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sant mat

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Posts posted by sant mat

  1. very interesting points! you people sound very brave and courageous! lol However, its a well known fact that modern sikhs live off the reputation of sikhs of the past i.e. Bhinderanwala. You people talk the talk...but you cant walk the walk! You're all very brave siiting at your PC's, oh well it keeps me entertained! LOL LOL LOL Can someone please tell me when the next wedding is so i can come and watch and have a laff!

  2. dont waste your precious time, how can scriptures be contaminated by alcohol and meat! its more beadbi stopping someones wedding! I advise not to disclose the venue or date of the wedding...these people will ruine someones day and you will also be a part of the sin! life is about peace love and unity! not fanaticism

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