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Posts posted by jagjit_waheguru

  1. waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji kefateh

    Pyare sikhi jio, I have to take issue with your statement above due to its inaccuracies.

    I do not believe Amritpal is an so-called AKJ Singh, as all Singhs are either panthik or non-Panthik. Groups are just organised vehicles to bring benefit to the Panth. It is up to Amritpal Singh to classify himself, if he so wishs. I care not to classify him, but I do think he has said he is a Hazoori Singh, whatever that means.

    AKJ do not have a problem with nihangs, many nihangs attend AKJ smagams in India. Bhai sahib and Akali kaur Singh were very close, and their are numerous Sakhies of AKJ Singhs and Nihangs doing seva together.

    AKJ was created by Gursikhs like every other group in the Panth. Its core ideal is Seva, Simran and Sacrifice. It vioce is Gurbani keertan. I challenge you to show me one group which was not created by Gursikhs. Guru ji only created the GURU KHALSA PANTH.

    AKJ/Taksal/ or any other group have all done seva together and have been shaheed together. All groups have differences in opinion on what is TAT Gurmat, this debate will always be ongoing.

    However personally I see no nothing wrong with anybody being Anti-Niddar, Nirmallas, Udassies, or any other non-Panthik group, such as RSS. If they attack Panthik shaheeds, Panthik ideals, and Gurmat idealogue, there is nothing wrong with Gursikhs countering them.

    I hope that clears things up. As far as what Amritpal Singh has written, it is for those who are interested in the debate. Personally I recognise only Gurmat, and snatanism is completely corrupt idealogue with no backbone, which is attempting benefit from meekly associating itself with Guru Sahibaan, Sikh History and Nihang bana, when it reality it has no basis with Gurbani. This is why all their sites quote dubious historical texts and never quote Gurbani to back their views.

    waheguru ji ke khalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

  2. waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

    Pyare jio, I came to work as usual in Park Square, which is the heart of the Leeds city center. Just opposite my office is Leeds Magistrates Court and Leeds Town hall. There was a buzz in the my building about the happening at Court today.

    Today was the trial of Nick Griffen, the UK leader of the fascist British National Party. So at lunch time, I took the opportunity of walking over to the Court building where I could see the press, the police, and the BNP activists protesting outside court. I even recognised some of them, from the physical confrontations we had 3 years ago in Halton Moor area of Leeds. They recognised me, being a Amritdhari Singh with a dumalla, does make you stand out from a crowd. I read their banners, and listened to them chant their slogans, of "England for the English", etc, etc. There must have been about 60 of them.

    Then behind me came a large crowd, who were herded by the police. They were chanting "Fascists Out!" This was a crowd of about 500 people who were from Unite Against Fascism. This seems to be a coalition group of trades unionists, students, and other leftists groups. I decided to join them in their rally. They stopped outside the Town Hall, where they held their rally.

    So we had a group of 60 nazis, 500 leftees, and the largest group was by far the Police.

    Walking with the rally group, I realised out of the 500, I saw 2 black people and no asians. Everyone was white. I have to say I did feel out of place, not because I was a Singh, but more because I was the only one wearing a suit.

    I began thinking, these people are doing Guru ji`s mission. Guru ji taught us to stand up for the small communities, those oppressed, or bullied, from those who spread hate and bully. Yet, we never see Sikhs, or even asians there. These people hound hatred groups like the BNP, to counter all their activities. They took time off work, and made the difference with their presence. Would we do that?

    I remember at universities, we used to get approached by these groups for us to join, but asians generally are so full of apathy. A couple of times before I mentioned it to Singhs aswell, that need to counter the BNP, but Singhs just always tell me to Naam japp, and not worry about it. But Sikhi is not about pacifism, but about Sant sipahis.

    While standing there, I was joined by two more Sardars who work locally, and then two mulsim bibian with hijabs. So slowly our asian representation grew.

    But we have to consider that if these people did not stand up for ethnic minorities, the BNP activity would go on unchecked.

    Generally in Sikhi in UK, we have far too little activism. I can honestly say we have many fantastic Gursikhs, especially in the youth, but apart from Jagdeesh Singh in slough and his Singhnee, Paramjit kaur, I cannot think of any Sikh activists, who get involved in affairs beyond Panthik arena.

    I intently listened to the speakers. Two in particular were fantastic. One was an elderly Jewish man who was in concentration camps in Germany, who now lives in Leeds. Another was a middle aged black man who is a trades unionist, who calls himself the Nazi Hunter.

    At the end of the rally, before I went back to my office, I took time to speak to the organisers. I hope the organsers of Sunday do not mind, but I told them about the Sikhs in the Square event, and made contacts where in future events they can support Sikh issues aswell. They had so much literature about the growth of islamopobia in UK, but no muslims were present, except the muslim bibian who were bystanders like me. One of organisers said to me that we stand up for muslims, but they do not bother turning up.

    I have to confess I have never been a socialist, more of a capitalist with a conscious, but I was highly impressed by the people I met. I consider it Guru jis kirpa that such humanitarian people exist. If this was India, and muslims behaved the way they do in UK, then there would be riots, and many would support nationalist groups like BNP equivalent Indian groups.

    Generally we have to accept, some western people are far more tolerant, and less racist than asian community.

    I have bought my Unite against fascism T-shirt, and hope to support future events.

    After speaking to the police, I also found out there is another even bigger rally happening further by the Anti-Nazi league. It is good to see so many people in Yorkshire are so anti-fascist.

    As Mr Nazi hunter said, we want to change Nick Griffin from BNP to HMP. (Her Magisties Pleasure) in prison.

    waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

    P.S. When I left work, just after 5, everyone had gone, except the BNP outside the court, who were totally surrounded and outnumbered by Police. It was dark, damp and miserable. I will see on news tonight what has happened to Nick Griffen.

