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Posts posted by hardeepgill

  1. excellent work sangat tv - showing cutting edge professionalism and bravery in the face of danger.

    well done, jay singh-sohal (sky news producer) for ensuring our community is represented and the story told.

    let's keep it going and support our professionals!

    great to see one of UK's leading news channel using images from SANGAT TV.


    BBC, SKY, NDTV and other channels have all contacted SANGAT TV and praised them for their work regarding the riots.

    Also, alot of londoners know that Sikhs protected Southall and their Gurdwarae.

    Apart form the Sikhs that; are living in high risk areas, have family care commitments, health issues, or no transport to gurdwaras - all others should be tyar bar tyar at their nearest gurughar..

  2. good idea, but not the first time media aimed at mainstream informing masses...


    The producers of this film seem to do a good job portraying Singhs. I'm looking forward to it. Seems to be the first time that media aimed at the mainstream can inform the ignorant masses of the difference between Sikhs and Muslims.

  3. http://www.ethnicnow.com/channels/arts-culture/press-release/5/6243/turbanology-sikhs-unwrapped-official-launch.html

    Official Launch and Media Event for a groundbreaking new Arts Council Exhibition exploring the turban and it's importance in British Sikh life.

    On Friday 10th June 2011, Dot Hyphen Productions (in association with Arts Council England, Punch Records and Niskham Civic Association) launch a new and exciting arts exhibition exploring the Sikh Turban.

    This groundbreaking exhibit brings the story of the turban to life - from the spirituality of the Dastaar to the Turban Rights Movement that established Sikh Rights in the UK.

    The days programme will consist of short films, discussion with the award-winning exhibition team and a special guest speaker before the official unveiling of the exhibition.

    Local, national and international media are invited to attend to cover the exhibition for radio, TV and print outlet.

    Available for film and photography on the day will be:

    - childrens turban tieing workshop at 10:00

    - interviews with the exhibition team (see notes for full details)

    - the exhibition panels and display art

    - interviews with members of the Sikh community different ages, male and female

    - access to specially commissioned film footage about Sikh turban tieing & the historic Turban Rights Movement

    Official photography from the event can be made available upon request trans.gifPosted on 10/05/2011

    Start Date:10/06/2011Start Time:11:15Region:AllVenue:Nishkam Civic AssociationVenue Address:6 Soho Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, B21 9BH</FONT>

    view mapCelebs Attending:TBCWebsite:www.turbanology.infotrans.giftrans.gifPress Tickets:Availablepresstickets.gifSponsorship:Availablesponsorship.gifPress Tickets:Hardeep Gillphone.gif 07908226667email.gifSend Emailtrans.gifAdvertising/Sponsorship:Hardeep Gillphone.gif 07908226667email.gifSend Emailtrans.gifGeneral Information:Hardeep Gillphone.gif 07908226667email.gifSend Email

  4. it's not that expensive - especially when you run britasia on the side and have in the past run porn stations and legal channels!

    Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

    Hi. it costs alot in the hundred and thousands and for sikh channel i think a million. It cost 40 grand (40 thousand) to broadcast the channel. they pay sky 40 thousand. and that for broadcasting then it cost 100 thousand to make the material then the saleries of the camera crew and they hae two studios and that cost alot of money. Thats why they depend on the sangat for direct debits and that.

    Hope this helped

    Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

  5. what did sangat make of this programme?

    i found it disappointing ...

    1 - disrecpectful terms being used again like 'sikh holy book'

    2 - sonia (aka jaswinder sidhu) kaur deol being the presenter again

    3 - nothing really knew on this programme

    But this again i guess it would be perfect for gorai and coconuts to learn. and the bbc can tick a box saying they've made another sikh programme.

  6. This programme was filmed by SANGAT TV and will be shown this SATURDAY 25th DEC at 3.30pm on ch847 ... please watch, support and spread the word!

    Press release: Immediate release

    Date: Tuesday 14th December 2010

    Attorney General pays tribute to Sikhs who fought during World Wars

    Monday 13th December 2010, HM Attorney General, Rt Hon Dominic Grieve QC MP joined filmmaker Jay Singh-Sohal at the Official Launch of the new documentary ‘Sikhs@War’.

    Screened at the Houses of Parliament the film pays tribute to the memory of Sikh soldiers who fought for Great Britain during the Great War.

