his life and began to hug it. Then, he went to a dog food

    shop and found ladoo to celebrate.after he ate, he felt sick because ...the ladoo had rocks in it, the size of doggy eye balls. Japji, jap, savaiyai

  6. Waheguru ji ka khalsa

    Waheguru ji ki fateh

    With guru sahibs apar kirpa the candle light vigil was a great success. There were 10 full buses in total, plus alot of sangat coming on there own.

    As the vigil was held on November 11, Remembrance Day, it highlighted remembrance of the Soldiers in World War 1 and 2, along with the main event, Remembrance of the killings of Delhi.

    The vigil was started off with Veer Rupinder Singh doing simran. After Veer Jagjit Singh (current Guiness world record holder of over 110 hours of playing tabla) performed solo tabla.

    We were fortunate enough to have Veer Harnaryan Singh to come down from Calgary (Mukh Sevadar COSS West) to MC the entire event. Veer jee started off the event stating that we ourselves as sikhs do not know our history of sikh soldiers in World War 1 and 2. After this a video created by Vicky Singh was played showing Sikhs in all battles. Young students recited the poem Flanders Fields, along with other poetry on the events of 84. Along with this. other videos were shown such as Shaheed Bhai Jaswant Singh Khalra (taken when he spoke in toronto at Dixie Road Gurdwara), and a video by Harjot Singh was shown on the events of Nov 84.

    Payn jee Jasmine Kaur from the group Ensaaf spoke on what there group is doing, and how the sangat can help in bringing justice to the victims of 84. Stating that events such as Candle light vigils should be done more often, to keep our youngsters in the know, of what has happened.

    At the end Veer Zora Singh did ardas to guru sahib, to give all the sangat the courage and faith to stand up for our rights, to never forget, never let this happen to ANYBODY, to give us unity, and give us Khalsa RAJ.

    COSS sevadars would like to thank everyone who helped make this event a success, and looks forward for your support in upcoming future events.

    Pics will be up soon!!!


  7. Post From COSS, By Karanjeet Singh

    Waheguru Je Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Je Ke Fateh,

    With Guru Sahib's kirpa the Canadian Organization of Sikh Students is organizing this years candle light vigil. we've managed to secure the permit for the Candle Light Vigil to be held at Yonge and Dundas Square (adjacent to the Eaton centre-east side) for Sunday November 11th from 5-7pm. I hope we can manage to gather a great group of volunteers, especially those with previous years experience.

    We are having an all volunteers meeting on Sunday November 4th at 4:00pm at Dixie Gurdwara in Hall #5.

    I would like to underline that we have a duty to fulfill, to the families who lost everything imaginable during the tragic events of 84. I understand that time is not on our side but I hope everyone can place things into perspective and maintain the vision of the greater picture.

    The Ensaaf Group has confirmed their attendance.

    Please contact Parminder Singh at parminder.j@gmail.com or Karanjeet Singh-s.karanjeet@gmail.com for more info.

  8. Waheguru ji ka khalsa

    Waheguru ji ki fateh

    Bhai Sahib was a amazing soul.

    I am honoured to have had his darshan for over 5 years.

    Bhai Sahib would come to Ontario and Montreal many of times. I remember when

    he was in jail in hamilton, and i asked him "bhai sahib, are'nt you scared? What will happen to you singhs?"

    all he said was "We did'nt do anything wrong, so we need not to worry. Just to patt, and guru sahib

    will take care of everything"

    He told all of us kids to do Chupai Sahib paat repetitive and to keep track of how many we did, the kids that did the most paat got presents from him when all the singhs came out of jail.

    Purnaam Shaheeda nu

  9. Found From Sikhstudents.ca


    17 JANUARY 2006


    A Worldwide Day of Protest is being organised for 17 January 2006. Sikhs in cities around the world from London, to Paris, to Toronto and to New York are aiming on 17 January to show their opposition to the death penalty and call for the release of all Sikh political prisoners held in jails in India.

    Candles will be lit in prominent places in cities throughout the world, including in India itself. Sikhs in more than 100 cities are expected to take part in the protest and will be joined by prominent non-Sikhs, such as politicians, human rights and trade union activists.

    In Canada the protest will take place at BC, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec. The Canadian Organization of Sikh Students are coordinating these protests. In BC the protest will take place at UBC and SFU. In Ontario, the protests will take place in Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, Kitchner/Waterloo, London, Ottawa and Kingston. In Alberta the protest will be at U of Calgary. In Quebec the protest will take place at McGil and Concordia.

    In the Toronto the protest will take place at Nathan Phillip Square at the Peace Gardens between 5:30 - 7pm, Brampton at the Brampton City Hall, Mississauga City Hall. The protests are being supported by COSS, United Sikh Federation, Gurdwaras and the Sadh Sangat. The protests are being supported by Amnesty International and other members of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty.

    MPs, MPPs, City Councillors, and members of the public will join Sikhs in celebrating life, freedom and in the opposition to the death penalty.

    The worldwide protests are taking place on 17 January to coincide with the 11th anniversary of one of the most controversial and highest profile death penalty cases in recent Indian history. 11 years earlier on 17 January 1995 Professor Davinderpal Singh Bhullar, a Sikh political activist, was illegally deported from Germany. Davinderpal Singh was handed over to the Indian authorities on the basis that he had nothing to fear on his return to India.

