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Posts posted by Nalwa

  1. Are we going to take any action or are we going to watch this happening in front of our eyes. Anyone who visit Punjab frequently will agree that new Churches are coming up in Punjab.

    सिखों की सर्वउच्च संस्था SGPC (शीरोमिनी गुरुद्वारा प्रबंधक कमेटी) धयान दे, पंजाब में हो रहा है सिखों का बड़े स्तर पर धर्मांतरण, इस पोस्ट में जो सरदार जी मेरे साथ नजर आ रहे वो असल में सरदार अब नहीं रहा, इनका नाम था किरपाल सिंह पर अब ये पिछले साल से "किरपाल मसीह" हो चूका है और कर रहा है इसायित का प्रचार।
    आज जब ये "किरपाल मसीह" मुझे मिला तो इसने बताया के 40 साल गुरूद्वारे में पाठी का काम करता था पर अब ये मसीह हो चूका है।
    दोस्तों, हम लोग जब धर्मांतरण के खिलाफ काम करते है तो कई बार हमें साधनों की कमी से अपनी मुहीम को रोकना पड़ता है पर SGPC जो की विश्व के सभी गुरुद्वारों का नियंत्रण करती है को पैसे की कोई कमी नहीं फिर भी आंखे बंद करके सोई हुई है।
    कई बार SGPC अध्यक्ष कह चुके है के सिख बिलकुल सही है उनका कोई धर्मांतरण नहीं हो रहा शायद मेरी यह पोस्ट उनकी आंखे खोलने में कामयाब होगी।
    अगर किसी SGPC नेता को किरपाल मसीह का पता चाहिए हो तो मुझसे संपर्क करे।

    Sarvauchch institution of SGPC Sikhs (Gurudwara Manager shiromini Committee) are Sikhs in Punjab dhayan give, at a macro level of no, this post is coming with me to the Sardar-ji he is no longer the Paladin was named Kirpal Singh on them now are from last year's desecularise and Christ "" Kirpal is isayit proclaim Christ "when it" today Kirpal. I found, it's 40 years of pathi in the graveyard Used to work but now it is desecularise be Christ. friends, we work against when no so many times we have to stop their lack of means is muhim SGPC which makes control of all world of gurudwaras no shortage of money still eyes closed has slept many times have to say Chairman of SGPC. Sikh is not exact is probably my no no This post will be able to open their eyes. If anyone should know the SGPC leaders Kirpal Christ to contact me. (Translated by Bing)
  2. A GENERAL notion persists that Punjab (i.e., east and west Punjab, including Haryana and parts of Himachal Pradesh) was loyal to the British in the stormy days of 1857. The Punjabis, especially both the ‘dominant’ communities, the Sikhs and Muslims, it is believed, helped the British with men, money and material during the Revolt. The usual argument made for this attitude of the Punjabis is that after the annexation of Punjab (1849), John Lawrence (who became chief commissioner of the province) and his band of dedicated and dynamic officers had not only turned the badly disturbed Land of the Five Rivers into the best governed British Indian province from 1849 to 1857, but had also given to its people peace, prosperity and happiness — something which they had not seen in their long history. Consequently, the ‘grateful’ Punjabis stood by their benevolent rulers and thereby saved the British empire.

    This is absolutely untrue! John Lawrence’s rule was the worst thing that could have happened to Punjab. Its main aim was, in Lord Dalhousie’s words, “to kill the spirit of the Khalsa”, and “isolate the Muslims from the worlds beyond the Indus and the Sutlej”. They had put a girdle of troops around the Majha, the home of the Sikh soldiery, under their two best generals. And they had done almost some similar intizam in the northwestern region, too, where there was a preponderance of the turbulent Muslim tribes. In all, 45 per cent of the entire Bengal army and 60 per cent of its European troops were deployed and kept in a stand-to position in Punjab. In Bengal and the North-Western Provinces there was one sepoy over the heads of five thousand persons, but in Punjab there was one sepoy over the heads of 120 persons. There was a terribly tight bureaucratic grip over the people: “The authorities had made full preparations to meet any emergency in the province in 1857”. Still Punjab was afire, though in varying degrees.

    There were serious sepoy mutinies at Ferozepur, Hote Mardan, Jullundur, Phillaur, Jhelum, Sialkot, Thanesar, Ambala, Lahore, Peshawar and Mianwali. Some people underestimate these risings and negate the role of the Punjabis, dismissing these uprisings as the doings of Purbias (i.e., the Purbia soldiers of the Bengal army). This is incorrect: the regiments, which played a heroic role in these mutinies, were the ‘mixed’ ones. They consisted of Hindus (of high and low castes), Muslims, Sikhs, Purbias and Punjabis. All of them stood together. They fought together. They died together. For one cause — ousting the firangi from their country.

