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Posts posted by kkaur123


    I have a question for everyone.

    If someone tells you that Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is not the Guru....and instead they say it is a man....what do you do? I am faced with a dilemma...i know of a man who is teaching kirtan to kids and telling them that Guru Ji isnt the real Guru. Should this man be allowed anywhere near Sikh kids or vulnerable people? Should he be given a stage? Should he be accepted by the Khalsa Panth? Should i not say anything to him? If he is mis-guiding people then should we not excommunicate him?

    Please advise.


  2. Gurdwara committees need to understand that they are in place to serve our Guru and Sangat. They all seem to think they are incharge and have power over the Sangat, but this is not how it should be.

    It is time Sangat united and stood up to committees. Point out their errors and correct them.

    The committees should realise and understand their role. They are there mainly to do Sikhi parchaar. They are in place to respect and serve our Guru.

    They are not in place to open up party halls for the punjabi community. They are not in place to make life easier for the punjabi community at the expense of their Guru's Sadkaar.


    Totally agree.

  3. Sorry i definately know i am late to respond but for future i think sometimes we have to keep our parents happy...i been taught that that is a seva in itself.

    although the sangat you would get if u didnt go would be clearly better than at the party.

    life is like this for those that want to be close to Guru Ji.

    I always try and make most of whereever i am.....maybe do simran in your mind while u at this party.

    hope i made sense.

  4. Ok i watched the trailors and spotted the khanda. Lets find out first what the film is about? What are they doing in the scenes with the Nihangs? Why are they flicking between the nihangs and the bhangra dancers? Lets not all blindly condemn this...find out what its about.

    My personal opinion going on what i have seen so far is that this is just another p*ss take of Singhs.

    I hope i am wrong.

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