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Billo G

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Posts posted by Billo G

  1. Ok thanks for those links,

    I'd like to ask some questions, if you can answer it, please?

    1). The soul lives on and we have 8.4 billion lives that is recycled (if that's the right word) into another living thing, such as an animal, another human being, etc. Does this mean our souls are immortal? What happens to our bodies? Does this mean that the Earth will live for eternity? If God created our bodies, with such precision from the way our heart beats and pumps blood around our body, to the way our brain functions, and I mean the brain is the most complicated organ, and the way we think and feel things (emotions) etc, we are such complicated species, so doesn't our bodies matter? If God spent so long to creating our complicated bodies with such such detailed precision, is that not counted for? By saying that our souls live on and we have 8.4 billion lives, does this mean that God is creating more bodies as we speak, and does this mean that God is working on improving his creation? What if we never get rid of the five thieves and our 8.4 billion lives are finished? What happens to our soul? This means that we have been on this planet for approx. 4.54 billion years (that's how old Earth is), so we have 3.86 lives left?

    2). In the video, it says we should see death from a third person perspective? How could we do that if we are just human beings? What does that mean exactly to see death from a third person perspective? IF it says in the GGS, that we cannot even comprehend how God had created this world, then how can we imagine it from a third person perspective? We cannot even understand how complex God's design is, and if we were to do that, wouldn't that contradict the verse in the GGS: 'These forms cannot be described. One who tries to speak of these shall regret the attempt.'

    3). Basically, death is a form of transition, which we move from one body to another. Does this mean that God is making new creations (human beings) for us? Doesn't this mean that God is always trying to find ways to improve us? This means that IF I am still sitting here, I haven't reached liberation yet, so I have roughly, another 3 billion lives left?

    4). Quote taken from the GGS: 'Dying while your still alive' He explains the concept of 'jeevan mukti' which means liberation from the humanly life IOW, liberation from Maya, this world? The five thieves known as: ego, anger, greed, attachment and lust are a distraction from the path of God. Is the only practical solution of getting rid of these five thieves to meditate on God's name? In my opinion, that's really difficult because we have so many difficulties in life. For example, the poor people that dying in countries from starvation, the wars that have gone on, the amount of people that have died from the effects of wars, and the these thieves are what makes us a human being. We are only human beings and not created to become something magnificent in this life, otherwise God wouldn't create suffering and put us through trial after trial, What is the point of all that?

    5) 'We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are Spiritual beings having a human experience' - Is this quote from the GGS? ? The speaker said it's his favourite quote that he 'heard' Doesn't this confuse the entire concept of what a human being is? By saying that, isn't he saying we were created as spiritual beings and then came on earth to experience human life? This very quote is taken by the French, Catholic Priest called, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a 'mystic philosopher.' I'm not understanding the correlation between Sikh idelogy and the speaker quoting from a 'Mystic Philosopher,

    Sorry if this is all so long, but I have one more question,

    What makes us Sikh? Is it that we are born into a Sikh family, or are we Sikh from birth?

    Also, if we have 8.4 billion lives, and let's say, for example, some of us have used roughly 5 billion lives and we have 3 billion lives left, how come Guru Nanak received his revelation from God only say, roughly 5 centuries ago? Where was God at the start of the universe? Because the Earth is much much older. How come we had many different religions before that, from the beginning of time?

  2. In the country/world/place? of modesty, the word is beauty.

    Forms without an equal match are constructed here.

    These forms cannot be described.

    One who tries to speak of these shall regret the attempt.

    The one that feels that to be true even without conscious reasoning, understanding with an open- mind, and understanding of the mind are shaped there.

    The consciousness of the spiritual warriors (this term is used in Buddhism meaning one who gets rid of the universal enemy of self- ignorance which is the ultimate source of suffering according to Buddhist ideology), and the siddhas (a wise person that achieved enlightenment), the beings of spiritual perfection, are shaped there.

    In the place of karma, the word is power.

    No one else dwells there,

    Except the warriors of great power, the spiritual heroes (Jesus, Gautama, Krishna, Muhammad, etc)

    They are totally satisfied, and inspired with the idea of God’s presence.

    In the sea of ‘sitas’ (sita is the wife of Rama, the Hindu model of an ideal man) they are peaceful in their impressive beauty. Does this refer to them as the beauty of gods and goddesses? Or referring to them being peaceful in the impressive beauty around them, in other words, in peacefulness of God’s creation? Or does this refer to a righteous woman ‘sitas’ in the world that are living for the pleasure of God only?

    Their beauty cannot be described. Are there not specific descriptions of the beauty? For example, IF they are referring to the beauty of God’s creation, such as the Earth, the heavens, birds that are flying in the sky, mountains, trees, winds, the clouds and rain?