    For 11 years Davinderpal Singh has been forced to live with the mistake by the German authorities. He was arrested and put in prison as soon as he landed in Delhi, tortured to obtain a false confession, charged and sentenced to death by hanging for a crime he did not commit.

    When Germany deported Davinderpal Singh to a death-penalty prone country it violated the European Convention on Human Rights. After his deportation, the court of appeal in Frankfurt allowed his appeal and said that he should not have been deported as he would face torture, harassment and death in India and were he to re-enter Germany he would be given asylum.

    The verdict of the court of appeal in Germany came too late for Davinderpal Singh. However, it has left Germany and the EU with a moral obligation to ensure the threat of the death penalty by India is removed and Davinderpal Singh and other political prisoners that are unnecessarily being held, either without trial or under false charges and without evidence, are released immediately.

    Jasdev Singh

    Vice President

    Canadian Organization of Sikh Students (COSS)

    “Uniting the Youth of Canada”

  10. wjkk wjkf



  11. Respected Sonia Gandhiji,

    I write this with a heavy heart, hurt as I am due to my name having been mentioned in the Justice Nanavati report on the basis of complete distortion of facts.

    I need hardly reiterate my unstinting loyalty to the party and your family, my association with both having been since 1972.

    Madam, I have become a victim of sustained conspiracy by my political adversaries, including from within my party.

    I find that the development of last two days have taken a turn which have created an embarrassing situation for you personally and for the government, and hence I am enclosing my unconditional letter of resignation from the Council of Ministers, addressed to the Honourable Prime Minister, and I trust this shall enable you to take the decision in the interest of the party.

    I once again take this opportunity to assure you that as always, I shall remain a loyal Congressman.

    With respectful regards,

    Yours Sincerely


    Jagdish Tytler

    Following is a letter to PM Manmohan sio

    Respected Prime Minister,

    "As you are aware that my name has been dragged all along without any reason in the unfortunate incident of October 1984. Various inquiries, commissions, including the investigation by the Central Bureau of Investigation, have exonerated me of all these false charges. The doubts, if any, have been due to a sustained vilification campaign by my political opponents and adversaries.

    I have been a very loyal party member all along and at no stage have I acted in any manner that can hurt the party.

    The use of language in the Nanavati Commission report is unfortunately ambiguous based on distorted facts, which have unnecessarily dragged my name with the intention to embarrass the party.

    Since this unfortunate and unwarranted mention of my name is causing embarrassment to the government, I hereby voluntarily tender my resignation from the Council of Ministers. I also take this opportunity to thank you and the party for the faith reposed in me all along.

    "Sir, you are kindly aware of the mental agony and political harassment and isolation that I have undergone during past many years due to these baseless allegations and vicious campaign which have risen their ugly head whenever I have been assigned responsibilities in the government and by the party. I, therefore, very humbly request your honour to order an investigation which will, I am sure, exonerate me fully once and for all to prove my total non-involvement in the unfortunate incidents and restore my honour and dignity."

    With deepest and warm regards,

    Yours sincerely,

    Jagdish Tytler

    This guy will rott in hell

  12. Waheguru ji ka khalsa

    Wahguru ji ki fateh

    First of all I'de like to thank everyone who showed up for the protest the kids, youth, and elders. Even with the extreme heat and smog advisary the protest was a extreme success. The organizers were only expecting about 100 ppl but sangatan showed up by packing about 6 school buses and the number extended to about 400 - 500 ppl.

    Sangatan started arriving around 11:30 infront of the counsalate and started setting up. RCMP and Metro police officials came over and were quite helpful and cooperative. They asked what we were going to do and for what reason. With this we explained everything to them. They were very very cooperative. Around 12 we started the protest, young and old everyone was shouting out slogans. Around 12:30 we asked the RCMP officials to allow 5 ppl to go inside to hand a memorandum titled to PM Manmohan Singh, or have one of the officials inside the counsalate to come out and take it from us. The RCMP official after conversing with the counsalate members said that the counsalate members don't want to do either and that they, the RCMP officials have given the memorandum to Mr. Grover, the official incharge. WIth this we, obliged and thanked the officials for there part. We carried on the protest till about 1:45 and at that time a few speakers thanked the sangat that came out, and said a few words toward the GOI.

    All in all the protest was a great start and success. By great start i mean, all organizations be it panthic org's or gurughars showed up in this event, all walking together. You really don't see that alot.

    I want to thank United Sikh Federation for bringing out cold drinks and rooafza for the sangatan, being that it was very HOT.

    For all the sangatan that could'nt come out we want to thank you too, we know everyone could'nt come out due to the fact this protest was held during the weekday, but we know that you still support the cause.

    Also there will be a meeting this Saturday at Malton gurughar 6 in the evening to talk about the protest what went wrong and what we can change for the future.

    We request everyone to come out and give your views.

    In final i want to say that in these events know one person is the leader. Everyone takes a role. In this event 7 ppl were appointed to make this protest a success, if we did we'd like to thank the sangat and guru sahib for that, and if we made any mistakes, we ask guru sahib and sangat bhul chuk maaf. Also we request, if anyone wants to take on future roles pls come out and help us plan on for future events.

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