    Speaking about the event, HM Attorney General, Rt Hon Dominic Grieve QC MP expressed his admiration for the brave Sikhs: “Their selfless service deserves the widest recognition. It has helped us in Britain enjoy the freedom we have today.”

    Birmingham based filmmaker and television journalist Jay Singh-Sohal described the launch in Parliament as a momentous occasion: “For a senior government official to pay such a tribute is a sign of how important the Sikh contribution has historically been and how vital this vibrant community still is in all walks of British life.”

    The Attorney General was presented a Sikh ceremonial dagger, a Kirpan, by the filmmaker Jay Singh-Sohal and co-host Cllr Santokh Singh Chhokar who described the occasion as a “landmark event highlighting the Sikh tradition within British military history.”

    More than 100,000 Sikh soldiers from South Asia fought on the Western front during the Great War alone. The film narrates their story for the first time by following a young teenager retracing his Great Grandfathers footsteps in the trenches of Flanders.

    Jaspal Singh, 15, is inspired by his forefather’s actions during the War to maintain his own Sikh identity (uncut hair and turban) despite being bullied because of it. From his hometown of Coventry to Ypres and Neuve Chapelle, Jaspal discovers the important role Sikh soldiers played during the conflict in stopping the German advance over Europe.

    The event brought together members of the Sikh community alongside politicians, serving military personnel, multi-faith community and business leaders.

    Following the success of Sikh@War, further film projects on the subject matter will be produced and also released online.



    For press and PR enquiries, contact Hardeep Gill at Dot Hyphen Productions:

    07908 22 6667 or press@dothyphen.co.uk

    Stills and Footage:

    Stills images from the Official Launch event and moving/audio footage from the film are available upon request

    Footage from the website and YouTube can only be used with express permission from the filmmaker.

    Notes to Editors: The film is available to view online as a free educational resource so young people from all backgrounds can view and learn about this forgotten part of British history. It is available at www.sikhsatwar.info .

  7. space is limited - so if you can't rsvp or come down to london do watch on sangat tv!

    Why not go see the film at the House Of Commons:-

    LONDON: Film Sikhs@War at the House of Commons – Mon 13th Dec 6.15pm to 8.55pm

    Featuring keynote speaker Attorney General Rt Hon Dominic Grieve MP and screening of a short film called Sikhs@War. Please RSVP by sending an email to press@dothyphen.co.uk

  8. Check out this coverage of this Sikh film in the Asia Today (online and print edition):


    I hope the sangat will support this project - taking high quality films about sikhs and giving them to the world online as a free educational resource.

    The film 'sikhs@war' will be broadcast alongside this prestigious event with the Attorney General on SANGAT TV on Saturday 25th December, 3.30pm.

  9. Sikhnet do good work.

    A new website's been launched which I contribute to which could so with some funding.

    It's called www.sikhsatwar.info and is a FREE OPEN EDUCATIONAL resource hosting high-quality productions about Sikh history.

    It's currently got one film on it about a bullied teenage Sikh who's inspired by his great-grandfather who fought in the war to not cut his hair.

    But the filmmakers are looking for funding to expand with more free online video content to inspire young people (not just sikhs) all over the world.

    If you feel this is a project you'd like to support email press@dothyphen.co.uk


  10. This is such a big joke now - why do they need to rip off the sangat more when sikh tv and sangat are running without this sort of begging?!

    Am I the only one outraged by what they're doing ... no wonder they didnt win at the sikh business awards last night!


    I am not that familiar with Sikh Channel, and had a question. Is it a Limited company that aims to make a profit and has shareholders or is it non-profit, charity?

  11. what do u expect from free labour - and european ones at that.

    the channel is a disgrace, the owner is a disgrace. hopefully these new ones will show it for what it truly is - a money making scheme for mr bal.

    Rquest to admins, pls move to general topic.

    Vaheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa Vaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh

    I attended the Sikh Federation convention, and

    I would like to express to the sangat what I saw, about Sikh Channel staff...

    I went to the gurdwara sahib (sedley street), and did mathatek.

    Then sat in the sangat, and took the raas from the speakers.

    And the Sikh Channel team, the camera lady, was a disgrace.

    *You could see her... (backside).