    Neither death, nor deception comes to those,

    Within those minds the lord abides. Does this mean we are immortal beings?

    The devotees of many worlds dwell there. Is that referring to heaven? Or referring to the peacefulness that one feels within themselves?

    They ‘celebrate’ in other words they are happy that their minds are in connection with the True Lord?

    In the world of truth, the formless lord observes.

    Having created the creation, He watches over it. By His glance of grace, he puts something better in its place.

    There are planets, solar systems and galaxies.

    If one speaks of them, there is no limit, no end.

    There are worlds upon worlds of His creation. Does this mean that there are other beings among us? Such as jinns and angels?

    As He commands, so they exist.

    He watches over all, and thinking about the creation, He feels joy.

    Nanak, to describe this is very hard.

    Let self- control be the furnace, and patience the person who makes gold?

    i couldn't finish reading the entire passage because I found it to be very poetic as though it's Nanak's account of his relationship with God. If the Guru Granth Sahib is God's words, shouldn't God be describing in a clear cut way, so that it is made clear to people?

  3. I understand what you are saying...You are talking about SATSANG not discussions. And yes satsangs are very important but we should know what is satsang.

    SATSANG is NOT->

    1. Blaming each other for variety of religious beliefs.

    2.Saying my religion is best.

    3.Talking about revenge.

    4.Talking about sikh related movies like 84.

    .....so on.

    SATSANG is (from my point of view) ->

    REMEBERING GOD(WAHEGURU) only waheguru nothing else.

    As guru ji said -

    ਸਤਸੰਗਤਿ ਕੈਸੀ ਜਾਣੀਐ ॥

    How is the Society of the Saints to be known?

    ਜਿਥੈ ਏਕੋ ਨਾਮੁ ਵਖਾਣੀਐ ॥

    There, the Name of the One Lord is chanted.

    OK, so what do you mean exactly by asking the question: why do we discuss a lot rather than meditating? I wasn't actually referring to satsang at all because I thought you are asking about having intellectual discussions. You are addressing one aspect of a discussion by saying that satsang is not this and not that... but on the other side, satsang is also about exchanging ideas by discussing about a particular topic. So, to be clear, in terms of discussing, what kind of discussions are you referring to?

    I assumed you are referring to discussing religious topics with people who are wanting to know more.. from my knowledge, the word 'sat' means truth and 'sang' means to be in a deep connection with God. And, the way of practicing satsang is by being in the company of other devotees of God, reading spiritual books, visiting the Gurdwara, and so on. Satsang is a gathering of where believers of God come to together and in doing so, one can learn more about God and become closer to God.

    I don't know the exact verses but it says somewhere in the guru granth sahib that we should be associated with those that believe in God, hence, why Nanak Dev ji, was always discussing religion with Hindus and Muslims in that time. Because they believed in God. Also, I'm not sure why you mentioned about what a satsang should NOT be, because the points you mentioned defeats the entire purpose of what a satsang should be.

    By saying, 'my religion is best' and 'blaming each other for different beliefs' is not what any religion in this world is about in the first place. Someone who says that, is just being arrogant, and every single religious scripture forbids someone to be arrogant. Because if someone does all those things that you mentioned about what a satsang is NOT, then it means they reject the belief in God altogether. Plus, by saying that 'my religion is best' are said by those that don't truly know what their religion is saying. The ones that actually do know, would never say that at all. Because they truly practice the correct way.

    Secondly, 'talking about revenge' again this is what non- practicing people say because religion actually teaches to forgive and forget, to keep maintaining good behaviour to win over the bad and controlling our anger and so on. Also, someone that 'blames another for different religious beliefs' is someone who is not in full understanding. So, this is where discussing comes in. One should explain to that person why we shouldn't blame or insult another religion, and in doing so, you are helping them form a better understanding and gaining closer relationship with God.

    Your question can be interpreted two ways, either you are referring to why we should have discussions among believers of God, or either you asking why we should have discussions with non- believers in God, so you should be more specific. Because either way, one that is having discussions among devotees, or either among one that is not practicing any religion is, the discussing to find out more and you as the believing person in God would be helping them achieve that same relationship you share with God.

    AND if you are feeling so grateful, and blessed of being a Sikh and having a peaceful connection with God, wouldn't you want to discuss that with another person, IF they are asking about it, whether or not, they are believing in God, or not? But isn't it a sign that they are supposed to ask you, and if didn't discuss it with them, or avoided the topic altogether, but just simply said 'meditate on God's name', then isn't that like being ignorant?

