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Posts posted by KhalsaJee

  1. Waheguru ji ka khalsa

    Waheguru ji ki fateh

    As of this moment there is know indication by the singhs in toronto that this protest is cancelled. At this moment we are still going ahead with the protest, BUT, there is a meeting at Malton gurughar tommorow evening at 6-8 and if the sangat says to cancel we will follow sangats views.

    So again at this moment the protest is NOT canceled for July 12th in front of Indian consulate in toronto.

  2. Waheguru ji ka khalsa

    Waheguru ji ki fateh

    Just to let everyone know there will be a meeting at Malton gurughar on Saturday July 9th from 6 - 8 giving more details to what will be happening at the protest on tuesday July 12th.

    Right now we need everyone to spread the word about the protest!!!

    We need the Youth to show there numbers and stand up agianst this Fascist government.

    We are trying to get some pamphlets made to hand out to the english ppl. We need to get some banners made and anyone who can help with that pls contact dass.

    Again tell all your friends your families to come out on

    Protest Against GOI

    July 12th 2005

    12 - 2

    Consulate-General of India

    1835 Yonge Street, 4th Floor


    you can contact me at 416-837-1756

    Dass Manjinder Singh

  3. Waheguru ji ka khalsa

    Waheguru ji ki fateh

    With guru sahibs kirpa there is a Protest being organized in front of the Indian Consulate on July 12th 2005.

    Singhs gathered at dixie gurughar today and have planned to start a Sikh Lobby somewhat same as that as the UK. The protest will be from 12 - 2, on Tuesday July 12, this date will coincide the date in the UK.

    More information will be posted ASAP!!!

    PLS keep this date free!!!

  4. Waheguru ji ka khalsa

    Waheguru ji ki fateh

    Guru piarayo, I've been reading on some sites that sangatan here in toronto are thinking to hold a protest against the indian government for the actions presently in punjab.

    This a great thought. The only thing is lets not just think of things lets get them going.

    First of all Veer Hawara, is rotting in jail, being tortured, eventually killed. As I have wrote previously on this site, to this date we don't have any facts on how Veer Hawara actually escaped Brail jail. How can a person dig a tunnel and leave know traces of sand or rocks???

    Simranjit Singh Mann has been charged with uttering KHALISTAN ZINDABAD!!!

    This is a singh that left his high post as a officer after the events of 84 and has stood by his stand for a sikh state!!!

    Veero, Payno, this is not a time to just sit and THINK. It's time to get moving and active.

    I would suggest the 2nd week of july in front of the indian embassy in toronto.

    I would also suggest to give a memorandum to the consulate general officer, on behave the sikh panth.

    Another thing to do is actually write to Mp's and let them know, drive there attention to what is happening in punjab. If we don't let them know they won't care.

    In final I hope that there is some more interest in this.

  5. Waheguru ji ka khalsa

    Waheguru ji ki fateh

    Guru piarayo, just was wondering if anyone has some details on Veer Hawara.

    When he was born, and where, parents name and stuff like that. I just know that he was allegedly charged in collaboration with the killing of Papi Beanta.

    I was also wondering when he joined ranks of BKI.

  6. Waheguru ji ka khalsa

    Waheguru ji ki fateh

    Guru piarayo, I would like to first off ask everyone here to do ardas for veer Hawara.

    Secondly, Babbar Khalsa Jathebandi has stood by a rule, that is, only to take action against those people that have first hand wrong doings. If you look at the past Babbar singhs have never killed ANY innocent. In know way or form has, or ever will Babbar Khalsa Jathebandi raise a Arm against the innocent.

    The whole Cinema House bombing is a mock up plan arranged by the GOI.

    To this date, since the so called escape of Veer Hawara from the jail, to this date the Punjab Police or the State Government has not done a inquiry of how he escaped. You tell me how can one dig a hole and not leave any trace of dirt, sand???? Some say the singhs ate the sand some say they put it down the toilet, how is that possible...???

    This is all a stunt played out by the GOI, so please lets not badger each other of whats BKI's stand for killings... lets speak up and help all these innocent singhs that are fighting for OUR freedom against Evil Government.

  7. Just reminding all the sangat in the Greater Toronto area of the upcoming Shaheedi Nagar Keertan happening this weekend June 5th in Hamilton.

    The Nagar will be to pay tribute to ALL shaheeds of the Khalsa Panth. Starting with Guru Arjun Dev Ji to all shaheeds to present day.

    The Program is as following

    Keertan Darbar - 10:00am - 1:00pm at Gurdwara ShaheedGarh Hamilton

    Nagar Keertan starts 1:00pm starting at Gurughar to City Hall Hamilton

    Panthic Veechars - 3:00pm - 5:00pm

    Nagar Keertan end 5:00pm

    Come out and pay you respect to all shaheeds.

    For more information you can contact Gurdwara ShaheedGarh at 905-525-5725

  8. Waheguru ji ka khalsa

    Waheguru ji ki fateh

    Guru piaryao,

    In remembrance of ALL Shaheeds, and those innocent sikhs who were brutally killed and bore the attrocities from the indian government and indian army during bloody june, there will be a Shaheedi Nagar Keertan (Sikh Matryrdom Day) on Sunday June 5th from Gurdwara ShaheedGarh Hamilton to Hamilton City Hall.

    Bayntee to all please come out and attend this Nagar Keertan to show your respect to all the Shaheeds from Guru Arjun Dev Jee to all shaheeds to present day.

    For more information call

    Gurdwara ShaheedGarh Sahib Hamilton



  9. veer jee sorry i could'nt reply to you sooner. seems like the only time i get to reply to you is with another request.

    first i should thank you sincerly, becuz we loved the simple logo you made for us. the whole vball team really appreciates your help.

    secondly, were having a "Sikh Remembrance Day" parade or nagar keertan, whiatever you want to call it. and we would much appreciate AGAIn pray.gif if you could help us with designing the poster.

    following is the information

    When - June 5th 2005

    Where - from Gurdwara ShaheedGarh Hamilton to Hamilton City Hall.

    This is in the Remembrance of all Shaheeds. From Guru Arjun Dev Ji to present.

    Were looking for something simple but appealing to all.

    Any help would be very much appreciated. You can also contact me at


    thanks again veer jee

  10. Waheguru ji ka khalsa

    Waheguru ji ki fateh

    Guru piarayo, I been watching these posts very closely, and have a few comments.

    First, we do need a big change in our entire system of SGPC and Akal Takhat Jathedari selection. SGPC has become a laughing stock. All these guys do is, sorry, they don't do anything. Where is the parchar of sikhi??? Sikhi is in such a decline in India that the percentage of AMRITDHARI Sikhs is on a major decline. Punjabi youth is going to drugs, cutting hair, and everything else. SGPC does'nt care of the overall portrayal of the sikh image in hindi movies. The same thing goes for Akal Takhat jathedars.

    The youth around the world I believe CAN make a big change in all of this. If we all get together in some form, even if were together over the internet, we can make a change. Everybody send letters to SGPC and the Akal Takhat. Tell them if they don't straighten up, that WE will take over. The SGPC and Akal Takhat is KHALSA'S, not no one persons. Lets get together, even by holding a Sarbat khalsa (youth run) we can get there attention and tell them, hey were serious, we care for SIKHI.

    Just look around the world, muslims are getting stonger day by day with there parchar, christians and jews are getting there parchar done for free by such means as big media outlets. What are we doing. We, the SGPC have a huge budget, but mis-use it. Lets serious think of doing a collective confrence and think of what we want to do.

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