  3. waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

    Pyare jio, I think you should not see these opinions as reflective of canadian public opinion. Similarly in UK alot was being said after the Behzti. Often only people with pre-conceived opinions usually respond to these events. Canadian sikhs rather than accept it, should respond in a positive intellectual manner. Point out things, like since when has Canada become a country which judges someone religion. Point out he is a Canadian citizen, who is law abiding, civil, intelligent. He is not an immigrant, but a Canada born Sikh youth. Canada is mosiac of cultures, it is not USA, and definately not a country who should be forced to accept Christianity.

    In UK after Behzti, if you went on any messageboards like Channel 4, The Birmingham Rep, SKy news, etc, even The Times newspaper, Sikhs debated there views very well. So must Canadians. They need to write to Canada.com, Ottawa Citizen, in an intelligent manner.

    In UK, Sikhs are seen as the acceptable Asians. Hardworking, affluent, law abiding, intelligent, and accepting as the most succesful minority group. In Canada, Sikhs seem to have yet to find a coherent voice which only educated youth can bring. You cannot wait for Jathas, or Gurdwaras to sort themselves out and represent you. Youth must start organising themselves and speaking on behalf of Sikhi in a articulate manner.

    Canada Youth need to spring into action. List on the public information messageboards and main newspaper sites. Put them on Tapoban, sikhsangat, WIN, and other sites, so Sikhs youth worldwide can aslo respond. Flood them with emails supporting Balpreet Singh. Where there is debate like in Ottawa Citizen, respond in a mature articulate manner, in concise mails with clear point. You need to influence opinion with debate, not accept it.

    - Mention, you are proud to be a canadian, and also proud of being Sikh.

    - You cannot see why people should be offended by a kirpan, when in other countries like UK, Sikhs are freely open to wear them without incident.

    - Mention only orthodox Sikh who do not drink, take intoxicants and live to a strict code onf conduct beased upon mediation and service to humanity are allowed to wear them.

    If anyone has good sample emails then they should share them.

    waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

  4. waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

    I prefer not to mention about the Sikh boy. He was young, and it devistated the family. Left scars for life on my friend, who was never the same. Alot of things happened in them days. This was just one.

    As far as the Sikh girl. She was found in the prison by a Sikh. He was working for some large company. As he walked across the yard. She shouted Sat shri akaal from her jail cell. He was shocked to hear this in a Middle Eastern country. He enquired about the prisoner. He met her. She told him her story.

    She was a sikh girl who went out woth a muslim boy. She converted. They had kids. They went to Pakistan to meet his family. She was sent back a few days early. He was going to follow later with the kids. On her connecting flight, customs stopped her after dogs sniffed drugs in her suitace. She was given a long sentence. She knew nothing about the drugs. She contacted her husband, who refused to admit he knew her. She never saw her kids agian.

    After realising what he was really like. She asked for a gutka, and prayed for Guru ji for help. Guru ji sent that Sikh man called Jatinder Singh. He told us about her story. It was published in youth magazines in early 90`s. She still has her sentence, maybe over by now. Jatinder Singh stayed in contact and helped her.

    Thats why I said on the other thread. Never turn your back on any brother or sister. They may make mistakes today, but we still help them.

    Every brother and sister is precious, and always will be.

    waheguru ji ke khalsa waheguru ji ke fateh

  5. waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

    Pyare jio, it is amazing how quickly we will forget other youth. They are not sikhs, they deserve it, etc, etc ,etc.

    If everyone thought that about us, then I would still be a mona aswell. People change with time and sangat. So many girls at my uni were like that, but over time, when they see your morals, pride and khalsa spirit, they appeciate what a Gursikh is.

    I know girls who went out with muslims, but with sangat they stopped. I know one sikh boy who converted, but with one 2hr conversation, who walked away with Islam. I know druggies who became Gursikhs.

    We as Gursikhs in our Roop bring change in so many people, if we behave as Gursikhs. Lets wisdom be your guide, pyaar your vioce, and understanding in your eyes. Over time all these girls and boys will become Khalsas. I have seen it so many times.

    But if you give up on the world, and look at them with difference in your mind, you will never succeed, and only become bitter.

    Sahib Siri Guru Nanak dev ji changed people and so will his Gursikhs, when they use his bani as their wisdom.

    waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

  6. waheguru ji kekhalsa waheguru ji ke fateh

    Pyare jio, it is amazing how the things we write over the years are used and end up in so many different places.

    The writer has cut and paste some of my old writings in this article. The chalvey boys quotes and mention of the sikh boy who walked in front of the train. He was the younger brother of my school friend. The incident to which sparked the fights between sikhs and muslims in slough. Then the mention of the sikh girl who was found in a Lebonon jail. She married a pakistani boy who took her pakistan. Then sent her back with drugs in her suitcase, without her knowledge. When she was caught by customs, he disowned her and left her to rot.

    I am surprised at how these things ended up in the article. But I do have to say, from my experiences of muslims, I wholheartedly agree with the writers conclusions.

    He could have mentioned how they rape and kidnap girls in Algeria. Or Europe, Far east, etc. Population growth has been a long term objective of muslims.

    In india, in 1947 according to government figures the muslim population was 50 million. In just over 50 years, the indian press nowquote there are 200 million. This is from immigration from Bangladesh and population growth through reproduction.

    Sikh population like Western is dropping. Our grandparents had families with 5-6 children, not including those who passed away at young age. Nowadays, it is usually 2 kids max.

    waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

  7. waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

    Pyare jio, most people believe Bhai Bala ji is an invention of the hindu right-wing groups. Sahib Siri Guru Nanak dev ji was only accompanied by Bhai Mardana ji. I cannot think of one sakhie of Sahib Siri Guru Nanak dev ji which has bhai Bala ji in it. They are all with Bhai Mardana ji only.

    Both hindus and muslims claimed Guru ji as their own. Gurbani is clear that Guru ji belonged only to Akaal.