    *Had dirty pink socks in the darbar sahib.

    *Quite a bit of the time, had her back to Guru Mahraj.

    *Chewing gum in DARBAR.

    She was smoking infront of the gurdwara sahib.

    if you go to sedley street gurdwara, and in the front of the gurdwaras car park, she was smoking there... :\

    Most of Sikh channel crew were moneh, speaking loud in the gurdarbar.

    On a postive note, I reckon the Sikh TV camera crew were excellent.

    They were sabat soorat. Had socks off. Maintaining the Gurdwara Maryada.

    Vaheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa Vaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh

  12. Does anyone have any evidence of the UNESCO claim?

    It's always referenced online but I can't find the actual document that says it.

    The Battle of Saragarhi, one of history's most famous last stands, was fought during the Tirah Campaign on 12 September 1897 between twenty-one Sikhs of the 4th Battalion (then 36th Sikhs) of the Sikh Regiment of British India, defending an army post, and 10,000 Afghan and Orakzai tribesmen. The battle occurred in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, now part of Pakistan, which then formed part of British India. The Battle at Saragarhi is one of eight stories of collective bravery published by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). It has been mentioned as one of the five most significant events of its kind in the world which includes the Battle of Thermopylae associated with the heroic stand of a small Greek force against the mighty Persian Army of Xerxes I in 480 B.C. Even the Hindi film industry (Bollywood) has decided to make a movie based on the battle of Saragarhi. The film will have some special effects for which Hollywood technicians have been roped in. With a budget estimated at Rs 200 crore ($ 43 million), this could pass as the costliest Bollywood film ever made.

    Related links:



    Bollywood making a movie on battle of Saragarhi - http://www.sikhnet.c...dutt-turns-sikh

  13. Good work by Harbinder SingH Rana on this campaign, we should all continue to raise awareness about this.

    London, Sep 11 (IANS) Prominent members of the Sikh community in the UK, and a former senior official of the British Army are planning to establish a permanent national memorial to mark the sacrifice of 21 Sikh soldiers, who had laid down their lives in the battle of Saragarhi Sep 12, 1897.

    Coordinated by the Anglo Sikh Heritage Trail (ASHT), this campaign is also asking Britain to officially recognise the battle and its crucial role in their history. This permanent national memorial will be erected in central London.

    ASHT is a project of the Maharajah Duleep Singh Centenary Trust, which was established in 1993. Its primary objective is to highlight and promote Anglo-Sikh heritage.

    "The bravery shown by Sikh soldiers is unbelievable and it is important that their sacrifice is remembered. The memorial of the 21 soldiers will act as a permanent reminder of that famous battle. We are also asking the government to formally recognise their sacrifice," said former British judge Mota Singh Saturday.

    Mota Singh was Britain's first Sikh and Asian judge. Opting to wear a white turban in court, instead of the traditional wig, he is seen as a sign of multicultural Britain.

    In the battle of Saragarhi, 21 soldiers from the 36th Sikh Regiment of British India defended their army post against 10,000 tribesmen Sep 12, 1897. This battle was fought in the North West Frontier Province, now part of Pakistan.

    The anniversary of the Saragarhi battle will be observed Sunday by a series of events across the UK to recognise the role of Sikh soldiers in the British Army in the past and in present.

    Field Marshal Sir John Chapple, former chief of the general staff, British army said: "Sikh regiments have played an important role in the British Army and the soldiers who laid down their lives at the battle of Saragarhi were immensely brave. This battle is an important part of history and should be remembered."

    The 21 Sikh soldiers were posthumously awarded the Indian Order of Merit, the highest gallantry award of that time that an Indian soldier could receive.

    ASHT is also urging people to pledge their support by logging on to Facebook and other social network communities.

    Indarjit Singh, a British broadcaster and journalist, who is also backing the campaign, stated: "Such episodes in history are very important as they inspire us."


    New film from the makers of Turbanology being released online about Sikhs who fought in WW1 ...

    Watch it on:


    Press Release

    A new documentary film exploring the forgotten history of Indian soldiers who fought for Great Britain during World War One is being released online as a free educational resource for young people.

    ‘Sikhs@War’ tells the story of the 100,000 Sikh soldiers from modern day India and Pakistan who signed up to fight for Britain thousands of miles from their homeland in the European trenches of the Western Front.

