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Posts posted by JinUzuki

  1. Jinuzuki

    Bhaiji again with the utmost respect;

    By your logic any atheist or member of a religion can become a committee member because they have a legal right??

    As most Gurdwaras are registered charities they are bound by equal opportunities legislation, however, a candidates suitability will be decided by election.....therefore our Sangats must be prepared and enlightened to select correctly as per hukkamnama.

    Can discrimination be alleged against an electorate??

    I think not

    You are correct discrimination can not be alleged by an electorate. All I am trying to say is that regardless of the last Akal Thakt statement any member of the sangat can run for a position and it will be up to the sangat to vote in who they deem fit. If this individual happens to be for example a young member of the community who is eager to help and is not baptized the director of the gurdwara cannot kick this individual off the committee simply because they do not conform to the message sent out by the Akal Thakt. If the enlightened members of the sangat have chosen this individual so be it. If they decide to vote based upon the hukamnama that is of course their choice as well. As for the atheist it is possible for one to be voted in but let's be honest they'd probably have little to no interest and a tough time getting votes.

    I do appreciate your comment and understand your position, thank you.

  2. Trying to scare Sikhs sangat with fable legal jargon? Not going to work because this is about suitability and qualification according to Sikh religion principles. Just as IBM or another corporation will not hire a board that don't have a clue about business management neither will the Sikh religion allow such unqualified people abuse non-profit organizations run under the Sikh religion. Apply your feeble statements to the Constitution of common law countries. Why don't Mona put on a Kirpan and try to claim they are allowed to wear the Kirpan in public according to the Constitution given freedoms and rights? Yet an amritdhari can walk into a certain countries court house and Parliament with a Kirpan and they have the full right?

    Before you come to play hardball get a pair at least.

    I think you mean feeble, not fable, and if you don't understand what I wrote then yes it is jargon to you but that doesn't change the fact that it is indeed true. Why would you assume I am trying to 'scare' Sikhs, I am simply stating what is true. And you comments about IBM are correct, they would NEVER ELECT a board who are not qualified BUT they will let ANYONE run for a board position, speak on why they deserve they position, speak on their merit and would NOT be disallowed due to any religious/cultural deficiencies. They would be selected on their suitability much like you say. Saying someone who is 'less Sikh' is less qualified to contribute to a Gurdwara board in a meaningful manner is complete nonsense. With regards to common law countries, India is in fact a common law country, much like Canada and the US and also the UK. I'm not sure what you're trying to get across with your last statement about kirpans and monas...

    And I can assure you, I can play hardball with the best of them and my testicles are indeed intact and fully grown for your information.

  3. As non-profit organizations with charitable designations they are legally bound to comply with the corporations act of whatever country these gurdwaras are located. During the time of election they cannot deny any individual who is not 'amritdhari' from running for a position on the board/committee. The same goes for individuals who currently sit on these boards as they cannot be removed simply due to their apparent lack of religious conviction. IF an election takes place and it just so happens that every elected candidate is amritdhari then so be it, but the same opportunity to run and contribute to the organization must be given to all those who decide to do so. Violations may lead to law suits on the grounds of human rights violations, going against the corporations act of their respective countries and penalties which may extend to loss of charitable or non-profit designations. Religious edicts do not trump civil law.

  4. you might be you never know lol

    Lets face it Gayism is a sexual perversion an abnormal human sexuality like pedophila, beastiality, necrophila,etc. There is no "gay gene" as many gays will try and suggest they were born gay. We can read stories of supposed gay men and lesbian women becoming straight marrying and having sex and havings kids during the course of their lifetime and similarly we can read stories of people who were straight then become gay or lesbian.

    Thus proving its a temporal sexuality, it can be changed with social and psychological conditioning. What promotion of gayism does it makes it acceptable to be in the homosexual thinking mentality. And to entrench that leftist liberal thinking in our generations is a very dangerous thing. Just look at the mess western white society is in and how increasingly the whites who do not agree with homosexuality are turning to islam in their droves.

    I completely disagree with everything you've stated above. You're implication is that sexual orientation is a choice. What individual would make the choice to be queer knowing the extreme difficulty and discrimination they would surely encounter from their own families, friends and society? If you do believe it’s a choice at what point in your life did you make the conscious decision to be straight? Or did you just end up the way you are without really making a decision, were you simply born that way? Could it not be the same for homosexuals?

    With regards to you reference to changing sexual orientation with psychological therapy, more specifically "conversion/reparative therapy", it doesn't work. The oldest and largest Christian ministry dealing with faith and homosexual conversion (Exodus International) recently (2013) disbanded and it's cheif Alan Chambers issued an apology to members of the LGBTQ community for the psychological damage and hurt they caused. It is not a mental disorder like schizophrenia, the APA (American Psychological Association) has done studies on this exact issue and participants continue to report same-sex attraction and no greater attraction to the opposite sex.

    Everyone has their own opinion but I don't think Western society is in any more/less of a mess than eastern society, I'm not sure what evidence you have to support that claim. If you're implying this mess is somehow connected to homosexuality I would argue (although I don't have any data) that there is a similar distribution of individuals with "abnormal human sexuality" in the eastern hemisphere.

    Why would people flock to Islam because they are adamantly against homosexuality? They could go towards any religion (including Sikhism) as pretty much every religious denomination denounces homosexual behaviour. I'm not quite sure how and from where you got that piece of information.

    Every individual in this community and on this planet is free to express themselves and have their own beliefs and frankly I don't care if you are for or against it, what I do care about is making comments which are intelligent and well-thought out (whether for or against). What I do care about is treating every human on this planet with respect regardless of their sexual orientation and from your comment it does seem as though you consider homosexuals as inferior and perhaps sub-human and not worthy of the same rights as you and I.

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