    However to counter-act Guru ji being claimed as a muslim, hindus created Bhai Bala ji in old texts. However most scholars and Gursikhs now agree there is no prove to his existence.

    Maybe sikh-history.com may want to do further research and correct their website.

    waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

  8. Jeevani Of Bhai Satwant Singh (Part 3 of 3)

    Author: Zorawar Singh

    Date: 10-11-05 13:06


    Every court in the land, only gave the sentence that Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had wanted. In the Supreme Court, Bhai Satwant Singh made a statement. He said, “Let any part of my body, after my Shaheedi, be removed and used by anyone (Doner) who may need. However if you need my eyes, let the authorities tell my parents. I have no hatred for any Hindu, Muslim, Christian, neither hatred for any religion. After my Shaheedi, let no Sikh throw any rock at any Hindu. I am not in favour of any retaliation or bloodshed over my Shaheedi. If we do create bloodshed, then there is no difference between us and Rajiv Gandhi. I am Proud of the task that I did! I do ardas in front of Waheguru ! If I am blessed with a human life, then give me a death of the Brave when I am hanged. Forget one life, if I could I would give up a thousand lives to kill dushts like Indira Gandhi, and laugh as I become Shaheed by hanging….”


    His lawyer, Sardar Bhupinder Singh Sodhi was the last to meet Satwant Singh in Tihar jail. Sodhi said, “Beloved Satwant, I am so sorry I was unable to save you from the death sentence. Now this is the last time we will ever meet.” The lawyer said as he became emotional.

    Sardar Satwant Singh replied, “Vakeel Sahib, you should be making me strong. We will meet again. Promise me you will fight my case next time aswell!”

    Bhupinder Singh Sodhi replied, “Pyare Satwant, I do not understand what you are saying? All your appeals have failed. Tomorrow morning, 6th January, at 6am, both you and Kehar Singh will be hanged.”

    Satwant Singh replied, “Vakeel sahib, whenever Waheguru gives me a human life, I will once again destroy the enemies of the Sikh Nation like Indira Gandhi. The again you will come and fight my case. Those who believe in truth and human rights, will always have to fight these brutal regimes. I will keep taking births! I will keep killing dushts! You will keep meeting me!”

    Seeing Satwant Singh in such Chardi kala, lawyer Bhupinder Singh Sodhi says, “Pyare Satwant, Great are you, Great is your Sikhi, so blessed am I who was able to fight a case of a Lionheart, brave warrior such as you. Waheguru ji has blessed me just to have the darshan of you. Any nation that has warriors like you, Satwant Singh, brave, mard, soormais. That Nation can never be controlled, intimidated or suppressed.”

    On 6th January 1989, it was raining. Nature was giving Bhai Satwant Singh and Bhai Kehar Singh a blessing, like one gives a garland around a neck. The thoughts of the whole Sikh Nation were with Bhai Satwant Singh and Bhai Kehar Singh. They had taken this most important task, and with it all this heartache had come on them and their families. Both were in Chardi kala as they walked towards the noose. It was like the blessings of the whole Sikh Nation were with them as they walked.

    In the end, on 6th January 1989, early at 4am, and the authorities walked them towards the noose, their voices could be heard from outside the jail, shouting, “Bole So Nihal ! Sat Siri Akaal !” Then a few moments silence……………As both of them stepped forward and kissed the hangmans noose, a very heavy rainfall started……….…….

    Just as the British had done with Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru. Their bodies were taken to Ferozpur, and cremated on the banks of the Sutluj river. Similarly, the Indian Government did not hand over the bodies of Shaheed Satwant Singh and Shaheed Kehar Singh to their next of kin. Their bodies were cremated within Tihar jail. When the cruel authorities started cremating the bodies, the rain suddenly stopped. Nature was doing its bit to respect the Shaheeds. As the bodies burned, the authorities did not have the heart to hand them back to the families. The lawyer, Sardar Bhupinder Singh Sodhi said to the authorities, I can understand you have hatred for those spirits who killed Indira Gandhi, but how can you even have hatred for their corpses?

    Then to further insult the Shaheeds, the authorities dreamed up another stunt. The last wish of both Shaheed Satwant Singh and Shaheed Kehar Singh was that their ashes be taken to Siri Kartarpur Sahib. However the Police forced the families of these two Shaheeds into jeeps and vans and drove them to Hardwar. Throughout the whole journey to Hardwar, it rained heavily. Then at gunpoint giving the families no choice, the final ardas for the Shaheeds was done. Just as the ardas began, the rain stopped. It was like nature was also paying respect to the Shaheeds. Bhai Satwant Singh`s father, Bapu Tarlok Singh, and the son of Bhai Kehar Singh, Sardar Rajinder Singh, poured the ashes in to the river at Hardwar.

    The thoughts of the whole Sikh Nation are with Bhai Satwant Singh and Bhai Kehar Singh. The brutal Indian regime may have killed Bhai Satwant Singh and Bhai Kehar Singh, but in the hearts of all Sikhs, they will forever live. They are immortalised in paintings on the walls of Sikh Gurdwaras, and they have recorded their names in the Volumes of Sikh History. They were the modern day Bhai Sukha Singh and Bhai Mehtab Singh.

    Bibi Surinder kaur passed away a few years ago from cancer. She was widely respected in the Panth for the dedication with which she stayed with Bhai Satwant Singh.

  9. waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

    Pyare jio, I had same problem at my uni, but the Dean gave me no problems. I had many pages of information for him. I used the British Sikh Federation, who are lawyers paid for by all UK sikh Jathebandies, like AKJ, Federations , etc.

    They have cases letters and MPs letters, etc. I think most of it is on their websites now. Just do a search.

    When speaking to the Dean, do not get emotional, speak cleary and calmly. Plus be clear with what you say, and back it up with letters. So read up on the BSF website first.

