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singh di fauj

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Posts posted by singh di fauj

  1. Shiromani Akali Dal Canada.

    one SAD is bad enough.. dont want another SAD...

    anyways as the other veer said... they wont get elected unless they belonged to one of the main stream parties..

    i dont know much abt Canadian politics.. but are those Guys doing any Good deeds for the Panth..

  2. to the origional post.


    i'm only cutting it cos the factory didnt cut it propley............................... LOL.gif

    i do remember my mum saying dont have a bath on mondays for some reason.......

    the work i do i NEED TO have a shower every day...........

    so what am i to do?

    supersustion....wonderful thing....

    wish my mom said that .. i just hated taking bath... :e:

  3. sorry to say this but not every amrtidhari is a GurSikh...

    many amrit dharis dont keep amrit vela and some very basic rehits and if they get married to someone who is not amritdhari.. then instead of influencing thr partner and explaining thm what sikhi is... they get influenced and go even down..

    but if that perosn is a Gursikh .. thn i am sure the life partner will understand what Sikh is by looking at the example right before her eyes.. becuase its very simple each and every perosn radiates energy.. being a Gursikh this person will radiate Positive energy which would influence the partner... to get on the path of Amrit Shakna dn finally be amritdhari...

  4. :TH: If that's how they are happy than BIGZ UPZ to them. Also, a lot of "Dalits" from the Hindu religion in Punjab have been converting to Sikhism as well, here is a link. :TH:


    but the question that i was asking to myself is..

    what do u define religious conversion as... people who even dont know who jesus or buddha are converting to christianity and buddhism... just by saying that i adopt so and so religion does a person get converted...

    this is much big a journey..

    i know why this dalits are doing it... so that they can run away from this social evils in hinduism... thats the only reason.. i dont think they know anything abt the religion they are converting to...

    Sikh is a life long learner... just by picking some dalits and telling them they are sikhs wont help.. unless they know what all sikhi is about.. and how to become one with God.. get over the social doctrines that they have been following all thr life...

  5. Today we can look so many ladies who regularly cum to gurudwara sahib .. donates money .. Give Guru Ji so much Respect ... Donates Rumale To Guru Sahib .. but If we will not follow the Hukum of Guru ji the all this donations, adar satkar is useless.. the real respect to Guru Ji is to follow the Hukum & teachings of Guru ji, ..if cant do so then we are not the real sikh ...for exmpl .. like a son give her mother so much expensive gifts jwellery suit but disrespect you in front of everyone and didnt do anythin as u say then doest that mother will love her son ... Guru Sahib ji said .. if you want to keep fast the keep fast of you eyes.. so they cant see any guy or gal with wrong intension . fast rakhna apni rasna da rakho tan jo kissi nu apshabad nah kahe .. apne pairan da rakho so that ehh burre kamm vall na jaan.. keep fast of ur ears so that they cant listen the parr nindiya .....

    AMnu n KwieAw swdu gvwieAw ] bhu duKu pwieAw dUjw BwieAw ]

    BYrau mhlw 5 ]

    vrq n rhau n mh rmdwnw ]

    iqsu syvI jo rKY indwnw ]1]

    eyku gusweI Alhu myrw ]

    ihMdU qurk duhW nybyrw ]1] rhwau ]

    hj kwbY jwau n qIrQ pUjw ]

    eyko syvI Avru n dUjw ]2]

    pUjw krau n invwj gujwrau ]

    eyk inrMkwr ly irdY nmskwrau ]3]

    nw hm ihMdU n muslmwn ]

    Alh rwm ky ipMfu prwn ]4]

    khu kbIr iehu kIAw vKwnw ]

    gur pIr imil Kuid Ksmu pCwnw ]5]3]

    so cum let throw away this biparwad from our khalsa panth .. its all brahmaniwaad... Harr manukh di umar dhurr dargah ton likhi hoyi aundi aa .... kissi warat nal jan kissi karam kandd nal ehh katt ja vadd nahi sakdi .. so cum lets join our hands and do parchar of Sikhism and apread true messages of Guru Granth Sahib Ji In this world ... koi bhul chuk hove chota veer jaan ke baksh lena ..

    thanks for this shabad veerji.. d_oh.gif

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