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Posts posted by PSL

  1. This is way to common, I have seen so many woman that have been hurt and some even have diveroced because of the exact same situation. My advise would be:

    1. Talk to the husband and tell him how you feel, be frank and honest and he will need to step back and listen to you. Put him in your shoes.

    2. Talk to your parents..(biological parents). Ask them what to do.

    3. Stand up for yourself and tell the inlaws that they need to be a bit chilled out

    4. Your loss and the stress of the inlaws will really take a toll on your body and mind, yes simran and naam will help but think about going away with your husband and telling him how you feel. Have a break, treat your self.....life is to short to have such endless negativity around you.

    This is something that we should all be thinking about.To many women are going this torture, I agree that we should all be treating our elders with respect, but there is only so much that one can take. Your husband has been in that house all his life and needs to understand that this is all still new for you. He should be there 100% for you. Nothing else should matter...doing paath does not make you a good person. Acting upon what maharaj is saying does.

    Finally, moving out is not always the answer. For example if you move out and you ALWAYS end up at the inlaws this becomes a new problem. Start your life properly and seriously make him think about how you feel.


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