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Sayf Udeen

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Posts posted by Sayf Udeen

  1. You guys never give up, lol! Even with irrefutable evidence, you'll still peddle the "It's all lies!" party line.

    I'm not even angry, I'm actually impressed. That takes some dedication. Carry on, good sir, your rewards await you in your "paradise."

    BTW, if you don't like it, I suggest you stay on your own forums.

    Irrefutable evidence like regurgitated crap you labeled truth?

    Or irrefutable evidence like my postings for the last consistent forever on my forums proving you've lied about something already, so how can anyone trust anything else you have to say...? (Now that you've attempted slander. I mean, talk about clutching at straws to discredit someone...)

    The most humour thing is, YOU'RE the one to bring up taqiyya. You're the one to assert Islam permits lying...A proven lying Sikh of all people.

    Really, you should be embarassed.

    Are you a parody account, or just incapable of logical thought processes?

    I don't peddle the 'It's all lies' line, in fact you're the first I've said it to...Because it is, all lies...?

    Discussion. A two way street.

    Get on board, bro.

  2. I clearly recall you mentioning a few weeks ago that you'd relinquished all ties to Islam and had become an atheist. So, what exactly are your so-called Sikh friends trying to understand about your way of life when that particular way of life is devoid of Islam? In that case surely they're trying to learn about atheism in context of how it relates to you, an ex-Muslim? So, which is it? Are you a Muslim or an atheist?

    And you gain what from making things up?

    That's even after all the crap you wrote about Taqiyya, which is a ploy and yes fabrication often used to discredit a Muslim no matter what they say. The ultimate irony is the very fact you're lying here and now.

    I have always been Muslim, I've not once denounced Islam - if you want a reliable source of such it can be found on my own forums.

    But, if people decide the believe you for whatever reason, that's upto them.

    I have zero to prove to anyone here.

  3. Udder madness. Such udder madness.

    On a more serious note It saddens me to see just how naive and intolerant some of the communities in India can be.

    Very punny.

    a) why we always make sweeping statements about a country/community/religion?

    b) why this forum has turned into a place of slander 24*7? what we as a community has to do with this piece of news? this is nothing new afaik, riots, killings, religous persecutions are the norm of this century and no religion has been left untouched by this.

    I visit this forum daily, but sadly every day I find more and more negativity pouring in here.

    I agree, WarriorLord.When

    I joined here in 2008 this place was actually welcoming and friendly.

  4. I don't understand why so many Muslims take an interest in going on Sikh forums. Not once have I ever bothered going on a Muslim forum, I just wouldn't like presence on there. Maybe deep down Muslims love Sikhs so much that's why they are always seeking to be in their company lol

    I have not read much of this thread due to the time.

    I'm interested in broadening my knowledge of all religions and am on forums to do so, I also have some very good Sikh friends who have made an effort to know what's important to me and understand my way of life. I feel it important to return the favour.

    Would I be wrong in saying it's impossible to place trust in a Muslim when their holy scriptures advocate lying and paying lip-service when around non-Muslims to win their trust, with one eye on a future scenario where that trust will be betrayed in a scenario that will be used to further the Islamic cause?

    Is that at all accurate or a myth?

    Not just a myth.

    An utter fabrication.

  5. well her name was Naveer which is a muslim name.

    when i searched her by her email adress on fb she was a muslim and was wearing a burka in her profile pic, with tons of muslim friends in her friends list. that was so weird.

    who knows what r they upto why they are on sikh matrimonial websites?

    i guess it is one of their religious requirement to groom around

    Yeah, I am a Muslim.

    We do not have a 'religious requirement to groom around'.

    Her presence on a Sikh matromonial site in itself is haraam and sinful.

  6. Sikhism respects all religions. Our ninth Guru Ji gave his life to save the kashmiri pandits.

    A religion which does not respect other religions should not even be called a religion but a cult.

    Some few followers of a religion can spoil the true essence of that religion and the world starts to look at that religion in a negative light.

    At the end of our lives - we will face judgement where there will no religion but only right and wrong to be judged.

    Hurting others whether they are religious or not is wrong whatever religion you follow.

    Unfortunately Islam has missed the message, deviated from the universal truth of the message of God and is planning to mess up the whole planet too.