    How can one meditate on God's name without truly knowing or loving what has created us? Shouldn't we have an understanding of what we are meditating on? This is where discussion comes in, and satsang is among people that belief in God, and those that make a statement but doesn't give a chance for discussion, like you said if someone says 'my religion is best' and that's it, end of discussion. Someone who would really question it is someone that is learning and understanding, and 'Sikh' means a student, and a student always questions and asks to find out more.

  4. I think its important to discuss certain aspects which one feels they need clarification on so then, one can have a much better understanding, and clear any doubt we have.

    AND clearing one's doubts or helping them to understand something, wouldn't that be an accomplishment in itself as your helping them to become closer to God?

    Also, shouldn't one's belief in God make them a compassionate person towards another who is wanting to discuss things? In terms of compassionate, I mean just because YOU (generally speaking, not you in particular), but basically a knowledgeable person of religion that understands, they shouldn't think of someone else who is questioning, or discussing aspects in religion, as being too attached to this world.

    Because, if you know someone is asking you questions about religious topics, doesn't this mean they have a sincere desire to find out more about God? IF that is the case, then wouldn't it be one's duty to help them and clarify the matter, rather than saying they are too consumed in this world?

    It's kind of contradictory because on the one hand if they are discussing about religion they are wanting to know more about God, but then on the other hand, if they are discussing about religion, it means they are 'embedded in Maya'? And if they are too consumed in 'maya' by asking to have discussions, doesn't discussing with them help them find the same level of belief that YOU hold about God, too?

    Do you understand what I'm saying?

  5. So, basically what this means is that when one dies and our last thoughts are: (and please, correct me if i am wrong on any of the points)

    1). wealth- one is reincarnated into a 'serpent' which means basically a sly person, and one who betrays another's trust and abuses it?

    2). lust (thinking of women)- one is reincarnated into a 'prostitute' does that mean involving one's self in sexual activity, OR sacrificing one's talents for the sake of financial or personal gain? does the same apply for women that think of a man before she dies?

    3). thinking of his children- is reincarnated into a 'pig', in other words, become a greedy person?

    4). thinks of mansions- is reincarnated into a 'goblin' which is a mischievous person that causes trouble?

    5). thinks of God- then one is 'liberated' free from everything and God will stay in his heart. What happens to the soul? Does it drift off somewhere?

    Does this mean that God punishes if we are in those last thoughts? What about our entire life? Are we not judged on the good things we have done throughout our lives? For example, like giving to charity, helping the poor, looking after our parents, praying, and so on?

    And, where it says 'shall be reincarnated over and over again.....' Does this mean we are not given a chance to rectify our last thoughts as a dying person? Does our entire reincarnated life depend on what our last thoughts are when we die?

    I'd like a sincere answer because I'm interested to know about all this,

  6. Impurity and Women Sunday 23rd October, 2005 Singhnee's Corner Staff Writer

    (KP) -

    One day I was sitting with my aunty ji whom I respected very much and thought she knew more than me about Sikh way of life. Well what happened was, she randomly started talking about women and their menses. She said it was a curse for women. She told my sister and me a story about how we women were cursed. I laughed because few weeks ago another panji/sister had just told me during Asa di // meaning of the Gurbani which is discussed in one of the next sections. I didn't say anything at that time, because I my self was new to the path, and felt uncomfortable arguing with an older person. The story she told us was passed down by my aunt's mother and what made it more interesting was that my aunt's mother was amritdhari. Then it made sense why my aunt took the story so seriously, without ever considering other sources to find out the truth.

    We tend to believe whatever an older person, especially amritdhari (Guru-roop) says. They, because of the respect and trust we have in Khalsa, to us seem like the best resource. It should be that way, but what we forget to do is, has the person explained to us in terms of what Gurbani says on the topic/issue.

    There are a lot of women out there who do not feel comfortable doing Seva especially during their menses. A main example is sitting on the 'tabiyaa' (Guru Ji's hazoori) during this time. This topic is not frequently talked about as women themselves think they are "dirty". Why do they think they are "dirty"? The above mentioned incident should explain the reason.

    There is no rule in Sikhi where it mentions not being able to pray unlike in Islam where women cannot fast or pray during this time. Why can a woman not undertake the duty of Paath because of a specific time of a month? It is not restricted to a specific number of weeks a month. It is sad to say, but most of us who call ourselves Sikhs don't know the teaching of our own Guru Sahib Jis. Also there are not as many Granthee women as there are men, which lead us to think that "may be" men are the only ones who should do this seva.

    By some unaware/unconscious people, woman is still labeled "impure". Well lets talk about what impurity really is? The answers are all in Gurbaani and it is clearly stated that "Sootak", impurity or pollution is in those who do not have the Lord's name dwelling in their mind.

    ਸੂਤਕਿ ਕਰਮ ਨ ਪੂਜਾ ਹੋਇ ॥

    The actions of those who do not worship the Lord are polluted.