    If you have any problems just get back in touch with us.

    waheguru ji kekhalsa waheguru ji ke fateh

  10. waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

    Pyare jio, I look at it differently. If you look at the effect of the Polish on the ecomonic prosperity of the Sikh community in some places like Slough has been dramatic. There are now officially 20,000 Polish in Slough as per Police satistics.

    So with the next influx of muslims from Turkey also competing for jobs, homes, school places. One has to think, the South east is already over severly populated and its infrastructure is on the point of collapse.

    These 70 million are not going to stay in Turkey, they will in significant numbers move to Germany and UK due to the better standard of living. Just like the Polish, and others, even us Punjabis/Sikhs did. At what point is too much?

    Further I do think long term it will only cause more Sikh muslim problems, just like the last influx of Somlians to Southall/Hounslow did.

    So I am a bit bias, but I am not in favour. All I see in Uk now is all well-qualified and well-off people are emigrating to Canada and Austrailia.

    waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

  11. waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

    Pyare jio, in rehras sahib,

    Sagal Dwaar Ko Shaad ke, kai dwaaro dwaar

    Bahagean ke laaj us Gobind dass tuaar.

    I have left all other doors, and only Your door is for me.


    Ram, Raheem, Puran, Koran, Anek kahe Mat ek Na mano

    Many scriptures, do not accept them.

    waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

  12. waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji kefateh

    Pyare jio, there are books in Amritsar, probably by SGPC, which are about Bhai Ram Singh jis jeevan. In the last pages it has his letters from exile, stating to the Namdharis not to call him a Guru and it is blasphemous.

    I had a copy of this, and someone borrowed it, and I never saw it again.

    waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji kefateh

  13. waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji kefateh

    Pyare jio, it does not matter what martial art you do, it only matters that you train hard and practice. All martial arts are beneficial.

    I personally did tae kwon do, and then later Gatkha. Both are good. Gathka is effective with all weapans, but not enough well trained unarmed teachers of gathka yet.

    However for first timers who just want to learn street fighting or self-defence, I recommend Krav maga. I have done it recently. It is excellent to learn good moves in minimum amount of time. I especially recommend it to towns where sikh youth are having problems with pakistani gangs.

    waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji kefateh

  14. waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

    Pyare jio, I do not think Gursikhs are depressed, but often when they are expressionless it is because they may be immersed in other thoughts which you may not see.

    However this is not an excuse, it is true alot of Gursikhs are not as approachable as they could be.

    Something different - I once read a book on the Dalia lama. He is a very interesting individual. He has alot of virtues and charisma, even though buddhism is sometimes dogmatic. He once said, the greatest gift a spiritualist has is a smile. When anyone sees someone spiritual, they should see their smile. Only then will you know they are content inside.

    This is so true. When you are content inside, your outlook on life is very positive and you are generally cheerful. Often people have issues in themselves, such as their actions do not match their own ideals, so they are depressed, or have a expressionless nature.

    We should avoid generalisms though, because not everyone is the same.

    Anyone who has done sangat of Gursikhs like Bhai Rama Singh and Bhai Jeevan singh will know both had a very enigmatic smile.

    waheguru ji kekhalsa waheguru ji ke fateh

  15. waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

    Pyare jio, may be the question worth asking is why when India in its roots was a secular nation, then why in India is it more commonly referred to as Hindustan?

    Then why are distinct ethnic minorities such as Sikhs recognised by its constitution?

    Then why Sikhs, the group that gave the most sacrifices in its creation, and also the wars that protected it from its neighbours, were themselves victims of genocidal programmes initiated by the Brahmin dominated Government.

    waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

  16. waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

    Pyare jio, this may be old news, and HUT will soon be on the list of banned organisations, but they will just spring under a new name.

    The problem is still current, with tension still in towns like Derby, SLough, and bradford.

    We should not be niave to think this has just disappeared. Far from it.

    With each generation, the younger muslims have just become more confident when targeting sikhs. It is still a real problem affecting this community.

    I know Slough workshops came about because of this problem. Last week I did a workshop in derby, and the biggest issue in the mone youth is still this one. In colleges, there are still fights, and girls pushed into conversions, or pakistani gangs pushing drugs into young girls, then using them as an income stream through prostitution.

    waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

  17. waheguru ji ke khalsa waheguru ji ke fateh

    Pyare jio, may I ask exactly which 150 jathebandies have actually supported this step? Please list them? Are they jathedars or sants, with actually no jathebandies?

    For example, jathedar or Sant Balwinder singh from this pind, who only has one other Amritdhari in his pind, who porbably does not like him anyway, but he calls this his jathebandie...

    The truth is only sant samaj and Damdami taksal support this, no one else. The list of 150 is just there sants and their deras, who are all part of sant smamj in the first place, or Gurdwaras looked after by the taksal, who are part of taksal.

    It is a huff and puff about nothing. Look at today hukamnama by Bhagat kabeer Ji, about attaining peace and sehaj. Why lose sehaj because a bibi may do keertan, or wash the floor of darbaar sahib. Are our minds so prejudiced that we lose our sehaj because a bibi wants to do seva?

    If this is what you honestly believe then will you also now stop bibian in UK youth keertan darbaars and camps? Otherwise you are hypocritical, why can bibian do seva in Uk, but cannot do seva in Amritsar?

    waheguru ji ke khalsa waheguru ji ke fateh

  18. waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

    Pyare jio, firstly there is no evidence to suggest Taksal was started by Sahib Guru Gobind Singh ji. This has been discussed and proved many times. Secondly I feel saddened that youth are beginning to accept Harnaam Singh. I personally have alot of time for the Singhs of Taksal during the 70`s, 80`s, especially the likes of Sant Jarnail SIngh Bhindranwale, Jathedar Gurdev Singh, and many others. It is a sad state of affairs this same taksal is now run by a person who grassed his own youth, saying they are linked with BKI Jagtar Singh hawara. Whether they were or not, why is he telling the Police to arrest them? Has he forgotten any history of Sant jarnail SIngh ji?

