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Posts posted by kurtas


    Issued - 15 April 2005

    [To coincide with Michael Howard's visit to the Sikh Gurdwara in Gravesend]


    The estimated 700,000 British Sikhs are honest, hard working, law-abiding citizens that the Labour Government is ignoring and taking for granted.

    The Labour Government has failed to give fair treatment to Sikhs, despite them being the largest and most distinct ethnic minority in the country and being recognised for over 20 years as a separate race and ethnic group by the highest legal authority in the country. (Note 1)

    Since the introduction of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 the Labour Government has ignored Sikhs and failed to ensure fair treatment as regards the provision of public services, such as health, education, employment etc. (Note 2)

    The Sikh Federation (UK), the first and only Sikh political party, launched in September 2003 to encourage British Sikhs to engage more proactively in the political process has stated:

    "The Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrats have made it clear that it is official party policy to support the separate recognition and monitoring of Sikhs by public bodies.  We also have cross-party support from over 200 MPs, including many Ministers, however time is running out for the Labour Government which has to date ignored British Sikhs and our elected representatives.  We are grateful for support from many individual MPs - Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrats, SNP, PC etc. but Labour is taking a big risk in denying Sikhs the right to fair treatment as recognised by law."

    "Lawyers have suggested the Labour Government if prosecuted could be found guilty of racism in failing to require public bodies to separately monitor Sikhs for the purposes of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act.  We feel the time is right for the Labour Government to respond to legitimate Sikh demands for fair treatment.  Given the situation with Rover in the West Midlands the Sikh vote will be more important than ever."

    Gurjeet Singh

    National Press Secretary

    Note 1: Sikhs were recognised as a distinct race and ethnic group in Mandla v Lee (1983) in the House of Lords.  Race Relations legislation can therefore be used to protect Sikhs from racial discrimination.

    Note 2: A petition signed by over 150 Sikh organisations was submitted to 10 Downing Street in July 2002 by a cross-party selection of MPs, led by Oliver Letwin MP, Simon Hughes MP and Labour MPs from Sikh constituencies in London, the West Midlands and the East Midlands.

    For further information visit www.sikhfederation.com


    Just a few quick points and personal observations.

    The Conservatives did exactly the same as Labour when they were in power. All the political parties take us for granted. When it is election time the local Labour MP will pop round to the Gurdwara. After he is elected you will not see him again and he will not even bother to answer your letters/emails. He will not help you with anything.

    I am all for seperate monitoring but will will the picture not be distorted as "sehajdharis" will also tick the Sikh box. I know for a fact that a Keshdari Gursikh face more discrimination when it comes to interviews etc than "sehajdharis".

    We need to start fighting back and getting a foothold in politics. I urge you all to join political parties. It is no good having the Sikh Federation representing us (they do not have the clout that say the Jewish lobby in the US has), we need to join mainstream political parties as that way at least we can get a say when it comes to candidate selection etc. We have areas where there are large concentrations of Sikhs and if we get enough Sikhs to join a party in these areas we can in effect have a block vote (just like the Muslims do in areas of Birmingham).

  2. The marathas were great warriors. Mahadji Scindhia was a great leader. Other noted great Maratha include Malhar Rao Holkar who founded the Indore kingdom.

    However they also joined up with the mughals. They took Shah Alam II from British protection and placed him on the Delhi throne so they worked under the Moghul empire.

    When the ruler of Indore, Holkar fled to Punjab and sought the help of Maharaja Rhunjeet Singh to form an alliance against the British it is said that Maharaja Rhunjeet Singh was ready to take on the British but rejected the alliance because he found out that Holkar was secretly negotiating with the British at the same time.

    Also the Marathas joined hands with the British against Tippu Sultan.

    They were defeated by Ahmad Shah Abdali despite having total numerical supremacy over the afghans. The maratha peshwa sent a large army under the control of Sadashiv Bhau who it turns out had the military planning skills of a baby. He took a large retinue of maratha women/family despite being advised against this by many of the other leading martha military leaders. Sadashiv Bhau also alienated the Jat chief of Bharatpur before the battle at panipat thus losing a key member of the anti abdali alliance.