    The womb of woman that sheds the egg periodically is responsible for new life on earth and in this womb the Lord places the soul:

    ਮਾਤ ਗਰਭ ਮਹਿ ਜਿਨਿ ਪ੍ਰਤਿਪਾਰਿਆ ॥

    He cherished and preserved you in your mother's womb;

    ਜੀਉ ਪਿੰਡੁ ਦੇ ਸਾਜਿ ਸਵਾਰਿਆ ॥

    He blessed you with body and soul, and embellished you.

    A woman is responsible for giving birth to all human life and nurturing it:

    ਉਦਰ ਸੰਜੋਗੀ ਧਰਤੀ ਮਾਤਾ ॥

    The womb of the great mother earth gives birth to all

    Furthermore, some individuals forbid taking Amrit during menses. Giving this a thought, if the Lord created Raakt, and it is considered impurity, what about the rest of the creation? We all are born from it, (so in a sense we all are impure, and no one can ever be pure enough to take amrit or do seva. That is what Christians believe, isn't it that you are born as a "sinner"? Are we implying the same thing? This way we all are impure, and we all should totally stop doing seva. Is this what Sikhi/Guru sahib ji is saying to us? We would if Guru Sahib Jis didn't have anything to say about this, but He has. Every human life is made out of her Rakt Bundh and this does not make them impure. Women should accept the fact that it does not make a difference in the Love and devotion of serving the Lord. For she is pure if her mind is filled with True Love (for the Lord Vaheguru). It's the state of mind. This is not only true for women, but for men as well. Seva is essential part of a Sikh's spiritual life and if we deny that one of the most important aspect of Sikhi to a particular "gender" we will be doing injustice to the human kind as a whole, in addition we will be going against our own Gurus who are our only support in life. Thus, the Guru's teachings that we so dearly were trying to keep intact, we our selves would be destroying it by not letting Kaur do seva at anytime. We will be taking away one of the right, which only our Guru Ji gave to the humankind. It's our choice, either we keep the distorted belief we have and not let our daughters/sisters/wives do seva, or do as per Guru sahib ji's hukum and let Kaurs follow Guru Sahib Ji's hukum and make the janam safla (fulfill the life's purpose). The importance of women is stated inRaag Aasaa on Angg 473 by Guru Nanak Dev Ji:

    ਸੋ ਕਿਉ ਮੰਦਾ ਆਖੀਐ ਜਿਤੁ ਜੰਮਹਿ ਰਾਜਾਨ ॥

    So why call her bad? From her, kings are born.

    ਭੰਡਹੁ ਹੀ ਭੰਡੁ ਊਪਜੈ ਭੰਡੈ ਬਾਝੁ ਨ ਕੋਇ ॥

    From woman, woman is born; without woman, there would be no one at all.

    Panthic Weekly Editors can be reached at editors@panthic.org

    Hi, I read this post . I want to say thanks for explaining it. As I have been confused also in the past about this. However, I just want to say I dont think it should mention Islam, as though their reasons for not letting a woman take their prayers is wrong. Islam doesnt allow women to pray not because its a sign of being 'dirty' (which i know was not mentioned) But because it says in their holy book, and I dont know the exact quote. But Islam basically addresses this issue by saying , they dont want the woman to have trouble praying. As their way of praying is different to sikhism , so you cant really use Islam as a way of explaining or comparing this. And they dont take part in the fasting during this period because they know that the woman needs to eat properly in order to make sure she does not fall sick while on her period.

    SO, i just wanted to clear that.

    Hope I made sense, Thanks for reading.... :)

  7. Hi,

    I am new to this forum and yours was the first one that I read.

    umm.... I can understand your problem as I am in the same situation. I would suggest to you to write down why you do what you do? what are you getting from it all? what do you want to gain from your life?

    you say how can i fix a problem, that a large part of me doesn't want to fix?

    from what I am reading it doesnt seem like you are happy how you are living. You need to change your lifestyle.

    Take little baby steps.... attend the gurdwara, do sewa, sit and listen to the prayers..

    and you can party without having to drink. you can have fun without having to mess around with girls. having fun is NOT all about getting drunk and messing around with girls and what else?

    I am in a similiar situation to you and I have chosen to set things right for myself because I dont like how everything is going for me at the moment. I am starting to get into the routine of doing voluntary work within the UK. This is something you can consider for starters.

    I would like to give you more help on your situation but so far , this is all I can think of.

    Please let me know IF any of it was of any use. or any thing else you want to know ?

    And just remember that it is never too late to change and become a better person. You are realising that whatever you are doing and living is not right, so that IS a start .

    You have realised.. so the next step is to put that realisation into action. If that makes sense.. lol

    Hope this helps


    Billo G :D

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