    How can anyone hold this person up as a Sikh or role model is absurd?

    Lastly I would ask veer Taksali Singh not trash the Akal thakht rehit maryada. It passed almost forty years ago, that bibian can do seva, I think it was in 1956. Yes, it is not perfect when it comes to bania, I too, think some chapters need reforming. However it is far beyond most maryadas, and has been the result of 30 years of Panthik dialogue. I personally believe it is 90% there, and just needs finishing toches, such as the 5 banias, meat, keski, etc. You accept raagmala, I oppose it, lets just leave that at that. But veer ji, I believe you are wrong to trash it.

    waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh


    Author: Zorawar Singh

    Date: 09-23-05 02:02

    continued from part 1....

    As a result of this, in January 1986, Bhai sahib was chosen to the highest Seva in the Khalsa Panth, the Seva of Jathedar of Siri Akal Thakht Sahib ji.

    The times were difficult, but Bhai sahib did this Seva as a fearless General. It was only the first two days of Operation Black Thunder. Jathedar ji`s first action was to remove all the Government agents dressed as Sikh youth jujarhoos from Siri darbar sahib. Next he ensured that the corrupt karkoos who were having langars in their rooms in the Darbar Sahib complex were stopped, and everyone was made to have langar only in the Guru Ram Dass langar hall. Throughout his period as Jathedar, Bhai Sahib ensured he had only from Guru Ram Dass langar hall to ensure the Maryada of Sangat and Pangat remained.

    At this time, the Kar Seva (building) of Siri Akal Thakht Sahib was happening. Jathedar ji took control of the Golak to ensure it was not being siphoned off by unscrupulous characters. Bhai sahib was completely sympathetic to the Khalistan cause, and felt that the Khalsa needed to fight for its independence. In his lectures, Jathedar ji would say, those who have internal differences, kill innocent hindus, give threats like gangsters, they are traitors to the Sikh struggle and cause. He would often speak about the need to Sikhs to develop a revolutionary Spirit.

    In his Katha, Jathedar ji would often speak against the ills of Punjabi society, and encouraged social change. In his period, he helped thousands of poor girls who were abandoned by their husbands because of the greed of dowry. Bhai sahib would himself become involved in individual cases and ensure the girls were accepted back into the homes. As a result of this Parchaar, in the Jagroun area, social ills such as dowry, alcoholism, domestic violence were greatly reduced.

    Such was the impact of Jathedar ji sincere nature, that the population stopped taking their disputes to courts and police stations. Instead they would come to the Koanke village, to Jathedar ji, where the felt they would get justice. In disputes, the sweet words of Cathedra ji would leave both parties walking away happy.

    As a result of this social change, the Police and other Sarkari (government) agents saw their incomes significantly decrease, as they were unable to get money as bribes or extortion from the disputes. They became dangerous enemies of Jathedar ji, and started to plot against him.

    In 1989, some karkoo Singhs fired on the Ludhiana headquarters of the RSS ( a right-wing Hindu fascist group). Jathedar ji`s enemies saw their opportunity. At that time, Ludhiana was under the control of an extremely vicious and brutal SSP called Sumedh Saini. To get Bhai Sahib to admit responsibility for the attack, he was hung upside down, and tortured for many hours.

    Then later on, Jathedar ji was one again arrested and was falsely implicated in the Bidar attack. But after one year, Jathedar ji was again released. Then on 19th May 1991, Bhai sahib was again arrested and tortured. He was imprisoned for another 18 months.

    Jathedar ji would never allow the sangat to bail him out, and always fought his cases with truth and full faith in Guru Maharaj, which always resulted in his release. In fact, the Government were often forced to admit in court that the charges against him were false. This led to great embarrassment for them. For the mud they slung at Jathedar ji, he always came out whiter than white. The population witnessed the difference between the character of the Khalsa Singh, and the devious nature of the Brahmin authorities. As a result, the aura of Jathedar Ji`s revolutionary Khalsa character was a huge thorn for the Brahmin agencies.

    On 20th December 1992, the cowardly Police forces at 4am came to arrest the Lionheart Jathedar Gurdev Singh. However due to body of Bhai Sahib young nephew being at his house for cremation, they had to release Bhai Sahib after a few hours.

    Five days later, under the command of Inspector Gurdeep Singh, the Police arrested Jathedar ji when he finished Katha at Gurdwara Sahib in the early hours. Bhai Sahib asked them if he could go home first, then he would accompany them. Bhai Sahib walked home, followed by the Police party, and many local villagers. Once he arrived home, Bhai Sahib did ishnaan and changed his clothes, and then went and sat in the Jeep. The whole road was filled with villagers. Jathedar ji rose to address them. In his sincere nature, he asked the sangat to accept his final “Waheguru ji ke Khalsa, Waheguru ji ke Fateh!!”. Jathedar ji was aware his time had come, and sweetly accepted the will of Akaal. Fearing the wrath of the sangat, the police quickly sped off.

    Jathedar ji was tortured by the infamous and brutal Head of Jagroun Police Swaran Gotna. Thus named for his use of the “Gotna” in interrogation. This is a large log placed on the legs and rolled up and down them while two policemen stand on each side. He was assisted by Harbhagwan Sodhi and Inspector Gurdeep Singh, who today is a DSP in the Punjab Police.

    Then Jathedar ji was further interrogated by CIA staff of Jagroun.

    In them days, a rumour spread through the villages of Jagroun. When Swaran Gotna swore at Jathedar ji and told him to remove his Kirpan and gatra. Jathedar ji in a state of Bir-Rass replied, “Stop, who are you threatening……….this is worn because of the many Great Sacrifices…….. A dog of the Brahmin like you will never understand its value..”. A scuffle broke between the two and it took 5-7 commandos to restrain Bhai Sahib. His Kakkaars were removed and he was mercilessly beaten and tortured.

