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Posts posted by mundasingh123

  1. There needs to be a fundamental Change in Panjab, which can only come through revolution. I've thought about this many times, to save Panjab economically, politically, environmentally, socially and dharmically - Khalistan is the only Solution.

    Response changed cos of Benti

    Is this the case even for Skilled Professions like Information Technology . Software Engineering.Could some Sikh from the Software Profession Confirm this.

  2. Paunta Sahib is in Himachal.So You are missing out on the Gurdwara Sahibs in Punjab

    1)Shaheedan Baba Deep Singh Ji Amritsar

    2)Baba Buddha Ji Sahib, Near Jhabal,Amritsar

    3)Ccheharta Sahib

    4)Bauli Sahib,Goindwal

    5)A Gurdwara near Goindwal Guru Ki Wadali Sri Sana Sahib where there is a hole in the wall through which if U pass 84000 Births are minussed from your Lifecycle,Guru Amar Das Ji or Guru Har Rai Dev Ji

    or Guru Angad Dev Ji

    6)Takht Sri AnandPur Sahib , Punjab

    7)Sri KiratPur Sahib

    8)FatehGarh Sahib

    9)Guru Ki Wadali

    From Sri AnandPur Sahib Ji, Bus/Car to Mandi , Himachal

    1)Mandi Sahib,Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji

    2)Manikaran Sahib,Kullu,Himachal

    3) Down to Paunta Sahib ,Sahib Sri GuruGobind Singh Ji

  3. What are some problems you see in Punjab that one way or another hurt the Panth and what/who are the cause(s).

    1. Helping out the familes who lost everything post 1984. (widow colony, Khalsa warrior shaheeds, and general Sikh families all around). We need the victims to be kaim before we try to proceed any other issue.

    2. SGPC not allocating funds to promote the welfare of the panth by appointing Granthis and Katha Granthis all around Punjab. SGPC not intervening in matters that divide the panth in an effective manner.

    3. Badal regime in general, not much to say there.

    4. Drugs and alcohol addiction.

    5. Banning drugs and alcohol in Punjab and making it impossible to obtain.

    6. Spreading awareness on Gandhi propaganda.

    7. Spreading awareness and information about the Sikh genocide- explaining who the perpetrators are and why no justice has been served to this day.

    List away, I want to compile a master list of all the problems that need to be addressed so there is a visual on what needs to be done...I'm thinking of starting some education videos on this field and some brainstorming of different issues the panth faces would be helpful.

  4. Of course I'm not. Don't be so silly. What I am suggesting is that you are very selective in who it is perfectly OK to be proud of their family history and who it is not. You would think nothing wrong...and perfectly reasonable...for an American to be interested in his family genealogy from Ireland. You would think nothingwrong for a 5th generation British Jew to be interested in how his great great grandfather emigrated from Russia to the east end of London via Poland. You would think nothing wrong with the son of British aristocrat being proud of his family name....their history....their origins etc. But.....you draw the lines at certain Punjabi surnames. :sad: When it comes to people like me your sense of understanding and tolerance comes to a stop.

    As well as stories of the great sacrifices of of our Gurus and our Sikh forefathers, my grandparents used to tell me great stories about my clan. Where we came from. How it came to be that we found ourselves in the doaba region. (in case your'e interested...this history is relevant to our history as Sikhs because my clan is one of the 'manjki' jatt clans...i.e from one of the villages that make up the manjki tract in dist. Jalandhar. A tract given as a jagir to some jatt clans from western malwa...and listed in mughal accounts as 'agents of the Guru of Anandpur').

    Being afraid of books.....Being afraid of history....Being afraid of who your forefathers were and where they came from. This is style of the taliban. This is not the style of the Sikh. My children will not bury their heads in the sand and pretend they don't know their family history.


    Veerji,the intentions might have been to acquant the descendants with the family history and the genealogy but the ripple effects go beyond this.This might be an internal matter but doesnt it divide the people , the community ?The very Philosophy of Sikhism has been founded on brotherhood.

    The reason why i said its ok for the Scottish to carry their surnames and its not ok for sikhs lies in the difference between how the Scottish fight for frreedom came into being and how Sikhism came into existence.The scots were just fighting for Liberation.But the Khalsa's fight went beyond Liberation and Freedom from Foreign Rule.Had this been so, the Sikh Rehat Maryada,Amrit Sanchaar etc wouldnt have come to exist.An army would been all that was required.The Scots also didnt have Gurus .They just had Leaders like William Wallace.The Scots didnt have a Philosophy.The Difference lies in the ideologies .

  5. Veerji ,

    Thank You for the Concern.

    Ill take this opportunity to be very Frank on this forum.I see some misunderstanding here.I had sometimes come across Foolish Anti-Sikh comments which incited me to fight for Religious Esteem .They werent attacks especially meant to dishonour the articles of Faith but street fight tactics from behind the back to dislodge the turban during such fights , to cause humiliation,insult etc.

    This has happened in some isolated pockets of Pune which i used to pass through .There were not many Khalsas staying there.I recently got into a street fight In Calcutta too,but nowhere near the place where i am actually putting up these days.I belong to Amritsar but right now i have come to work here.

