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Posts posted by RebelSingh

  1. this actually started coz once there was a disabled girl, who couldnt complete the four turns, so her brothers helped her, and now this has spread everywhere as if all girls suddenly become disabled on their weedding days. Also i believe, it was a hindu girl, not even sikh, good lord makes u wonder how dopey r ppl really r man

  2. So called shear Punjabi need a life & education

    I would like to remind you, that none of our guru sahibs, had Anand Karaj Marriages and the Anand Karaj Act was passed in 1909, 200 years after the passing on of Guru Gobind Singh ji.

    It can be argued therefore, that had guru Sahib, wanted us to have Anand Karaj marriages, he would have in fact introduced them

    LOOOOOL well wasnt it Guru AmarDas & Guru RamDas' collaboration that formed the Anand Karaj & Lavaan?? Bloody foolish dopey sikhs get on ma nerves man, does it hurt 2 do research or sumfin? i feel compelled 2 go on the youtube page n reply, but ill only end up swearing like i usualy do with my usual anger and get criticized even more. Plus coconuts do my nut in 2.

    EDIT:.....Oh Well i couldnt help myself and left a comment on there, oh n whoever is CalSingh on this forum, good one mate!

  3. This comment is just as uneducated and besharm as the aunty in the video. If today the Panth passes the Amrit Sanchar Act does that mean Amrit was only started today; July 3, 2012? Interent "scholars" should first ask why are they even writing anything and then ask why the Act was passed?

    btw how did our gurus get married? i know guru nanak drew a ik onkar on the floor and circulated around that, but what about the others?

    cheers mate

  4. Great post SarabhaPanjab and pyara veer. I only wish we can implement above procedure on all the gurdwaras. But the sad fact remains committe members care about money rather than upholdin the maryada. It's purely business, even if one gurdwara decides to uphold the maryada and put this procedure in place, people will simply take their "business" somewhere else because other gurdwara's will cater punjabis anand karaj without any conditions or procedure.

    As you rightly said, this is where youths come in.

    There are couple of ways to get rid of this gurdwara committe greed (similiar to captalism- corporate greed)

    -We need to do this in stages or batches. We need to strategically lobby and pursue this procedure to main big gurdwaras first and any other small gurdwaras near by where there is big population.

    - If mainstream gurdwara's commitee members like this procedure and puts maryada first than everything else, we need to pursue to make anand karaj free of charge for the sake of upholding the maryada so it appeals even more to wider sangat, its wedding time most couples will try save penny and dollar to leviate fiancial burden.

    - We need collectively as youth group (sikh youth committe) need to make a trip to India or have meeting with sri akaal takth jathedar to have this procedure in place and issue a edict.

    I think other catholic churches have their own set of baggage of problems as well. We need to study vatican model and their relationship with churches and take good from it.

    We desparately need to pursue our jathedar to have "Sikh Channel/Media' to provide panthic updates and issuing edicts from time to time to every gurdwara to ensure maryada is followed and create sgpc body abroad to name and shame them who does not follow them. If these gurdwarass abroad put their "business" in front of maryada then lets hit them where it hurts, bring awareness in sangat via sikh channel/media from sri akaal takth sahib so either it boycotts (gurdwara loosing business) or puts pressure on these guys.

    i reckon once the youth have taken over the gurdwaras in the next 10 yrs or so and the white beard brigades r out, then u will c proper maryada implemented without selfish gains. English will be the primary language used, and rules wont be broken at will, especially for the sake of money! You will c white/black/muslim etc converts in our gurdwaras too, as there will be modern sikhs who will give out necessary info to them, as currently we have non-sikhs coming to gurdwaras where only gianis r there, who cant even speak english to them. Interestingly last night there was a youth show on sikh channel, where the fantastic sevadaar singh from the youtube page "BasicsOfSikhi" was on, and he explained how he has seen a rise in non-sikhs interested in sikhi, but not quite knowing how 2 take it 2 the next level, as we havnt armed ourselves with necessary stuff. But with ppl like him, we will have those things.