    Jathedar ji due to keeping Gurmat Bibek would never eat at the Police station. Everyday his family would bring prepared meals for him, but the brutal Police always refused to let him eat, and sent the family away. As a result, Bhai Sahib health became weak, but he never compromised of his religious principles of Gurmat Bibek.

    In a nearby village Chaharchuk, an old bibi stated she had gone to the Police Station in relation a case. She saw Bhai Sahib and he was in a very fragile state. At this point local villagers and Akali Leaders began putting pressure for Jathedar jis release. When local villagers with Akali leader Captain Harcharan Singh Rode met with Police officials, they were told that Bhai Sahib would be charged and sent to prison.

    However on 1st January 1993, Swaran Gotna got his revenge. As a result, on the 3rd January 1993, the newly appointed SSP Harinder Chahal stated to newspapers that Bhai Sahib was leading them to cache of arms used by militants, when the way they were attacked. He said Bhai Sahib had escaped. However everyone knew that these stories by Punjab Police were always made up. In reality, Bhai Sahib was Shaheed on 1st January and thrown into a river.

    Anger grew throughout Punjab as the news of Jathedar ji`s Shaheedi spread. Panthik Leaders throughout the world gathered at the bhog. However the Police and Army sealed off Koanke village. Even the photographic cameras of the press were broken and removed. Akali leaders in attendance were beaten with latthis (wooden sticks). Even the highly dubious Akali leader Parkash Badal demanded an investigation into the murder of Jathedar ji, but decades on, nothing has happened. Whenever the family raises the issue, many more innocents became victims of Police excesses. Through infiltration of dubious people, fear, threats, and bribery, the case is always held up or shelved.

    Even Jathedars ji`s young son, Hari Singh was not spared. A false case of a bomb explosion was placed on him, even though on that day he was at school, and the register confirms his attendance, which eventually led to his release. Bhai Sahib`s elder son, Bhai Ram Singh was also picked up and tortured by Police on many occasions.

    The Akali party fought the next election stating it would investigate the period of 1984 onwards and produce a white paper. It won the election by a huge landslide, but Badal soon forgot every promise and used his time to expand his own wealth.

    When Bhai Sahibs family approached the Akhali party for a full investigation, Police Officer Tiwari held an investigation. However just as happened to the report on the investigation of the murder of the 13 Singhs in 1978, the report of the murder of Bhai Sahib mysteriously disappeared somewhere in Badals administration, and was never seen again.


    Author: Zorawar Singh

    Date: 09-26-05 06:00



    Assassin of Indira Gandhi

    (Translated from Jujarhoo Yoodhea

    By Maninder Singh Baja)

    (PART 1 OF 3)

    When we grew up we have often seen pictures of Shaheed Bhai Satwant Singh Agwaan, Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh Malowan and Shaheed Bhai Kehar Singh Mustafabad. These were the Jujarhroo Babbar Sher (Freedom Fighting Mighty Lions) who kept the integrity, pride and Khalsa tradition in our History. History dictates that whoever looked at Amritsar, with an evil eye to destroy it, such as Massa Rangar, Ahmad Shah Abdali, General Dyer and Indira Gandhi, they themselves are destroyed.

    Shaheed Bhai Satwant Singh was born in 1962 in the house of Sardar Tarlok Singh and Sardarni Pyaar Kaur, in the village Agwaan Kurd, district Gurdaspur. Village Agwaan Kurd is only 3km from the India – Pakistan border. Bhai Sahib had 2 elder brothers, Gurnam Singh and Waryam Singh, and a younger brother and sister, Swaran Singh and Ranjit Kaur. Bhai Sahib was educated to a higher secondary level at Dera Baba Nanak School.

    In 1981, Bhai Satwant Singh moved from Burail jail in Uttar Pradesh to a new posting with the Delhi Armed Police. He was a very handsome young man, and an excellent sharp shooter. As a result he was later posted to the personal protection force of the Prime Minister. From the period of 1981 to 1984, he was the personal bodyguard of Indira Gandhi.

    In 1983, Sarabjit Kaur, the wife of his elder brother Waryam Singh, asked her Massi (maternal aunt) for the hand in marriage of her daughter, Surinder kaur, for Satwant Singh. Soon both of them were engaged. Both families had scheduled the wedding in 1984, but due to the fact that Satwant Singh could not get holidays, it was delayed.

    JUNE 1984

    In June 1984, the Sikh Nation witnessed the power-drunk Brahmin Indira Gandhi send the Indian Army, on the sacred day of the Shaheedi-purb of Sahib Siri Guru Arjan Dev ji, to attack Siri Darbar Sahib, Siri Akal Takht Sahib, and 40 more historical Gurdwaras. They used many battalions of Army and tanks, and attacked the thousands of innocent pilgrims who came to pay respects of the Shaheedi of Guru ji, and many, many Sikh Sangat, Singhs, Singhnian, children and elders became Shaheed. Siri Akal Thakht Sahib was desecrated by tanks. This army action by Indira Gandhi burned in the heart of every Sikh. It was like a great challenge had been placed before the Sikh Nation.

    The Sikh Nation was extremely angry at the action. As well as the genocide, Siri Harmandar Sahib had been dishonoured, Siri Akal Thakht Sahib had been desecrated. The times of Massa Rangar had returned, and the Sikh Nation required a Bhai Sukha Singh and Bhai Mehtab Singh.

    Sikhs say Waheguru sent Sukha Singh and Mehtab Singh to take care of Massa Rangar.