    There is another very significant feature of these mutinies that has not been highlighted. Nowhere in Punjab did the sepoys rebel without the tacit understanding and positive support of the local civilian population. Aberrationally, if they rose on their own anywhere, they did not succeed in their mission. Ambala is a good example to prove the point. About nine hours before the outbreak at Meerut (10 May), the 5 NI, 60 NI and 4 LC regiments stationed at Ambala revolted. They attacked their regimental kotes, seized arms, and arrested their officers. They had no liaison with the civilian population in the city. Their rebellion failed. On the other hand, the sepoys at Jullundur, Ludhiana, Ferozepur, Sialkot, etc., had established contact with the local inhabitants of the respective areas. It became possible for them to carry on their struggle with widespread local support. We can see this phenomenon working even outside Punjab. The failure of the mutiny at Barrackpore, and its resounding success at Meerut, for instance, can be explained only in the light of this factor.

    The Revolt was, at least in Punjab, everybody’s concern. Barring a few ruling princes and their hangers-on, the people belonging to different religions, castes, and classes had an interest – a positive interest to be precise – in it. The poorer sections of the people, the illiterate, and the lower castes were a part of the struggle. “The lower orders and castes among the Hindus and Mohammedans” at this place, remarked the deputy commissioner of Ludhiana, “followed any casual leader that turned up and joined in promoting general disorder”. According to the deputy commissioner of Sialkot, at his station “the menial servants were very generally implicated (in the Revolt)”. At some places where anti-firangi feeling was universally strong and deep, even such sections of the population who derived personal benefits from the British, and who were in their hearts, for this reason, on the side of the British, were not prepared to back their masters openly. They were penalised later by their colonial masters for betraying their salt (namak-<banned word filter activated>).

    As for the Sikhs, their supposed loyalty to the British is a myth. They played an outstanding part in the uprising. “It is a curious fact”, says T D Forsyth, deputy commissioner of Ambala, “that the first man, not a soldier, in the Punjab – and I say in all upper India – who was hanged for sedition was a Sikh”. Forsyth was referring to Sardar Mohar Singh of Rupar (Ambala) who led an uprising in the area. Mohar Singh openly supported Bahadur Shah Zafar, going as far as declaring a Khalsa-Mughal Raj in Rupar. Also the first village to have suffered the punishment of ‘burning’ in the province was the village of Dabri in the state of Nabha. The residents of Dabri were predominantly Sikhs They collectively became victims of British terror for having helped a ‘grand rebel’, a Hindu faqir named Shamdas. In the cities too the Sikhs did not lag behind others in fighting their enemy. In Ludhiana, according to the deputy commissioner of the district, “almost every class had its representatives on the gallows”. The Sikhs were also there, he says, for their men had taken part in the rising.

    It is a fact of history that the Sikh sepoys stood by their comrades in the regiments that rebelled within and outside Punjab. F B Gibbon, a major authority on the subject and author of The Lawrences of the Punjab (1908), explodes the whole myth of Sikh loyalty very forcefully: “The part played by the Sikhs during the Mutiny crisis, has been largely misunderstood, and far too much credit has been given to them for an enthusiastic loyalty that was never theirs, owing to the practice of calling all Punjabis indiscriminately as Sikhs — a short and easy but misleading term”. The protected Sikh chiefs were “gloriously loyal throughout” but not the Sikhs as a community. According to Gen. McLeod Innes, “One often reads loosely worded allusions to John Lawrence having sent down large bodies of newly raised Sikhs to Delhi. In point of fact, he sent none”. The British authorities tried to bribe “the spirited Sikhs to come to their side”, but to no avail. A disheartened Nicholson wrote to John Lawrence on August 27, “We have been trying to get Sikhs without success”. Thus, barring the chiefs of Patiala, Nabha, Jind, etc. Sikh masses were not loyal to the British.

    In the northwestern areas of Punjab there were unprecedented popular risings led by Muslims. Hundreds of people rose up in open revolts in the whole region. The biggest and fiercest of these revolts took place in district Gogira, in the Neelibar region, around Sahiwal, where tribe after tribe, village after village, people after people rose up to oust the firangi from their land. In John Lawrence’s estimate the rebels numbered 1,25,000. Surprisingly they were fighting for Bahadur Shah even after the fall of Delhi.