    Khalsas basically stay in a majority only in the other corners of the city and such incidents hardly take place in places where the Khalsa dominates(Dunlop is 1 such place in Calcutta).The comments are Anti Sikh in Nature but dont border on the lines of Vitriolic Hatred .

  6. I dont tie that style of dastaar myself, so im not 100% sure on the full argument, 1 part was with some dastaars the top covering on the skull is very thin sone times just one larr opens and spread across the top of the head and tucked in. so the top of the head is virtually unprotected against danda strikes etc.

    Dumalla has multiple wraps around this portion of the head is also tighter better protected agains minor strikes, obviously not going to help if yuo get hit on the head with a mace or iron bar though..

    Theres also the blade tied into the front which comes into play if anyone tries to grab from the front theyre going to get cut, good for low posture forms where you can rise up from under necks etc and cut throats etc in a battle field mentality. You shpuld ask Niddar Singh if you ever come across him very knowledgable individual..Fair enough certain factions disagree with his religious views...theres no doubting his knowledge of indo persian weaponsry and traditional Khalsa fighting arts though,

    This is where kickboxing and a lot of western arts fail;..theyre not designed to consider fighting more than one opponent. Theres no concept of 1 vs muliples or formation fighting etc..

    I agree.adrenaline rush is difficult to control when you suddenly find yourself in a situation.

    You seem to be well aware of Multiple Attacker Fighting.Where did u learn this ?

  7. The Strenth of Sikhism Lay in Uniting People from different Backgrouns so as to eradicate Castes.GuruJi Insitute the System of Langar.What do you think would be the use of Langar then .Just Eat together ,get up and go away, Is it ?

    I suppose MAJORITY OF THE cOMMUNITY ARE well off enough to afford their own food at Home then why Have Langar in Gurdwara.Feasting,Eh?

  8. But my surname tells me which clan I'm from. Do you also insist all Scottish Highlanders must reject their clan names because it is EVIL ?

    My clan name tells me which area of Punjab my forefathers are from. My clan name tells me everything about my family history. As well as Scottish Highlanders are all the people in the west that take an interest in their family history also EVIL CASTEISTS ?

    Wah Veerji U are Equating Scottish Highlander belief with Sikhism

  9. I am alone.I m not in Gurdwara The way i was last year.This 12:00 IST so I wish everybody a happy New Year.Someone said the best way to be happy is let others happy,so in order to to imbibe a bit of the New Year Spirit , i wish all a Happy New Year .

  10. Dumaala is 2 dastaars ineffect a smaller kesi type underneath with a larger dastaar tied on top...Theres no point carrying shaastar if you dont have shastar abhiyaas...learn how to defend yourself..starting at hands free combat techniques then move onto weaponry.

    Im not talking about learning, the waste of time gatka..spin a stick around circus act either...I mean learn a proper art which is street effective... like Kali,Eskrima, Panatukan, Krav Maga etc etc...Shastar Vidiya in it's original form would be the best as taught by Niddar Singh Nihang ...but he is UK based..he teaches specifics like how to protect your dharee if it's grabbed, and also mentions that dumallas tied by nihangs are specifically tied to protect the head from minor blows, etc..Nobody else currently teaches or appears to have full knowledge of the original Shastar Vidiya system...

    I have been thru a basic course in KickBoxing.I keep myself well acquainted with Hand Breaking Techniques by subscribing to Various Martial Combat Forums.I am well conditioned as far as body is concerned..It was just the adrenaline rush during such situations makes me forget all that i learned and i just turn into an aggressive maniac.Its not that I was overpowered .Sometimes the Patka becomes loose during a fight and then during a struggle it just comes off.But at 1 instance,the other guy just took it off.But i just didnt notice him doing it.I was just pummelling the other guy with all the force that i could muster.The bloody Hindus are such cowards.

  11. It's a bit easier with a dumalla, but I also tie the triangle dastaar. The key is to tie your first and last lard tightly so you can insert the arms of the glasses into each crevice and and remove it without changing the shape of the dastaar. My tip is to first insert one arm of the glasses and get it tucked a bit over your ear and THEN do the second one.

    Whenever I have classes in the evening I do this for sunglasses for either dumalla or trinagle dastaar.

    I noticed ur Avatar.It has GuruJi's Photo.What do u call this type of turban which GuruJi is wearing ?

  12. Like I said, from my experience merely having removed the surname doesn't necessarily mean the person is not caste preoccupied, even if in secret. I think removing the name is no guarantee that the person will move beyond caste.

    Instead of focusing on the external issue, I think maybe more concentration should be placed on explaining why caste is not positive for the Sikh community. The caste brigade have a bunch of tricks they use to justify their stance (i.e. this isn't caste, it's race etc. etc.), people who are anti caste should tackle that first.

    Then, once the idea of a casteless society becomes truly accepted, people will naturally want to remove their caste labels.

    The extent to which caste system is entrenched among so called "SIKHS" can be gauged from an incident i experienced at Baba Nidhan Singh Ji da Darbar,Huzoor Saheb Nanded when some illiterate "educated" Mohna Sikh was telling me "Jatta wala Sah hona chahida" .That too in front of the slab with the commandments handed down to us by Dasam Pitah Patshahi Sahib Sri Guru Gobind singh Ji Maharaj.This happened over some minor issue that would only reflect upon the lack of education of this gentleman.