    It’s told from the first-person perspective of Jaspal Singh from Coventry, a teenager who’s Great Grandfather Maghar Singh was his age when he signed up to fight – at just 15!

    The film marks a journey for Jaspal as he visits the trenches of Ypres in Belgium where his forefather fought and sees for himself the Indian Monument at Neuve Chapelle in France where thousands of Indian soldiers who died are commemorated.

    It’s all the more personal because Jaspal has suffered from bullying because of his Sikh identity, but rather than cut his hair and lose his religious identity he is inspired by stories of his Great Grandfather Maghar Singh and other Sikhs like him who went to war without losing their religious beliefs as turban-wearing Sikhs. Jaspal has also been affected by race-based attacks against the Sikh War monument in Coventry which is also explored in the film.

    The film has been made by Birmingham based filmmaker Jay Singh-Sohal who highlights its importance: “Just recently HRH Prince Charles himself commented about the lack of recognition for the ethnic minorities that fought during the Great War. In making this film I wanted to ensure that young people had access to this forgotten part of our history in a manner in which they could see for themselves why it’s still relevant today. So we see from Jaspal’s personal journey that remembering those that fought nearly 100 years ago still inspires young people in their daily lives. That there were more than 100,000 Sikhs from the Panjab who fought also says something about the unique relationship Britain’s had with the Sikhs. They’ve always been respected as loyal and brave soldiers and continue to form be an important part of British society.”

    The film is being released online as a free educational resource so young people from all backgrounds can view and learn about this forgotten part of British history. It can also be digitally downloaded from the www.sikhsatwar.info website.

    Over the next few months, Dot Hyphen Productions will be promoting it as an educational resource for teachers, youth organisations and young people to learn about this forgotten part of British and Sikh history and to raise awareness about the contribution of Indian troops during the liberation of Europe.

    The film will be touring internationally later this autumn and has its UK based Official Launch at The Houses of Parliament, supported by the Derby based ‘National Sikh Heritage Centre and Holocaust Museum’. An advance media screening will take place in Derby in August where local school children will also be in attendance and available for interview.


    For press and PR enquiries, contact Dot Hyphen Productions:

    email press@dothyphen.co.uk <BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">

  15. Message from TURBANOLOGY, please forward to other forums and esp school teacher.


    Dear all,

    After months of work, the TURBANOLOGY DVD is now available for public and private bodies to license as an educational toolkit.

    The first body to be doing this is British Transport Police - who will be using the DVD to train recruit officers on awareness and sensitivies re the turban.

    It's a big thing for us and for our community as it means the programme will make a positive impact on the awareness of the Turban amongst law enforcers in the UK.

    We are now working on expanding our licensing of the DVD to school teachers - this is where the biggest impact can be made to ensure school children and teachers themselves are aware about the turban and what it means to the Sikh community, how Sikhs have been affected since 7/7 and why its a shared heritage but of utmost importance to Sikh identity.

    As such we ask all school teachers to come forward and contact us about licensing the DVD. The cost we are offering it is substantially lower than the commercial licensing.

    This is so we can get the DVD out to schools and teachers to use as an educational tool - profit is not a motive but raising awareness and education is.

    For more info about TURBANOLOGY please visit www.turbanology.com or order from Amazon.co.uk where it's cheaper than our site.

    And please contact us directly if you want to license or would like to discuss licensing:

    Email - turbanology@ jaysinghsohal.com

    Phone - 07908 22 6667

    Kindest & Gurfateh

    J. Singh-Sohal

    Dot Hyphen Productions

  16. The reason is that, by law, Sikhs in the UK are considered an ethnic group. So the census should reflect that. It's the same for Jews, despite there being Jews of various races.

    wrong. sikhs are considered an ethnic group within the understanding of the race relations act in the establishment of the right to tie a turban during the mandla vs lee case - see turbanology dvd on amazon.

    it's an interpretation of the law ... it doesnt make us an ethnic group. wouldnt it be better being recognised as a religion?

    i'm not convinced of the debate neither - if the problem is recognising religion surely it's better putting sikh resources into making sure sikhs fill in their forms properly. if it's abt access to govt funds, im sorry when do the sikhs take state hand outs - we're the 2nd richest ethnic minority group next to jews in uk.

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