    The British crushed the movement in Punjab with a heavy hand. Thousands of persons were hanged, or blown from guns, without any trial or formal investigation. Several towns were plundered and villages destroyed. Frederic Cooper, the deputy commissioner of Amritsar, ordered the killing of hundreds of rebels at Ajnala. Their bodies were thrown in a well, Kalyan-da-khuh, which still exists. The Ajanala ‘black-hole’ episode remains one of the blackest spots in the history of British rule in India.



    Rao Tula Ram of Rewari

    In Haryana the uprising was still fiercer. The region was, materially speaking, very backward. Because of the loot and plunder of the colonial rulers it had to face frequent famines which led to the death of countless people and cattle year after year. Not surprisingly, there was widespread discontent against the British in Haryana.

    The news of the outbreak of the uprising at Meerut and Delhi was greeted with joy in every nook and corner of the state. The districts of Gurgaon, Rohtak, Hissar, Panipat, Thanesar and Ambala came under the influence of the rebels in no time. The people, cutting across religious affiliations and belonging to all classes, came forward in large numbers to put an end to the oppressive firangi raj once and for all. So strong was the popular indignation against foreign rule in the region that unlike their Punjab counterparts, all the local chiefs of Haryana – the chiefs of Jhajjar, Farrukhnagar, Bahadurgarh, Dujana, Ballabhgarh, etc. – elected to side with the rebels.

    The people of Haryana were lucky to have found some really good leaders of stature and substance such as Sadruddin Mewati in Mewat, Rao Tula Ram in Rewari, Mohammad Azim in Hissar, Gen. Abdus Samad Khan in Jhajjar, Nawab Samad Khan in Sirsa, Ramo Jat in Karnal, and Imam Qalandari in Panipat. The peasant, the worker, the poor and the rich all fought bravely under these leaders and kept their land free until the fall of Delhi (September 20, 1857).

    After recapturing Delhi, the British sent their most experienced commanders to bring Haryana “under their control”. Gen. Van Courtland, Brig.-Gen. Showers, Col. Gerrard, Capt. Drummund, etc. launched heavy attacks from all sides. The brave Haryanavis fought desperately even in those very dismal days. In the battles of Narnaul, Ballah (Panipat) and Mewat, fought as late as November 1857, they showed their true mettle. Their defeat was, for obvious reasons, a foregone conclusion but it is really a creditable thing that even the victors praised their bravery and devotion to the cause they were fighting for.

    The British let loose an unprecedented reign of terror in Haryana. They killed thousands of people and destroyed property worth many crores of rupees. They burnt over eighty villages — sixty in the Mewat region alone.



    Rao Gopal Dev

    British rule had meant unimaginable humiliation and oppression for the people of Himachal Pradesh. In the words of Gen. Napier: “We force the Indian to work at plough and we force him to walk thousands of miles carrying the luggage of the English soldiery. The Indian peasant loses his harvest, his land remains uncultivated and his family perishes, his oxen overworked by the soldiers, fall on the way and he does not receive a farthing as compensation for this. His broken plough is left on the way and he is dragged to shoulder another plough whose master has fled away in desperateness. And after six or eight months the peasant is sent back ruined to his house where he used to live happily and peacefully before our arrival there. There he may find his wife and children; but if the wife is beautiful, he will hear that the European magistrate has taken her for himself. I am told that these magistrates have no scruples about taking the Indian women. (emphasis added).

    This is just one grievance. There were many more such grievances. As a result, the Himachalis were very unpahhpy with the British raj. They wanted to get rid of it somehow or the other. But their task was difficult. They had no leaders. They suffered from the inadequacy of the material means necessary to wage a war effectively. They had no formidable army. No sufficient fire-arms and ammunition. Not even sufficient rations with which to sustain themselves and fight for a long time.

    It must, however, be said to their credit that despite all these problems and inadequacies the hill people fought against the colonial enemy. They made the best possible use of whatever was available with them — their courage, their wisdom, and so forth. They used, for instance, rumour as a strategy, and an effective weapon in their struggle. This worked very well. For instance with a small rumour that the governor-general had asked the authorities to send human flesh, they got hundreds of hapless forced labourers and domestic servants working in British homes freed. This hurt the sahibs at their weakest spot. However, at a number of places, people made a positive effort to rise in open revolt. Raja Pratap Singh of Kula, Ram Prasad Bairagi, Raja Pratap Chand of Teerah, and the Rani of Jutog are some of those brave leaders. Some others tried to follow them. But the alert British officials barred their way almost everywhere. In most of the cases they lost the struggle even before these commenced. But successful or unsuccessful, they joined the struggle against colonial rule bravely despite heavy hurdles and a formidable enemy.

