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pulaan haar

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Posts posted by pulaan haar

  1. veer ji is right it is a impossible job.

    Like most of the posters on this web site, i didnt have a very high opinion of Vedanti. However as he held one of the highet position in the sikh panth at the same level as the pope I think he deserved our respect.

    i had the oportunity to meet Vedanti last year and share some dialogue with him. even though I didnt agree with alot of things he said he did make some valid points.

    The main point being, what power to change things does he really have. Before some of you jump on me, think about it. If he issues a hukamnama who acually police's it. The biggest example I can give, when bhai Ranjit singh issued the hukamnama about not sitting on chairs to eat langar, who actually complies to it. We all know of various gurdwara where they still sit on tables and chairs, but we all know the hukumnama. So how many of us actually try to enforce it. And the veers and sisters that try to enforce it are accused of being trouble causers.

    He has no power of how money is spent and on what, that responsibility replies with the SGPC.

    The various jathabandis try and push there own agendas and when he goes against one he is then accused of being a govenment or badal agent.

    Untill badal is dead and the sgpc comes under the fold of the panth not the akali daal the panth and sikhi will continue to take a downward turn in the punjaab.

  2. Sorry,

    Coffee aint my thing.. to much Caffine .

    I said smell the coffee not drink it.

    Anway I realise its no point in trying to debate with you, because u just avoid all points made, I supose it must be hard, when u realise that sum1 that you thought was a sant is actually a fake.

    Veer ji please make you're own mind up and dont get fooled by man made titles. May we Let the true guru, Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaaj b our leading light.

    Sorry if i've offended you in any way, It was'nt my atention.

    Waheguru ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru ji Ki Fateh.

  3. He was asked to leave because he was trying to put some of the land the Dera owns under his name.. the land is worth crores per acre.. just look how close the Dera is to Jalandhar.

    And about the Bhajurg being beaten.. a Singh who was angry at the man for spewing lies about the Dera and Sants beat him.. In no way did Sant Jeet Singh tell him to go beat that man.. he did it on his own accord and i do not praise him for commiting such an act.

    Its funny how all of a suden evey 1 apart from jeet singh is trying2 put grdwara land in there name...from Bhajurg's dat are living in india to Comitee memebers that have been charge of Grdwara for how many years in England. I supose the guy that was shot dead was because he also some how tried to put land in hs name. How come no one was trying to put land in there name's whilst the true Sants were alive, prob because its all made up like da man made sant's.

    If it was so easy to get land put in you're name wouldnt every tom, <banned word filter activated> and hary be doing it.

    Wake up and smell the coffee, stop being so gullable

  4. he right hand man that the other veerji if im right is the Singh that used to stay with baba Gian Singh ji. He Stayed at the gurudwara for many years, but when Budhe Maahpursh and Shote Mahapursh passed away he was asked to leave.

    When some one has done countles seva of real sants I supose it is hard to pull the wool over the eyes of sum one like that.

    It is realy bad that these people have turned nirmal Kotia into a laughing stock, and I hope that they get what they deserve. I realy feel sorry for these people that think that this Jeet singh is has any where near the amount of Kamai and Baba Gian Singh ji had.

    Sorry I dont know if I should mention his name, as we all know some one has allready been killed, by Jeet Singhs hench men as well as various old sevadaar been beaten up.

  5. Singhballer Paji, Im glad that the katah or jevaan of Jeet Singh inspired you take amrit.

    Paji may be the exprience you have had there is differnt to the one I have had, I really do wish that Jeet Singh was this Sant, Brahm Giani that you think he was. My family has been going Nirmal Kotia for over the last 20 years, and when a Brahm Giani passes away you are sadend and hope that there is sum one that can take there place and help you on this hard path. Unfortunately I have learned that this man isnt what you think or what I wish he was.

    But as 1 veer ji put no point argueing about his Jeevan, As the saying goes you can lead a horse 2 water but u cant make it drink. you guys dont want to hear the truth, which is understandable as alot of our families have been going to the dera as you put it 4 many years and sometimes the truth can hurt or it is easier to be ignorant.

    See no evil, hear no evil.

    The fact is that the Majority of the regular sangat at Oldbury Gurdwara dont believe in him and are trying there best to cary on with work that was started there by Baba Gian Singh ji, which is Seva, Simran and Amrith Pachaar.

    We dont want random people that have neva come to the Gurudwara before that are known trouble causers that have bee recruited by Jeet Singh coming coming to try and force there way in. The fact that jeet Singh has recruited these peope speaks volume of his character.

  6. Kingh Singh you are a funny geeza, have you posted you're name?

    Who's hiding if you cant debate or stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

    He aint no Mahapurkh, iv had his darshaan and i was gutted because ther'es nothing there? Just Pakandh, theres a big differnce of being the head sevadaar of a gurudwara and that of acclaiming to be a brahmgiani. When you meet a true mahapurkh you can tell, Iv been lucky enough to have the darshaan of Baba Gian Singh, Sant Harbhajan Singh Ji Brakhath, Baba Takhaar Singh and these were proper Sants you could just feel something when meeting them. There lifes and jevan are covered with stories thats showed that they were Bramgians.

    What is it about the jevaan of jeeeth Singh that makes you thing he is a Sant. No one has a god given right to be a Santh it is earned through years of dedicated seva an Simran.

    Not being interested in selling Mercedes donated by the sangat and in getting Gurudwara property put in you're own and families name.

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