    So the history of the marthas is not as great as this person makes out.

  3. No doubt84 pogrom was congress sponsered but these hindu terrorists(RSS,Bajrangis and so on) were definitely involved....if congress provoked....rss comitted


    Wheres your proof ?

    In fact the opposite is true it was RSS/BJP people raising a hue and cry about the killings in 1984.

  4. I for one hope that the SGPC has printed and distributed leaflets to these people so they know how to use a toilet. I went to Pakistan a while back and the SGPC jatha does nothing but cause a big mess piling rubbish everywhere and making a dirty mess in the toilets. The Delhi jatha also made a huge mess in the serai they were given at Nankana Sahib.

  5. i read that he hasss singh, so we have a difference of opinion......but if u wanna say he didnt, then ok, he still fought for all those lives taken during VAISAKHI.....an athiest participating in vaisakhi......yupp makes sense...


    Vaisakhi is not just a Sikh celebration ! It is also a cultural event/celebration.

  6. Bhagat Singh was a misguided patriot, to use the words of another 'famous' man.

    He did many things for the wrong reasons. He should be respected as a human being, but not given the high honour of being a shaheed.


    I agree with Mahavir.

    I have never seen why he is regarded as a "Sikh" shaheed. He was a communist for much of his life and even cut his kesh.

    Respect to him as a Punjabi but nothing more.




    I have not labeled the whole of the Guru Ghar I have labeled various committees. Including whoever is behind the web site and boasting about the Shaheedi despite knowing PP officers took part.

    Big difference between labeling a Guru Ghar and its committee !

  8. The web site is very poorly designed and not even worth viewing.The web site even boasts about having organised Shaheedi Tournaments.

    As Singh Shriomani (and me in other threads) have stated they hold these tournaments and allow active Punjab Police officers to play. What hypocrits these people are.




    Firstly you do not need to join in order to view a web site. Secondly the link was posted so it was an invitation to view the site. Thirdly whats it got to do with you ?

    Whats your problem ? You got low self esteem or some other serious attention seeking disorder which propels you to post irrelevant replies ? Go do some homework.

    If you got nothing to contribute to a thread then there is no need to put down petty irrelevant remarks wacko.gif






    You not had your tablets this morning ? Might explain your condescending posts on this thread. The fact that you write in capitals shows you have a need to be the centre of attention. Go play with your pigeons or your pet gerbil.

    This is a constructive forum if you think you are funny and want to post one liners do so in the news/jokes area.

  9. The web site is very poorly designed and not even worth viewing.The web site even boasts about having organised Shaheedi Tournaments.

    As Singh Shriomani (and me in other threads) have stated they hold these tournaments and allow active Punjab Police officers to play. What hypocrits these people are.




    Firstly you do not need to join in order to view a web site. Secondly the link was posted so it was an invitation to view the site. Thirdly whats it got to do with you ?

    Whats your problem ? You got low self esteem or some other serious attention seeking disorder which propels you to post irrelevant replies ? Go do some homework.

    If you got nothing to contribute to a thread then there is no need to put down petty irrelevent remarks wacko.gif

  10. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

    I do not have an answer to your question my knowledge is limited but I have another question for you. . .

    Since Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave us his roop through the Khalsa by wearing the same colours the 5 K's etc which Guru Ji too accepted through the Amrit Sanchaar, then is it not in some way a sign of respect to wear the kalgi and show that you are a son of the Guru Ji???

    I am not saying a believe this, I am saying that it is a possible way of looking at the subject. Obviously many men are unworthy of the kalgi just as many men wear a dastaar (turban) and keep their beard but still drink and smoke. These people are unworthy of Guru Ji's saroop and so am I, but those who are worthy, who are blessed by Waheguru with naam and sewa it is really wrong for them to wear it???

    But in saying that, if you wear the kalgi and believe that you are 'worthy' you are Gurmukh enough to wear it then are you not full of ego and therefore truly are not worthy of it. I think in this manner one should be humble enough to understand that they have faults, we are all sinners and therefore we can never fully do justice to Guru Gobind Singh Ji, we can only try.

