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Everything posted by JungSingh

  1. WINDSOR GURDWARA DICTATORS BAN 25 MEMBERS OF THE SIKH COMMUNITY!! http://www.cbc.ca/video/#/News/Canada/W ... 1580502553 In the above link, you can see that the long disputed leadership at Windsor Gurdwara got serious in court on August 31st, 2010. In the decision, the court ruled Kandola's committee temporary power until the next hearing on October 15th, 2010. That's not all...until the next hearing, the Kandola's had asked to have 25 people kept away from the Gurdwara, which the judge granted. Not just that, but they can't be anywhere near 1000m near the premises of the Gurdwara, or they can be arrested! These 25 people (who have no criminal record) are labeled as dangerous!! It's funny though...majority of the 25 members that they have banned, are none other than the same people that built the Gurdwara almost 10 years ago. It's sad how something so beautiful and once well reputable has fallen into the wrong hands. Also, on September 1st, the executive committee gave a broadcast on the whole situation by CBC news. In the broadcast you can see that they called the police inside the Gurdwara (with shoes). Also in the interview given with the secretary, he is shown making a statement in which he relates his fellow sikhs to the Taliban! ( Watch here -----> http://www.cbc.ca/video/#/News/Canada/W ... 1580502553 ) As a sikh he should be ashamed to say something like that, even if it is to someone against you. We need to build respect for Sikhs, not lower it! I apologize if I have said anything wrong.
  2. I am from windsor and I believe that the decision was very wrong. No one has the right to ban someone from going to gurdwara. It is really sad, poor Mr.Dhanoa has been banned for 5 months. It's really sad to see these things happening in our gurdwara. Our gurdwara used to be such a peaceful and well respected place, and now? I felt really bad when I watched Mr. Dhanoa drop his mom and little girl at the gate, and have them walk all the way to the entrance. Is this what guru ji teaches us? this is shameful, this is not what sikhs should be doing to eachother. I heard that Mr.Dhanoa was provoked over and over and when he was fed up they recorded his words on a recorder. What was wrong with what he did? He was talking to his friends and he was just generally speaking. He doesn't have any criminal record and like what the police stated they have already looked into it. The action was unnecessary, the president should've just sat down with Mr.Dhanoa and discussed the issue with him and the whole situation could've been solved easily. I think that Mr. Dhanoa didn't do anything wrong, and in fact the man who gave panj pyarian da prashad to women should have apologized to us, the sangat. There are two ways to doing anything, the right way and the wrong way, the new committee chose the wrong way to handle and solve this issue.
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