    Also I was going some forum named after Jatt*** with the Khalsa Nishan serving as the Forum Logo.There was some Singh who was trying to convince the Forum Owner to remove the Khalsa Nishan which cannot be representative of any 1 particular Caste.Some fool posted a reply which goes something like this "Had we Jatts not been there,Sikhism would cease to exist and "finish" .If we are there,Sikhism is there"

    This stupid statement outrageous statement should have incited anger of the forum members who might have read the thread but no one posted any comment rebuking this fool.

    Yet, there was 1 guy who said "Its not right of us to say something like this."It was a very mild response compared to the outrageousness of the post .

  13. haha, nice to speak to a hindustani regime lover.

    lol, if we forget 84, then get ready for another one...


    dont be a dummy. remember our past.

    I agree with U veerji, but its very easy to sit outside in some developed country which gives you the freedom of expression in deed and speak for Khalistan . Its a different thing to raise this point in India where decisions are taken for maximum self appeasement.India is a place with some of the most cruel and insensible people in this world.Caste politics still rules.Votebank Politics dominates . and Minorities still have little recognition at the grass roots level after living together with the the mainstream community for over a hundred years .We all know the sacrifices that our forefathers made for the nourishment of our faith but how many people at the lower levels of the society know abt this.A majority of the Indian population are illiterate and also lack the sense for mutual respect,cooperation and understanding.

  14. ok...... so now we have normal sikhs and abnormal sikhs?

    so if normal sikhs drink and eat meat, what do the non-normal sikhs do?

    I didnt bring up the issue of abnormal sikhs .LOL :)

    I would say Nonnormal sikhs are the sikhs who loive strictly accordingly to the rehatmaryada if that is what meant to be followed by amritdhaaris.

    I dont wish to deviate from the point at hand so would limit my answer to the question asked.

    But i still find hypocrisy prevalent among some sikhs who believe they are amritdhaaris.

    In my office i was approached by a sikh who was supposed to be amritdhaari ,who was asking me for mild porn stuff.

    I once put up at Dixie gurdwara and Langar Saheb , Huzoor saheb , Nanded where i heard ragis and others abusing and using expletives such as "p...d". within the Langar premises which is not far from the Darbar Saheb. Is all this accepted ?

    I am not amritdhaari and i dont nurse any ill will against anybody and also dont indulge in any immoral acts so who is preferable a non amritdhari drinking and eating meat but not indulging in any immoral activities or some ppl who are supposed to be following strict code yet dont follow it.

  15. So basically, the first 3 lar's from the actual dastaar (not the keski) need to be as the bottom base around my forehead and not slowly (step by step) going up you mean right? and the last lar from the dastaar needs to come all the back down again or what do you mean but the last sentence?

    Veerji,Can you post a picture of what a gol dastar looks like.Some Utube vid or something.I am interested in wearing this when i am not going to office.

  16. Personally the transition was very hard and long over-due simply because there was no turban wearing members in the family so it was a case of harrassing the local gyani every week to learn how to tie one! Youtube vids didnt help! finanlly made my break through where a dastaar although sliding to oneside would stay on my head for the duration of one day by the time i was 21...

    and yerh its a responsibilty thing... everyone knows, once you are wearing a dastaar it reps sikhi! thats a BIG responsibilty...! most patka wearing youth still drink/ eat meat etc... so for them to wear a dastaar is simply a no no!

    What wrong with a normal sikh drinking and eating meat .He is not an amritdhaari.My cousin consumes tobacco,smokes and has cut his kesh .I dont know if his parents aware of this

    BTW, I found my title amusing .Is this title meant for a newbie.I like it.

  17. Damalla baba jee the site of a Singh being tyar Bitayar keeps anyone away

    Vereji, kinney metre da hunna chahida dumalla?

    Damalla baba jee the site of a Singh being tyar Bitayar keeps anyone away

    Could u elaborate on ``tyaar bi tyaar`, Should i keep a kirpan with me to discourage any such people .

    Its not a good thing to get into regular street fights and having the dastar knocked off. If however you stay in such an area, a dumala with shastars, especially chakkar should be what you wear. Anyone touching your dumala would be left with cuts on his hand.

    I like the idea, where could i get this chakkar.I ll go to the local gurdwara and find out.Any other pointers.Btw i havnt seen any normal sikh around wearing a chakkar other than nihang jis.Whats the difference between a bana and a dumalla.I dont think nihang jis wear du malla.Pardon my weak terminology.I have only worn the big turban while going to my office where i work.

  18. I live in India where i happen to come across a lot of Anti-Sikh ridicule . I get into street fights very often .On two occasions my turban got pulled off unscrupulously by attackers when they couldnt do much at hand to hand .I am 5ft 9 inc. Its a different thing i wore a patka then . Can someone guide me as to what turban would be suitable for such stuff.The normal big turban o dont think is suitable enough. I doubt whether it will remain unbudged if jostled .

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