    I'm not sure, it looks nice, but maybe it isn't right but then again the fact that it's removed in the Darbaar Sahib shows that the groom is nothing in comparison to Guru Ji.

    I hope I have not written anything wrong or offended anyone if I have please forgive me as you would your little sister, I am anjaan.

    Guru Fateh Ji


    Its all become a sham ceremony and photogrpahy moment. What utter nonesense, some idiots even remove it and leave the used kalgi as an offering for Guru Ji. I mean how stupid can you get you dont offer used things to Guru Ji.

    Most wedding I have seen the sisters will gather around to remove the kalgi and have a few photos, in India I went to a wedding and the brother in law removed it, I asked a few people they said it was tradition for the boys brother in law (sisters husband) to remove the Kalgi in India. I did ask the family to remove the kalgi before they went into the Guru Ghar but they said it is ceremony to remove in front of Guru (news to me I did not know we had such ceremonies as part of the Anand Karaj).

  11. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

    Jagroop Singh

    No matter what, it means that in the name of Sikhi we have created an environment that promotes anti Sikh activities. Now it doesnt matter whether the monies collected are from donations or from drink/food. We will have turned our backs of what our Gurus taught us.

    Basically, we need to get people drunk and fill their bellies with flesh in order for them to give a little bit of charity. Would Guruji accept their charity that has been collected in a way that is opposed in Sikhi?

    Its Money coming before Gurmat. Guruji has become secondary and the primary important is a building. Thats all I can call it, if its supposed to be a Sikh School then Gurmat will always be put first by fundraisers.

    Practice what you wish to preach. I think that sums it all up.

    If we have faith in Guruji then we will not make excuses and try to cover up our shortcomings. Those who have faith in Guruji have created Gurdwaras, schools & hospitals within their lifetime and that from plots of lands within jungles. They stuck to Gurmat and the foundations of those institutes are strong for many years to come.


    Its not a langar that they cannot serve meat. According to the SGPC Rehat Maryada Sikhs can eat jhatka. I personally do not eat meat but I do not force my view on others and condemn them for eating flesh.

    I do have an issue with the alcohol and that is the issue you should be trying to address.

  12. Not a very good read.

    As with most these type of books it links Sant Ji to the Congress party which is utter rubbish as Sant Ji is on record denying these links. I would rather believe him than the authors.

    Also hints at Shaheed Jathedar Parmar being linked to GOI etc.

  13. To be held last sunday of april or first sunday of may 2005.


    So you standing ?

    I think you should as you have highlighted serious issues. Only one who can see flaws can correct them.

    One thing I do not understand is why you have to be 110% Khalistani. I believe in having a united independent Punjab so I expect people who share my views are barred.

  14. Its not been up for a hundred years as claimed in the article.


    No...where/ how does the article claim that?

    100 years after his death.
    It gives a centenary AFTER the Maharaajah's death, this memorial has been put up more recently by the Trust. It is still standing after a few yrs, despite the attempted damage to it.


    In Thetford, for over one hundred years, stands a statue of Maharaja Duleep Singh, the last Monarch of Panjab. It was recently “desecrated” by vandals who have been described by the town mayor as “despicable” and “evil”.

  15. Yeah what bagri said was not right but let me show what this former Indian minister who had more power and influence said.

    "To preserve the unity of India, if we have to eradicate 2-kror [20 million] Sikhs, we will do so." - Balram Jakhar, former Indian Cabinet Minister.

    Now was this guy taken to court accused of crimes? No I dont think so.

    What I want to see happen now is the truth come out. I want questions raised in the book "soft target" to be answered by both canadian and indian govt's. Questions such as why was the Indian embassy officals warned of the bomb on the plane and one offical taking his daughter off the flight hours before it was due to take off. Questions like why was leads leading to the handy work of Indian agents and wiretapping of Indian embassy deleted and all records removed. And many more......the truth needs to come out.... no doubt 20years on the Indian govt has had plenty of time to come up with a decent coverstory.


    Agreed that Balram Jakhar also made a very stupid irresponsible statement which like Bagri's statement could have incited people to kill others. Also Bagri was not taken to court for making the statement.

    I think the real victims in this terrorist outrage have been those who died and their families who will simply never know who was behind this evil act.

