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Pamma Khalsa

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Posts posted by Pamma Khalsa

  1. very nicely said :TH:

    At the end of day, core problem(this applies to me as well) is lack of seva, lack of dedication towards sadhu sants/sadh sangat, if one is not pakka in these things, regardless if you are amritdhari or not , hormones exist in y(female) will attract hormones exist in x(male), every man has this natural animal instinct, lets not deny it, whether you doing the act in real life or doing act in the dreams or in mind, its same, you still doing bhog with opposite sex whether its in real life or in mind. so don't think just because you are not talking to opposite sex restrict yourself that you are chardi-kalah, once &^^$ hits the fan( thoughts in subconsicouness mind(antish karan) comes out then only one can see the reality. so problem lies much deeper than what bhaaji/penji club made out to be. Like it or not, forcing yourself to restrict talking is more dangerous than just naturally observing your thoughts and doing vichar on thoughts. If you force your mind to restrict you will end up like sexual repressed monger who want <admin-profanity filter activated> everything and anything. Thats more sickening and fully perversed in nature, from sexual repression - pervert gyanis, baba's and child molestors are born just be aware. Dont force yourself, just let the thoughts flow, ignore them, dont regret or feel guilt, just think of your mind as an ocean, once and while there is ripple effect in ocean, but eventually that ripple effect disappears. just ignore it keep doing seva, attending sangat of tat vedaie bhramgyani atamgyani mahapursh, chardi-kalah gursikhs, keep listening to katha of mahapursh, don't have your mind idle. idle mind is like a demon. Thats when thoughts from sub consciouness mind comes out (real animal instinct comes out), it boggles everyone thats why guru's talked about ajapa jaap na visraie in dasam granth and ) and mahapursh followed guru maharaj updesh and fully beleived in constant meditation and killed their subconsciouness mind (antish karan- man, chit, buddh, ahankar).

    Also core of the problem is that this attitude that lies within youths that once you take amrit, no efforts are needed, like as if salvation is gaurantee to them. They dont know taking amrit only means to admission to high school, getting phd( bhramgyan) takes ages.

  2. Does anyone know where i can get or watch the dastar bandhi of Baba Ram Singh Damdami Taksal ???

    There was a movie made by a singh from England........Karndeep singh....he came for sunthiaa

    .........it was at Tracy, California...I was like right there on the side when Sant Baba Thakur Siingh ji Khalsa gave dastar badhi to Bhai Raam Singh Ji.....

    but then the day latter.. a singh from Manteca side....got the tape...like literally took it out of the camera and never gave it back...

    I don't know where you can find the movie now..

    Vahiguru Ji ka Khalsa, Vahiguru Ji Ki Fateeh

  3. Violence, attachment, covetousness and wrath," says Guru Nanak "are like four rivers of fire; those who fall in them burn, and can swim across, O Nanak, only through God's grace" (GG, 147).

    Elsewhere He says, "Kam and krodh dissolve the body as borax melts gold" (GG, 932).

    Guru Arjan, Nanak V, censures krodh in these words: "O krodh, thou enslavest sinful men and then caperest around them like an ape."

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