    N30S1INGH i agree with everything u wrote mate

  5. well not all monay/new age sikhs r total coconuts guys, some of us monay do value anand karaj and have gone through the effort 2 understand the significance of it. But that being said guys, a lot of ppl/majority ppl nowadays keshdhari/monay r a mugs, simple! The anand karaj has jus become a ritual, almost something ur doing coz ur parents told u so, type of scenario. One thing is that all anand karaj ceremonies must be done in english (not the actual prayers/laavan), but the speeches and the pre-wedding talk and their shud b translations/leaflets available on the big screen.

    btw can someone tell me wat happened in swindon and hull yesterday? i kno that the swindon shambles was involving a nigerian, and i hear that it was succesfully stopped.


  6. RebelSingh

    ..So as an enforcer for the Rehit Maryada relating to marraige, are you also concerned about

    a) A Sikh man and woman should enter wedlock without giving thought to the prospective spouse's caste and descent.

    h. Putting on floral or gilded face ornamentation [....] are sacrileges

    I am annoyed that people pick selective issues with which to cause trouble for other people.

    By giving specific details of what is someone's wedding day, people are behaving irresponsibly and putting at risk someone's wedding. That is fundamentally wrong.


    I don't have a personal issue with you - i don't know you.

    yes i am mate, and i agree with the above. please refer back to my post, i actually mentioned fact "a)", regading caste/descent. coz if that nigerian converts 2 sikhi, in order 2 marry the apni, then i have no issues. also regarding the point of "H)" putting on floral etc stuff, im assuming thats the face covering sehra thingy, well thats a dumb tradition anyways, no one in my family does that, so im not quite concerned bowt that, but if its not allwed, then its not allowed.

    the bullet points i have mentioned r MASSIVE points regarding anand karaj, someone wearing a sehra/face covering, is not a bigger crime than a sikh marrying a non-sikh in our gurus hazoori, the list probably (not sure) runs in order of importance.

    later mate

  7. If one of them is of the Sikh faith, they have every right to marry in a gurdwara

    LOL erm no they are not! Where have u read that a sikh + non-sikh can marry infront of our guru?

    Check this out, straight out of the Akal Takht rules/maryada.

    Anand Sanskar (Lit. Joyful Ceremonial: Sikh Matrimonial Conventions and Ceremony)

    Article XVIII

    (a) A Sikh man and woman should enter wedlock without giving thought to the prospective spouse's caste and descent.

    (b) A Sikh's daughter must be married to a Sikh.

    © A Sikh's marriage should be solemnized by Anand marriage rites.

    (d) Child marriage is taboo for Sikhs.

    (e) When a girl becomes marriageable, physically, emotionally and by virtue of maturity of character, a suitable Sikh match should be found and she be married to him by Anand marriage rites.

    (k) Persons professing faiths other than the Sikh faith cannot be joined in wedlock by the Anand Karaj ceremony.

    read that mug, now tel me whether i shud convert 2 islam, or u need a holiday 2 calm down.

  8. and RebelSingh....you generally have very immature posts, so I don't expect anything better. If you think threatening people with blowing up their cars is acceptable behaviour - I suggest you convert to Islam, because its the kind of thing extremist moslems would do.

    ??? bro read my posts, i never once insinuated we shud blow up ppls cars, im jus saying that this sort of beadbi is happning coz of lazy/money hungry gianis/pardhaans, and i gave an example of 1 such case in birmingham, and sayin the irony that it stopped coincedentally as they were threatened. Which tells us that the pardhaans/gianis KNEW they were doing wrong, but still went ahead with it, until their cars were targetted.

    You say i have immature posts....??? well thats ur opinion n ur entitled 2 it. I know u dont like me, n u never have!

  9. Sadh Sangat jee

    Please can members verify recent news that there will be a wedding taking place tomorrow at Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Swindon of a Nigerian non-Sikh?