  16. They bombed it. But the judge wanted more diret proof. He couldn't declare them guilty based on his emotional feelings. Nothing to be thankfull for in this trial. Everyone knows these guys were guilty, all that has happened is that they got away with it due to lack of evidence.

    I just hope Sikhs don't become targets of racists after this verdict.


    why are you so hell bent on believing that they are guilty? I dunno how it runs in canada, but down here in the states you're innocent until proven guilty, and when ur proven innocent, you are believed to be innocent. Dunno what innocent means up there, but down here it means free of doing a crime.


    Might be somthing to do with one of the aquitted being on that documentary last year making disgusting speaches about killing 50,000 Hindus. Statements like that show he is not a great advert for Sikhi just like the IRA, INLA were not great adverts for Catholics.


    Before making silly statements find out what it was like to live through 1984. There is a big difference between someone expressing their anger in a stupid way and planting a bomb on a plane killing 329 people. Thank God the trial was before an experienced judge and not a bunch of idiots like mahavir in a jury who think there is no need to prove guilt because 'everyone knows they are guilty'

    If you live in Canada why don't you repeat your views on the TV or maybe even give an interview to Kim Bolan the resulting law suit should be an open and shut case and you might end up as another bankrupt like most of the prosecution witnesses


    There are reasonble ways of expressing anger and irresponsible ways. His statement was irresponsible.

    I do not live in Canada. But what is stupid is stupid and if someone is making statements like "we will kill 50,000 Hindus" then he lacks any knowledge about his faith and is a disgrace. I would openly come on Canadian television and say that the guys statement about killing 50,000 was stupid. Doubt there is much he could do legally if I said that. If he is allowed to make such dumb statements then I am allowed to make a statement saying what he said about "killing 50,000 hindus" was stupid.

    If you bother to read my post you will see I was actually trying to debate why Mahavir may think they are guilty. I did not say they were guilty as only they and Waheguru know that.

  17. They bombed it. But the judge wanted more diret proof. He couldn't declare them guilty based on his emotional feelings. Nothing to be thankfull for in this trial. Everyone knows these guys were guilty, all that has happened is that they got away with it due to lack of evidence.

    I just hope Sikhs don't become targets of racists after this verdict.


    why are you so hell bent on believing that they are guilty? I dunno how it runs in canada, but down here in the states you're innocent until proven guilty, and when ur proven innocent, you are believed to be innocent. Dunno what innocent means up there, but down here it means free of doing a crime.


    Might be somthing to do with one of the aquitted being on that documentary last year making disgusting speaches about killing 50,000 Hindus. Statements like that show he is not a great advert for Sikhi just like the IRA, INLA were not great adverts for Catholics.

  18. Badal betrayed Sikh Panth: Khalsa Panchayat

    Our Correspondent

    Ludhiana, March 14

    The Khalsa Panchayat today maintained that the document released by the RSS, charging former Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal with opposing Sikh detainees under TADA, had confirmed the belief of the body that Mr Badal had betrayed the Sikh panth on several issues.

    Addressing a meeting of the panchayat here, its member, Mr Charanjit Singh Khalsa, claimed that the panchayat had released a similar document in 2000, maintaining that during his tenure as Chief Minister, Mr Badal had not only ignored but opposed several crucial issues. The issues included the release of Sikhs from jails, return of invaluable treasure pillaged during attack on Sri Akal Takht, scrapping the black list of Sikhs in foreign countries and rehabilitation of dharmi faujis.

    The RSS document had unveiled the real truth. He said even though the Sikh panchayat still considered the RSS as its arch enemy, which had always stood in the way of acceptance of most of the major demands of the Sikh community, but after it had clearly indicted the former Chief Minister with being anti-Sikh, Mr Badal should lose no time in quitting the post of SAD president.

    The meeting noted with concern that both Mr Badal and his close family members had sought to make a political issue of the case of amassing disproportionate wealth against them and had openly approached senior functionaries of the ruling party and the courts. The Khalsa Panchayat lambasted blind followers of Mr Badal and gave a call to them to come out openly against the Badal clan and remove him from the party post.

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