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  1. thank you for the responses. they really are helping, if i can beleive in sikhi becuase it makes sense in my own mind, i think it will make me a much better person than being a sikh just becuase i was born into it. Thank you for the great posts becuase they really are giving me alot to conder.. and keep em coming if you can !
  2. I find it interesting you draw the paralell between religion and science. I have faith in science becuase i can see it hapenneing, tests can prove things, but i havent seen sikhi work yet, or claim what it does, however i can accept ive been looking in all the wring places. Perhaps focusing on politics was the wrong place to look. So my question to anyone is, have you seen it work, or had a religious experience? What names should i google and what should i read as a way of confirming my faith? I know this post is probably worrying you singh987 becuase it sounds like i didn't take anything you said on board. I agree that the path to being a true follower is an internal individual one, but wouldn't it be easier to trigger this faith with help from someone else. Maybe there is someone else out there who is able to prove that Sikhism works, however if my digging proves to be useless then i will abandon this idea of putting my entire beleifs on somone elses shoulders, and i will try and do it by myself. Afterall are we not told to look for the "society of saints" (thats my first time quoting SGGS so i might be very very wrong...). Thank you for your post as it shows that in order to maintain my faih i should be searching somewhere else.
  3. who is creating all of these groups, there are too many... It feels like some kind of unprovoked attack, i hope facebook deal with it
  4. As i've grown older ive begun to ask more and more questions about Sikhism, but i've never found a logical reason to my answers, nor have i done research to find them. Im reaching a point in my life where im questioning whether Sikhism is the right path. My understanding of Sikhi was that the ultimate achievent of prayer and meditation was to receive Darshan, a state where Waheguru Ji will reveal himself and duality and doubt will be removed. This lead me to beleive that there are a rare, select few in this world who have attained this status through their devotion, and as a result they should exist at this high level of spirituality. The very existance of such a person was why i followed sikhi and felt it was the right path, however after years of beleiving I am starting to realise such person does not exist, and as a result my previously held beleifs are wrong. After this i felt terrible and did research on the internet, and me fears had not been removed. I searched for saintly people on the internet and found some examples which contradicted my beleif and i hope these can be cleared up so i can carry on living without doubt in my faith. 1) Prof Darshan Singh Ji: This was the most worrying story i have read. Prof Darshan Singh Ji was a former Jathidar (sp?) of the Akal Takht, considered to be the highest seat of power in Sikhi, if any man had received the blessing of having seen Waheguru Ji it was this man. If Waheguru Ji exists and this man had witnessed god, then surely there should be no doubts or flaws in what he says. The Jathidar of the Akal Takht should surely be the authority on the relegion and speak on the behalf of god, however he was "excommunicated" by other Saitly people who also have supposedly been blessed by the gift of Darshan. The big contradiction here has nothing to do with what was preached, but has more to do with the fact that saintly people, who have suposedly all witnessed god are disagreeing on which quite possibly is not fundamentle to our religion... 2) Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale Ji: Throughout the ages terrible evnts have occured within the holy temple however each time divine intervention had helped the Sikhs, with one exception; the brutal, unfortunate and unforgivable acts of operation blue star. There is much controvosy surrounding this terrible event. Personally i find it worrying that Bhindrawale was fighting for Khalistan, does our religion not transcend the need for land, or indapendance in the form of a sikh state? Not only this but no Jathidar has to my knowledge commented on Bhindrawale's actions, these, supposedly, saintly people who should be preaching the word of god dont have answers to this controvertial issue I would like to say im not a good sikh, I dont pray as often as a should and my understanding of sikh histroy is probably innacurate, however if i am to accept that Skhi works, i need to find an example, but looking at the current leading figues of my religion has not yeilded such an example. I appologise if any of my words upset or offend many people, there are many positives to Sikhi, and i dont doubt its the best religion, my doubts lie with the entire concept of religion itself, i am confident that these doubts can be removed but only with your help. Thank you
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