    Any other information would also help from local sangat.


    I heard about this from my mate (coincedentally we were at a wedding aswell), and my head jus sank even lower than usual. But wat can be done, apart from threatening the pardhaan/committee and the gianis? i heard that a wedding was stopped in birmingham last year, wen the pardhan and the giani were sent a letter through their house letterboxes sayin that their cars would be blown up if the illegal marriage went thru, magically it didnt, funny that init!

  10. What's a "non-sikh"? What does the nationality of the person have to do with respect to Sikhism?

    In reality there are plenty of "non-sikh" weddings occurring every weekend at Gurdwaras. In the majority of weddings the bride and groom have no understanding of Sikhism, let alone Gurbani. After the wedding the beards of men are trimmed/shaved and there is a party with music, dancing, alcohol and meat.

    What should be done about these weddings?

    oh please!! stop tryna get all technical mate. 2 ppl from sikh families who get married have more of a chance of giving birth 2 sikh kids, than a mix marriage. We bin instructed that a SIKH CAN ONLY MARRY A SIKH, END OF! if a non-believer wants 2 marry an apni/apna then they must convert, end of, or get married outside, but not in our gurus hazoori.

  11. "Sroop"?? No, Dasam Granth sroop was not drowned in the river. The story goes like this. During the evacuation, Guru Gobind SIngh Jee's works which totaled cart loads of pothis was drowned. Bhai Mani Singh Jee years later collected what little was left of Guru Gobind Singh Jee's works and compiled it into a single granth now known as Dasam Granth. The Khalsa was unsure whether Guru jee's bani should be made into a single Granth or kept seperate pothis but when Massa Rangar was killed it was decided the Dasam Granth would remain a single Granth. It is said that during the evacuation so much Dasam Bani was lost that the current Dasam Granth is only a fraction of what was lost.

    i always thought that in the river sirsa, it was the copy of the guru granth sahib that was lost?! then Guru Gobind Singh, had 2 re-recite it again 2 a scribe (not sure who, bhai nand lal?)

  12. What is wrong with you? Because people of you Sikh Channel is stuggling! SikhChannel is openminded and that is great! I love it! They show each and everything related to Sikhi, so people can watch and make up their mind? Why do you judge other people? How do you know Dhundaa is paapi? You don´t know that! And no I am no follower of Dhunda or any else , other than Guru Granth Sahib ji. There are enough censored so called "Sikhchannel" - take Sangattv for example. We don´t need things like this. Damn I hate it... People should start using their "own" brain...

    erm well 4 starters he's a dasam granth hater, any1 who is anti-dasam granth shud b slapped, let alone b allowed on sikh channel

  13. University of Birmingham has more Sikhs than Aston and BCU put together...its also got the biggest Sikh soc out of the three too

    also isnt aston a notoriously pak area, whereas 2wards west brom/handsworth its mostly sikh area, so which uni is closest 2 handsworth area, id imagine that has highest number of apnay

  14. 'geezer' hardly sounds respectful to kurbani, not even in cockney slang having grown up in London. It is a derogatory term.

    LOL bro y u gettin upset over this? Geezer's is the same as saying guy's/boy's, so if i sed "those 2 southall guys/boys who gunned down that bandhar r legends", wud u have been offended?

    Since u meantioned cockney rhyming slang, maybe i shud have sed "those 2 southall Fridge Freezers who gunned down that bandhar r legends!

    Whether you want to praise a fake baba or not is your own business. Gurfateh.

    No thanks, coz enemies of the panth need 2 b dealt with. WJKK WJKF

  15. I feel sorry for any genuinely talented, serious Indian film-maker trying to create something different, who wants to send a message with a sensible, gandh-free movie, but can't get anywhere because the masses have been conditioned to crave love triangles and melodrama.

    one decent film that was made, regarding a change needed in india, was a film called "rang de basanti", wicked!

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