    Bhai Beant Singh Malowan went to see some of his relatives. His uncle (Phuffer ji) was called Kehar Singh and was very knowledgable of Sikh philosophy. Beant Singh was in a state of shame, mixed with anger and depression. He asked, “Phuffer ji, will Waheguru send a Sukha Singh and Mehtab Singh to avenge this sin of desecration of Siri Darbar Sahib?” While handing him a book on Baba Jarnail Singh Bindranwale, his uncle replied, “do not greive, if you have love with Sikhi, then learn that giving your head, and taking a head for Sikhi are equal. After all, someone has to be the sons of Sukha Singh and Mehtab Singh. They took Khande de Pahul Amrit from Sahib Siri Guru Gobind Singh, and then went and took the head of Massa Rangar to stop the desecration of Siri Darbar Sahib and became legends in Sikh History. We need to remember them, and become like them.”

    These words from his uncle were like a spear in his heart. Now Bhai Beant Singh was looking for a companion who would sacrifice all to avenge the action on Sir Darbar Sahib. Eventually Beant Singhs eye fell on Satwant Singh, who in Indira Gandhi`s protection force with him. When he carefully approached Satwant Singh, the young Singh responded “Elder brother, for this sacred task, not only this life, but even if I have to sacrifice several lives, I would to kill a brutal murderer like Indira Gandhi!”


    First Beant Singh and Satwant Singh wanted to see with their own eyes what Indira Gandhi had done in Punjab, and at Amritsar. The three Singhs shocked at the scene at Siri Akal Thakht Sahib, made their minds up and went to Siri Darbar Sahib and did ardas, “Oh Akaal Purkh, give us strength!”

    After seeing the state of Siri Darbar Sahib, both Satwant Singh and Beant Singh returned to Delhi back to their duty. On 24th October 1984, Beant Singh and Satwant Singh took Amrit at a Gurdwara in Delhi. Neither were particularly knowledgeable on Gurbani, but Operation Blue Star and the legend of Sukha Singh and Mehtab Singh were foremost in their mind. This is what led them to take the blessing of Amrit.

    Satwant Singh always had the late shift, and Beant Singh always had the early shift. They had to work out a way to both be on duty together. On 31st October, Satwant Singh faked a stomach bug, and swapped duties with another guard. Now they had to decide how to do the task. They decided the best time was when Indira Gandhi was doing her walkabout. On the morning of 31st October 1984 at 9am as Indira Gandhi walked from her house to her office at Safardajung Road. Bhai Beant Singh shot her 5 times with his service revolver. Bhai Satwant Singh at the same time lifted his Thompson Staingun and shot 28 bullets. Seeing Indira Gandhi fall, all of her PA`s and ministers ran for their lives. The Indo-Tibetian Border Police commandos, who also guarded the grounds would not come close. Both Singhs shouted “Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akaal!!”.

    The Singhs shouted, “We have done what we needed to, now you can do what you have to.” Then both placed their weapons on the floor. Only then did the other guards come and arrest them. Both Singhs were taken to a room, while they waited for a senior officer to interrogate them. While waiting the commandos started swearing at the Singhs. Not tolerating this, Bhai Satwant Singh slapped the commando, and a struggle ensued, in which Satwant singh grabbed the commandos handgun. The other commandos started shooting at the Singhs. Bhai Beant Singh died there from gunshot wounds. Bhai Satwant Singh was seriously injured.

    On arrival of a senior officer, Bhai Satwant Singh was taken to hospital. The officers wanted to know who else was part of the conspiracy. They did not know that these Singhs were acting alone because of the attack on Siri Darbar Sahib, Siri Akal Thakht Sahib, and the 40 Gurdwaras, the Sikh genocide of Singhs, singhnians, children and elders, and the legend of 6th June 1740, when Sukha Singh and Mehtab Singh took revenge on Massa Rangar. The Government had saved Bhai Satwant Singhs life, but intentionally did not remove one bullet which was lodged near his spine continuously causing him great pain. Despite this and other interrogation torture, Satwant Singh always maintained that there was no conspiracy, and the two were acting alone. He said, “This is our Khalsa tradition to avenge those who try to desecrate our holy places. We were happy to take this task. The Sikh Nation will be proud of us.”

    The Government did not accept this, and took two innocent Sikhs, Kehar Singh and Balbir Singh and framed them with the assassination case aswell. They were jailed.

    to be continued.........


  21. waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

    Pyare jio, I have to take issue with veer jaskeerath Singh or taksali singhs post. Veer ji, you are trying to make an assumption that Taksal maryada is actually Guru jis, or a God given marydada. Clearly in this case of bibian doing seva it is not.

    The maryada of Taksal has many positive things in it, but it is wrong to stop bibian from doing seva. Gurbani is very clear on this matter. Every human has a soul and a body. The soul is important, and the body is just the vessel. The sex of the soul is just the vessel, i.e. male and female. Gurbani clearly states the soul of evry humna is female, and God is the male.

    Therefore gender discrimination has no place in sikhi. The Amrit sanchaar is by no means any re-inactment, and it is silly to say it is. Otherwise who does the seva that Mata Sahib Kaur did?

    The Amrit sanchaar is a spiritual awakening event in which the 5 most spiritual beings are choosen, whether male or female.

    Veer Naranjana is also correct in stating Gurmat does not believe in the concept of "patti Parmeshwar". This is a hindu concept, where the husband is seen as God. Gurmat believes in the shabad of lavaan which states two bodies and one soul.

    below is a article I wrote recently covering what is happening in India. However it is slightly of the subject, but is important.


    Waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

    Pyare jio, currently the Guru Khalsa Panth is entering a discussion on whether Sikh women can do Seva in many key areas of Sikhism. Personally I have always been of the opinion that Sikhism has nothing against Sikh Amritdhari bibian doing Seva in Panj Pyares, keertan in Darbar Sahib, or any other seva in Sikhism. Many times in debates, I have argued against those who wish to suppress the talent of Sikh bibian, and just see them as mothers, cooks, and people who should be seen and not heard. We have so many Great examples of Gurmat in the form of Sikh bibian in our history, from Bebe Nanaki ji, Mata Khivi ji, Bibi Bhani ji, Mata Bhag Kaur ji to Mata Sahib Kaur ji. In fact, the first ever Amritdhari Sikh, who took Amrit via Charan Pahul was Bebe Nanaki ji, and the first leader of the Sikh Nation after our beloved Guru Sahibaan was also a bibi in the form of Mata Sahib Kaur ji.