    Perhaps we should all pray for their deliverance on their behalf.

    I'm not going to take the preaching in your post with any concern, but you advocate a minority representing a majority?

    So I guess Sikhism would fall under the same banner, don't even try and tell me there aren't Sikhs who have missed the message.

  7. sikhnet matrimonial is a rip off. Plus you get proposals from random people. Mostly white people and muslim named profiles.

    Shaadi.com is little better rarely there is any gursikh amritdhari profiles.

    it is so hard to find gursikh matches.

    Are they definitely Muslim named?

    What business would Muslims have a Sikh matrimonial site?

  8. I recently saw a post on some fb Sikh group that was complaining about muslim guy signing up to Sikh society events after they learned he was a muslim through his name.

    That made me ponder what if the guy genuinely wanted to learn about Sikhi and become a Sikh? How should you deal with muslim guys who are interested? We know they are ideologically brainwashed from birth to hate non-muslims and their beliefs so should we scare of potential new Sikhs guys from Islam and barring them by background checks?

    Or should we welcome them into the fold but have extra vigilance placed on them so that we see their motives are genuinely spiritual and love for Sikhi not sinister or predatory on grooming women undercover.


    I don't care about what you're saying about this guy...But you really have no idea about Islam or Muslims do you?

    Like actually no idea.

  9. Not true. This conflict wouldn't even be happening if the Abrahamic religions weren't so fixated with the idea of a Holy Land. The Israelis would agree to the division of the Holy Land immediately if their messianic prophecies didn't propel them to colonize all it.

    I agree, only a morally deficient individual could support Israel's theft. But I believe the same can be said of anybody who supports the equally sanguinary Palestinian state with its glorification of terrorism and Islamic radicalism - https://news.vice.com/article/palestinian-support-for-hamas-soars-after-israel-war-as-fatah-loses-backing

    Screw the Israelis and screw the Palestinians.

    Wow, what an awful attitude. I'd say 'Screw no one' inclusive of Sikhs. Then again, maybe that's just from a generally more tolerant stand-point and nothing to do with religion. Just like this fallacious 'holy land' BS you are going on about. The Palestinians care not about others in the holy land, they care about their homeland - the Israelis are not even practicing Jews, they are Zionists. Their care factor is at zero too. For them, it's a guise.

    As for the Palestinians 'glorification of terrorism' - ugh, do some reading. The 'right to resist' is fundamental in a landgrab. And you'd do the same.

    Why don't muslim folks realize they will never defeat Israel? Come to a compromise, because if Hamas keep on trying to launch rockets at Israel, Hamas will keep on getting bombed in return. If Hamas gets bombed, it is civilians who will inevitably get bombed too considering the urban environment and density of Gaza. Cut your losses short, get Hamas out of there.

    A peaceful resolution would be reached in a caring world. We are trying to make the world open their eyes, and care about the eradication of tyranny.

    Without resisting, this wouldn't be a war - this would be a genocide. Israel would simply kill every Palestinian there mercilessly.

  10. Great to see you again, MisterrSingh! I'm a Sikh. Flat out and simple. Ok? You are the troll if you don't trust your brothers, as Guru Gobind Singh said. Yeah, I support Palestine from what I've read about the situation. But it is messy and confusing and I'm no expert. I just wanted to see what others had to say.

    I know that reasons are religious, and religiously speaking, I think that Israel should have the region for the sake of Jerusalem and all of the holy places there. The Muslims probably have some holy places in Palestine as well, but they get Arabia.

    Yeah, no. There is nothing religious about the situation. It is purely political.

    We get Arabia? Right so that justifies a complete and utter landgrab, carpet bombing and genocide?

    Anyone who supports the illegal and terrorist state of Israel is either.

    a. Not human.

    b. Ignorant as all get out.

    I'm not saying you support Israel, but justifying driving people off of their land in any form is abhorrent, even if saying 'they have'. They are stateless, and unfortunately a lot of the Arab nations are so far up the USA's arse they also favour the Israelis to the Palestinians.


  11. Wow. I had no idea Sikhs believed in Ghosts. That's cool and interesting. :)

    So they are a spirit detached from something, and lost I suppose?

    As a Muslim myself, I don't believe ghosts are among us. But cool all the same. :)

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