    In this 150th year of the uprising, it seems appropriate that the truth about the courageous people of India in the great war of their freedom lying buried under the debris of falsehood be extricated, and presented in colours true to history.

  3. Your purpose might be to hate them back because they hate Sikhs, my purpose is to have more such people as shown below. A Hindu boy originally from Bihar and grew up in Punjab ended up becoming a Singh.


    PHILLAUR, Punjab (January 25, 2014)—Recently, in the Village of Phillaur, Khera, at Gurwara Shaheeda Singhan there was a turban tying competition. The centre of attention was a 16 year old amritdhari contestant who had converted to Suraj Singh from Suraj Kumar.

    Many at the competition were shocked at the story he narrated about his conversion to Sikhi. His story raised concerns on the inner workings of the Sikhs’ top governing body, the SGPC , which works for the welfare of Sikhs and whose budget is more than that of the regional government.

    Suraj Singh said at Gurwara Shaheeda Singhan, that he and his mother sacrificed a lot for him to receive Amrit baptism, wherein his father divorced his mother and also left them homeless. Not only this, after the incident, no one amongst his relatives talks to them. He said his family looks at him with scorn.

    Suraj Singh, is the son of Satan Bhagat, resident of Lallu Nagar, District Kathiar, Bihar Hall, who is now residing at Punjab Village, Khanori. When he was 6 months old, his family came to Punjab to earn a living as laborers. When he grew up, he was sent to the government school of Khanori.

    When he was older, one of the students gifted him the biography of Guru Gobind Singh. After reading it, he was so inspired, that he decided to become a Sikh of the Guru. During this time, he stopped trimming his hair. Due to poverty, his parents did not take things seriously and meanwhile his grandmother passed away. Due to this, Suraj was surrounded by many hardships because according to their custom, if anyone in the family dies, all boys of the house have to trim their hair—a custom against Sikh values.

    Initially, Suraj revolted against this, but when nobody in his family supported him, he ran away from home and hid at a Gurdwara Sahib in Khloti. To abide by the custom, the family kept on searching for Suraj Singh before his grandmother’s cremation, but they could not find him for 2 months. When they found him after 2 months, he had received Amrit and was Suraj Singh now.

    Suraj Singh’s mother is a laborer in the village to earn a living for both of them. Only Suraj Singh’s classmate Jaskaran Singh, and another villager, Gurdeep Singh have helped them.

    Reports from locals say that Suraj Singh was taken to SGPC President Avtar Makkar to seek help but he was turned away immediately. Suraj Singh did not get turned off from Sikhi after this incident, but rather he is studying and spreading the word about Sikhism in different villages—he is becoming an example for Sikhs.

    Suraj Singh said that in today’s modern world boys from the Sikh community consider turban and long hair out of style—they trim their hair and use tobacco and other intoxicating substances. He feels that Sikh youth should consider their religion the best. By looking at Suraj Singh’s love and passion for the religion, NRI Satnam Singh Khera from Canada, awarded him a cash prize.



    And trust me, this is where it hurts those Sikh haters the most!

    Well done SGPC!

    Thanks Mehtab for sharing this . But i still feel that we should focus on eastern India to preach Sikhi, things in north india are not good Hindu extremism is at its high.

  4. And how many have you ever tried talking to about Sikhi or Sikh history? How many have you put to shame each time they cracked a Sardar joke? How many noses have you broken each time they made fun of your dastar (if you wear one that is)?Or do you just come online and vent your frustration instead of dealing head on with real people? Trust me, its not that hard. Once you start you can filter out the good and the bad. Few among the good might come into the fold of the Khalsa as well.

    I can speak from personal experience as I know Punjabi Hindus more closely than any of you guys ever will (and you guys know very well how and why). A good number of them carry all the traits listed above, no doubt about that. Yes they are arrogant, disrespectful (especially the Delhi breed), and don't care about anyone getting offended. But the point I am trying to make is very simple. If you want more people coming into Sikhi, you have to be the one to initiate the discussion with compassion and without humiliating someone for who/what he/she is. If the guy doesn't get it, feel free to beat the lights out of him. But atleast take your chances by trying to speak out the truth. Again, based on personal experience, 8 out of 10 won't give a damn, but I'd still take my chances with those 2 who would be willing to listen. Perhaps those 2 will end up as better GurSikhs than the ones who have unfortunately become leaders of the qaum.