    Gurmat philosophy is very clear that we are all females. Gurbani talks to our souls, not the vessels that are our bodies. Gurbani calls us females and Akaal Purkh is the soul bride (or male). So if Gurbani is so clear on this, why so many Sikhs are so confused about it, is really quite confusing!! I personally never knew why people were so adamant about holding back the potential of 50% of the Sikh Nation.

    When Bibi Mejinderpal Kaur launched the campaign which brought to notice the discrimination against Sikh women doing seva in Darbar Sahib, even I was a bit shocked how vehemently some sections of the Panth appose women. I believe the SGPC passed a resolution decades ago, allowing bibian to do Seva in every aspect of Sikhism. When I first met Bibi Amarjit Kaur (wife of Bhai Fauja Singh ji), she mentioned an incident to me. During the early nineties I believe, when Proffesor Manjit Singh was Jathedar of the Akal Thakht Sahib. He allowed Sikh bibian to do sewa of washing Siri Darbar Sahib, which is done every night with milk. It caused an uproar among some sections. Such was the uproar that no bibian would come forward and do seva. So Bibi Amarjit Kaur and Bibi Shanti Kaur from 3HO did the Seva. Bibi ji told me in the following days, it was other Sikh women who were protesting against her doing that Seva, even more vehemently than males were.

    I have never been much of a Bibi Jagir Kaur fan, mainly for her close association with Badal, who`s personal ambitions have damaged generations of Sikhs and their standing. However Bibi Jagir Kaur has taken a bold step to introduce Sikh bibian to do keertan at Siri Darbar Sahib. Further we also hear, she has stated that bibian should be actively doing Seva in the Panj Pyares. Whether this is true or not only time will tell, I have realised Punjabi Press are more rumour driven than fact driven.

    Naturally there is opposition, and most positive steps in Sikhi have always had. But now is also a time for reflection, because without it more problems can be created than are solved. Reflection needs to be on two matters and I will discuss both in detail. Firstly, what level of Rehit should bibian doing seva have? Secondly is positive discrimination valid in Sikhi?

    Bibian doing keertan in Siri Darbaar Sahib is a most welcome move. However the level of knowledge to do keertan in Darbaar Sahib needs to be increased. It has been announced that these Bibian would be trained. But those who already do keertan may also need to look at more training. More knowledge of Raags, less mistakes in Shabads, plus more regular use of string instruments make be the direction we should pursue. Most Sikhs would agree that we all should always strive to be better at any Seva we do, so a realisation that the male sevadaars are not perfect may be important, when they start judging and criticising women sevadaars.

    I personally think before bibian keertanis start doing Seva, the Panth needs to have an honest debate on Keski. Some accept Keski as a kakkaar. Others accept Kesh. This is a ongoing discussion on many discussion boards. However I have personally found that those who are adamant with Kesh, still wish young bibian to wear Dastaars, and do wish to promote Dastaars for bibian. All main jathebandies, such as AKJ, Taksal, Nihangs, are now in their youth actively promoting dastaars for bibian. In fact, nowadays, it is even rare for the need to promote it as most young Sikh women are proud to be Sikhs, and wish to make a statement with a Dastaar.

    According to the Sikh Rehit Maryada, a bibi is Amritdhari whether she wears a Dastaar or not. When we look in practice many elderly sikh bibian wear earrings, necklaces, make up, some even die hair, and are still considered Amritdhari as long as they have a chunni and a kirpan. What is level of Rehit required for bibian to do seva of Keertan in Siri Darbaar sahib? We have not been informed. I believe that all groups that wish to see all Gursikhs promoting the Roop of our Guru Sahibaan, as they wished when Sahib Siri Guru Gobind Singh ji stated ”Khalsa Mera Roop Hai Khass”. They now need to start lobbying the SGPC and the Thakhts to state wearing a Dastaar should a minimum level of Rehit to do keertan Seva in Siri Darbaar Sahib.

    The second issue is based around bibian doing seva in the Panj Pyares. The process of choosing the Panj Pyares is based on selection based on Jeevan and Rehit. It is a process called “Shood Shudaaie” and is very misunderstood, even by mainstream jathebandies, who sometimes pick Singhs because of their build or prominence rather than Jeevan and Rehit. The Panj Payes should always been the five most Jeevan wale Gursikhs in that sangat, regardless of any discrimination such as gender discrimination. I was quite shocked to hear the call in Punjab to have Amrit sanchaars in villages and have two of the Panj Pyares as women. This is completely absurd, and a form of positive discrimination. The selection of the Panj Payes should never be made on basis of making point on any issue. The Panj Pyares have a very Scared and important seva, and should always only be blessed to the most Jeevan wale Gursikhs, whether they are all males, some female, or even all female. It should never be categorised like some ritual which needs to be enacted. They have a huge Spiritual role in creating the next generation of Gursikhs, and their spirituality should never be compromised by politics. The Seva should always be given only to the five most worthy Souls in terms of their Jeevan and devotion to Guru.

    Positive discrimination policies often do more damage than good, as they often lead to more resentment. Nobody needs to prove a point, what we need is Sikhi to be followed in a logical manner, free from discrimination, whether positive or negative. As Gurmat philosophy perfects speaks to our Souls calling us all female, and calling Akaal Purkh the Soul bride or male. Similarly we should only recognise the Soul or Jeevan, and Seva should only be blessed to the most worthy Souls.

    Waheguru ji kekhalsa,waheguru ji ke fateh

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