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Posts posted by Nycsingh

  1. Waheguru ji,

    Sangat, I would want to share my own story. I'm glad we already have a topic and I don't have to create one to ask for guidance.

    I'm 28 yr old Singh whose dating a Caucasian girl (Christian). We have been in a relationship for over a year and want to take it to the next step. I have spoken to her about Sikhi but haven't asked her about conversion however I did mention the fact that if we do get married I want to raise my kids as Sikhs. She is a kind hearted and the most generous woman that I have met, but doesn't believe that the religion is the only way to god. She doesn't go to church but believes in the connection with the God. I on the other hand is in a garb of a Sikh but doesn't follow the Guru to the core. We talk about Sikhi all the time but I think I have no power to ask someone to convert if I myself has uncountable flaws.

    Now being said that.. what do I do in this situation, find some place else to marry?

    Getting married without the Guru would be a nightmare for me.

    Sangat I know I'm a paapi but how can I be without my Guru on the most imp day of my life.

  2. I always used to look up to the 3ho or the goreh sikhs.. how strong they are in their sikhi values compared to us punjabi sikhs who are born in the culture, country and religion. After reading the post and the blogspot .. it does feel like they need guidance also but again thats no reason for us to ridcule them. Sometimes, I think how Guruji wouldve acted in this scenario.. maybe we should all think about that before passing a judgement.

    About Baba Sri Chand.. theres nothing wrong with giving them respect.. aap Guru Sahib ne keha si .. ke gurua de kutteya nu vi lokki poojde ne te aa ta fer guru de laal ne. Baba Sri Chand was himself was a big sant... te ohna di respect ta app Guru Angad Dev ji toh leh ke Guru Hargobind sahib ji ne kitti si so theres nothing wrong with showing respect to them either.

  3. I've read too many of these posts.. though I do believe that there will be Khalsa Raj one day but has anyone thought of the fact that the word Khalsa means pure.. could it be that the Khalsa Raj could refer to a point where all the people that live or survive will be Pure in whatever religion they belong to... For example if a hindu is a true hindu will survive.. if a muslim is a true muslim will survive?

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