    Guru Sahib changed people like Sajjan Thug, like Kauda Rakshash. A number of Muslims who came to fight Guru Sahib ended up at His feet. Brahmins who came seeking refuge (Pandit Kirpa Ram), and those who acted out of sheer arrogance (Lal Chand Peshauria), all ended up becoming not just Singhs but Shaheeds. How did Guru Sahib do this? Through compassion!

    We claim to be Sikhs of such a Guru but cannot take down a few arrogant low lives? Next time, for a change, try using the compassion weapon first, whether its a Hindu or Muslim, or anyone. If they still disrespect Sikhi, then make sure they don't go back in one piece. Stop listening to someone who tells you "falaane folks do this". The same happens to our own folks as well. Indians talk cr@p about Sikhs to goray, should goray buy all that is said to them? Or do they find out on their own?

    Anyways, its your life and your opinion. You can try to win someone using the power of Gurbani, Sikh itihaas and philosophy, or you can humiliate them and further them farther away from Sikhi. Choice is yours.

    How can you convience a hater they are born and brought to hate Sikhs and Muslims . Hindu and Sikhs fights are so common in Delhi . I would spent my energy on South Indian or Assami Hindu . These people want to learn about Sikhi . Regarding Punjabi Hindus - god knows where these people will end up . Even other Hindu hate them be it Delhi or Haryana .

  5. North Indian region are worst in human nature if compared with south.

    Punjabi hindus are the worst because of arya samaji mentality.

    I agree Punjabi Hindus are real haters . I have spent lot of time with Hindus from different regions and i have observe that Punjabi Hindus are real culprit .

    Those who knows Hindu will agree with me that these Punjabi Hindus are back stabbers , rude, arrogant and money minded people . Its difficult to understand why they do that . Some of my friends are from Uttar Pradesh belongs to Kaisth caste . They always say that favourite topic of punjabi Hindus is to talk <banned word filter activated> against Sikhs .

  6. Thanks for sharing it , i too was about to post it .

    One of the most interesting thing in this article was "

    Urban Hindus in Punjab organized on the platform of Hindu Mahasabha in 1926 and opposed the ‘Relief of Indebtedness Bill’ of 1940 which was introduced to free the farmers (rural peasants) from swelling indebtedness which had made them lose away their cultivable lands."

  7. CANADA, August 28th, 2014 – Braveheart Production has commenced productions on its debut film "SUKHA AND JINDA – THE MOVIE". This movie tells the real life story of Harjinder Singh Jinda and Sukhdev Singh Sukha, known for their high profile acts of bravery through the late 1980's. The story provides a glimpse into their lives leading up to the actions that resulted in their judicial murder.

    The production's creative team includes a highly revered and experienced writer, well respected in the film community for previous work in both Punjabi and Bollywood movies. The movie will also be casting some of the biggest names in the industry today.

    The movie is currently set to be released in the summer of 2015.

    The official movie website will be made available before the end of the year.

    About Braveheart Production

    Braveheart Production is a Canadian company. After individually working on numerous Film and Media projects, this will the company's first of many feature films.

    For more information please email sukhaandjindathemovie2015@gmail.com
  8. This book will be available by 11 sep 2014

    Stolen Years: A Memoir of Simranjit Singh Mann's Imprisonment Hardcover – 11 Sep 2014 by Pavit Kaur

    In 1984, Simranjit Singh Mann resigned from the Indian Police Service in protest of Operation Blue Star, the Indian Army operation ordered by Indira Gandhi, then prime minister, that cleared the Golden Temple complex of Sikh militants. Mann was subsequently charged, among other things, with conspiracy to assassinate Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. A passionate Sikh whose radical beliefs were honed by his family, Mann went underground and was apprehended while trying to flee the country. He spent five years in prison, after which all charges were dropped.

    Three decades after Blue Star, his daughter Pavit Kaur looks back on the years her father spent in prison. In this disarmingly honest and emotionally charged account, Pavit Kaur documents her father’s hellish journey through the Indian prison system. This is also a personal story and the story of a family during one of the most fraught times in India's history.

    ‘A fascinating account of how Operation Blue Star turned life for a prosperous Sikh family into hell. The author, daughter of the controversial Sikh politician Simranjit Singh Mann, who spent five years in jail on a trumped-up charge of sedition, says, “Bhindranwale shared an ideology with my father: a separate homeland for the Sikhs”’—Satish Jacob, veteran journalist

  9. सरीन लखविंदर https://www.facebook.com/sareen.lakhvinder

    जितना दिमाग और पैसा खालिस्तानी और सिख संघठन "कोम दे हीरे" जैसी फिल्मे बनाने पर लगा रहे है अगर उतना ही दिमाग और पैसा गरीब सिख रविदासिया और मजहबी सिख भाइयों पर लगाते तो वो आज सिख धर्म छोड़ कर इसाई ना बनते।।

    पंजाब में आतंकवाद को दोबारा जीवत करने की साजिश है ऐसी फिल्मे जिसके लिए विदेशों में बैठे आतंकवादी इनकी मदद करते है

  10. Sorry to say, but Dal Khalsa has acted cowardly and went(without any invitation) to their Masjid and gave them sweets during Eid to show them that the aggression their community showed the small Sikh minority in Saharanpur does not matter to them because Dal Khalsa wants their friendship more than anything.

    Here is the link to the sharmnaak act of Dal khalsa, http://www.sikh24.com/2014/07/30/sikhs-visit-jama-masjid-in-amritsar-to-greet-muslims-on-eid/#.U9z48PldXwh

    And it's not surprising that Dal Khalsa has done something so cowardly, from where will they get Bir Rass when they have disowned such magnificent Bir Rassi Bani of Dasam Guru Jee.

    What Sikhs need is Ajnala Singhs and other Rehitvaan Sikh organisation to spread their Taksals all over UP, MP, Delhi, Rajasthan to increase religiosity among Sikhs because a religiously observant Sikh nation is a strong one until then we will continue being bullied by sometimes the poorbia Hindus and Muslims of UP/Bihar

    Other Rehitvaan Sikh like ? Ajnala Taksaal and Sikh Youth Federation Bhindanwale is best .

  11. This is a huge mistake our people have done for the last century. Our people have been trying to make friends with others but in the wrong way by downgrading Sikhi by saying(Lying actually) that "all religions are equal", "the Bhagats were hindu or muslim and not Sikhs". That's why we have plenty of misguided Sikhs doing pooja like Hindus or Namaz like Muslims and even opening their Gurdwaras up to them to perform their non Sikh practices. And still we have not gained their friendship by doing all of this

    The biggest mistake our people are doing is by attacking Dasam Bani which over and over repeats the futility of the philosophies of Veds and Katebs and shows the uniqueness and superiority of Khalsa Dharm over all others. By denying Dasam Bani, Sikhs are losing their martial spirit and Anakhi nature

    We should organize Dasam Granth akhand paath in Saharanpur to give our Sikhs more bir ras and after that weapons should be distributed among sangat .

  12. I hear what you're saying, but there are times when you have to let them know that our love is not endless. The audacity of the muslims to carry out that attack on the Sikhs in saharanpur is unbelievable. How many muslim jamaats from india and outside have condemned their actions? That is when we know whether there are any good people from amongst them.

    We will how many muslims will come out to help Sikhs ? I doubt even one will come .

  13. By the way, about 2 weeks ago in Boston we had Sikhs protesting against Israel for killing Palestinians, and few days ago we saw Sikhs start a petition asking President Obama to refuse Modi entry into US as he was responsible for the massacre of 3000 Muslims in Gujarat. I have already seen a number of opinions and videos on Facebook claiming these Saharanpur clashes to be a conspiracy hatched by the Hindutva forces.

    Either we are still not aware as to who our real friends and real enemies are, or we fail to categorize who is our worst enemy, i.e. on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst enemy, where would you place Hindus and where would you place Muslims?

    Muslims are the biggest enemy no doubt about it and regarding Hindus it depend where are they from no problem with North eastern and South Indians Hindus and no friendship with Punjabi and Haryanvi types Hindus .

  14. Point is not the Hindu role in this. But what was the majboori of a mob of tens of thousands of Indian Muslims who rioted against Sikhs and this after the way SFJ tried to show good will by fighting for Muslim victims of 2002 Gujarat riots which has nothing to do with us. Then During 2002 riots, Sikhs were sending trucks of food for Muslim riot victims. Sikhs need to keep their nose out of other people's business because Indian Muslims will never appreciate any of these good will gestures. We need to read and learn from history instead of learning from practical expereince when we get Dhokha from the people we help

    Agree veer . There should be protest in Malerkotla let the Muslims feel that if you go against Sikhs we will get after you . Hindus organizes march in Malerkotla to protest against the killing of Vidhu jain but we Sikhs dont supported them to please our so called friends but what we get ?

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